Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1137

This is absolutely blatant deviation and platform. But in the face of the huge light column of dragon power, although some of the dragon's God level strong people's expression is somewhat unnatural, but no one doubts.

Also sitting on the light column, Huang Daoqi outlined a smile at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the surprise on LAN Xuanyu's face, he was more happy.

The title of "Golden Dragon Princess" has a great influence among the younger generation of dragon people. But it's nothing for the strong dragon people at the God level. At best, it's just a matter of concern.

However, a dragon knight came out to "her" platform, which is totally different!

Lola is the Seventh Dragon Knight. Among all the Dragon Knights, it is also among the best. Extremely powerful super God level strong person. Although he was worshipped by the royal family, he was not a dragon knight belonging to the royal family. Fenglongcheng Royal is more unlikely to ask this to move a younger generation platform. If he is willing to do so, there is only one answer. That is, he himself attaches great importance to this younger generation. This can't help but let these Dragon Star City Lord and each big family high-level attention.

LAN Xuanyu bowed deeply in the direction of Luo La's Dragon light column.

"Lola, I didn't expect you to come." At this time, a little hoarse voice sounded, the next moment, silver light door, a figure came out.

He was wearing a cream white Dragon Armor. When he appeared, the whole dragon climbing platform seemed to become bright. In an instant, there were thousands of auspicious Qi and bright lights.

In addition to Luo La, many strong dragon people stood up and saluted him respectfully.

This one just waved his hand, and he was already near the pillar of Lola. A milky light column bloomed, pushing his body upward. Because of the ever-increasing size of the light column, it actually touched the green light column of lanthanum. The two beams of light suddenly appeared the light flow, the situation of each other.

But strangely, no dragon power burst out of it. Luo La is still sitting on the top of his own light column, seems to have seen this strange, even ignore the one who just came out.

Soon, the milky white light column has climbed to the same height as the lanthanum, but it has not been able to squeeze the lanthanum light column. Instead, it has shifted its own light column to the side, standing side by side with the green light column of lanthanum.

This later one, looking in his thirties, has slender eyes, a big nose and a little Eagle hook. A long pale gold hair fluttered in the back of his head. He did not squeeze the light column of lanthanum, and his face changed slightly. He sat down at the top of his own beam.

With his arrival, the Dragon Spirit on the whole ascending dragon stage became turbulent again, but this time Luo La did not guide LAN Xuanyu any more.

Many young talents of the Dragon nationality are not idle, they are trying to absorb the dragon spirit, which is good for their future cultivation. It is also an effective supplement to itself. It will also help a lot in the next battle.

Bai XiuXiu had already closed her eyes and tried to absorb the dragon spirit. Dark blue scales appeared on the surface of her body, emitting a faint ice mist.

LAN Xuanyu touches Huang Yuanlong around him and wakes him up from the same process of absorbing dragon Qi.

Huang Yuanlong opened his eyes and found that he was touched by LAN Xuanyu. He was stunned and looked at "her" in doubt.

Blue Xuanyu nuogued toward the direction of the huge light column and asked in a low voice, "who is that?"

Huang Yuanlong said, "that's Huang Liangwei, the knight of the Holy Light dragon. Ranked 11th. It's from Ruilong. "

Blue Xuan Yu way: "Zhang Liang ruixiao family?"

Huang Yuan Long nodded and said, "yes, the guardian dragon knight of Zhang Liang ruixiao's family. It was originally a side branch of their family. It wasn't that good. But I don't know why. I was taken in by a superior dragon clan. Selected as the successor. Later, he inherited the knighthood. After that fall, he became the knight of the light dragon. Very severe. I don't have a good relationship with our Lord Lola. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded slightly, "Ruilong city is more than this dragon knight?" He asked, but his heart is already set off the waves.

From the light pillar under the light Dragon Knight, we can see that this is also a super God level strong man! This means that at least the top 11 Dragon Knights are all super gods. That's a terrible number. You know, the whole Douro Federation, at present, must be supernatural. Uncle Le is the only one.

Moreover, these Dragon Knights are not only powerful themselves, they also have dragons. What a terrible power.

At this moment, the silver light door finally slowly closed. There is no more powerful God level dragon. Those who come to watch the ceremony today are those in front of us. Luo La, the black dinosaur knight, and Huang Liangwei, the Holy Light Dragon Knight, were the leaders.

"Yes, there is another one, and the ranking is still a little lower. Ruilong city is probably the fourth largest city on the whole. " Huang Yuanlong said helplessly.

Although Rola ranks high among the Dragon Knights, he is only supported. He does not belong to the royal family, and his support for the royal family is limited. Otherwise, Fenglong city will not be at the bottom.This is why the royal family did not hesitate to pay such a high price to give Longjing and Longsui, but also asked LAN Xuanyu to sign the Millennium contract. They wish they could have a dragon knight of their own family.

Luo La light way: "begin."

All the dragon people present are respected by his status. Even the Holy Light dragon knight who doesn't fight with him will not fight for anything in this respect. The ranking order of Dragon Knights is the embodiment of strength and status. Unless he can beat Rola and rank in front of him, otherwise, in such a situation, we have to listen to Rola's leadership.

"Yes. Lord Roland. " On a three meter high light column, a god level dragon clan stood up, his light column dissipated, and he slowly moved forward.

With both hands stretched out horizontally and upward, a virtual leading action was made. All of a sudden, huge light curtains rose up to isolate the battlefield.

Compared with the previous knockout stage, the venue is much larger this time. In addition to the areas where the God level dragon clan strongmen are located, other areas are isolated into ten. It can only hold ten battles at a time. Each combat area belongs to a team. Each group plays five games a day. It lasted for nine days. Make sure everyone has played with nine other people in the same group.

LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu are in the third group.

"All participants, gather in front of the light curtain in their own theater. If you call your name, enter. " The strong dragon said in a deep voice.

LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu went hand in hand and came to No. 3 theater. Some people came from around and walked this way. No doubt that's what they'll face in the next few days.

"No. 1 theater, the first scene, Tong Yuefeng and AO Hao. War zone 2, Scene 1, Xue Han and Jiang Chen, battle zone 3, Scene 1, LAN Xuanyu and Lin Zexuan. The first scene of exhibition area 4... "

LAN Xuanyu's eyes moved. He was the first to fight in No. 3 theater. At this time, he felt that there was a look not far away from the high place to himself.

Looking around, it was a giant dragon, about 20 meters long. Among the Dragon players participating in the round robin, this figure is probably the smallest. The whole body is covered with green gray scales. It looks very thin and small compared with the other dragons around him, and there is nothing strange about it.

Lin Zexuan, the middle dragon nationality.

This information instantly appears in LAN Xuanyu's mind.

Shadow dragon! It is a rare type among the Dragon tribe. The best is speed and flying. It has wind property and a kind of space attribute.