Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1123

Huang Yuen Long opened the sound barrier inside the dragon car to isolate the cheers outside. He looked at LAN Xuanyu strangely and said, "LAN, you are so famous now. It's the idol of the younger generation. "

"Because of yesterday?" Asked LAN Xuanyu.

"All kinds of reasons," said Huang Yuan. One is your appearance, as well as the head of ascending dragon, which helped your servant succeed in ascending dragon yesterday. It's all a factor. "

Today, Yan Cheng didn't follow. LAN Xuanyu asked him to stay in his residence to consolidate his accomplishments. To ascend to the middle level of the Dragon nationality, it also requires jokes and strength to stabilize blood. Because there is a trace of blue Xuanyu's Golden Dragon blood in his body. The breath of blue Xuanyu can affect him all the time, and the benefits to him are just beginning.

LAN Xuanyu also needs to observe Yan Cheng to determine how much influence he can have on the dragon people in the world.

LAN Xuanyu has some helplessness, but there is no way. He didn't expect that he would become famous in such a short time on Tianlong star. Even more than he's known in the union of Douro.

In the union of Douro, he only knows between the military and some senior officials. But here, through this dragon raising competition, it is already known by the whole people. Maybe if I have a good performance in the Dragon lift competition, soon even the Longma galaxy will have its own influence.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is not easy to judge. It can only be said that there are good things and bad things.

"I didn't expect that either." LAN Xuanyu gave a wry smile.

Bai XiuXiu chuckled, "gold always shines. Elder sister, your Golden Dragon Princess's name is very pleasant. "

LAN Xuanyu glanced at her. He still remembers that last night, Bai XiuXiu said that teacher Nana used to be known as the Silver Dragon Princess. As her son, your name is Princess Jinlong. Golden Dragon moon language and the son of the Silver Dragon Princess, just the name is also combined.

This is really

When they came to the Dragon platform, they spread their wings and soared again. The dragon people who were flying in the air also saw lanxuanyu, and they all unconsciously gave up a little bit to let the overlord, cold, but powerful, pure blood dragon people go first.

When LAN Xuanyu came to the Dragon platform again, he found that all the upper dragon families came very early today. It's quite different from yesterday. Many upper dragon families, including Zhang liangruixiao and Qi Tianlong. When LAN Xuanyu arrived at the top of Shenglong platform, they immediately all cast their attention. LAN Xuanyu became the focus of attention in an instant.

What can LAN Xuanyu do? He could only walk to the entrance of the game and line up without expression. But to his surprise, those upper dragon families also dodged a path and made a gesture of "please" to him.

What's the situation? Is fame so easy to use?

LAN Xuanyu's eyes swept to them, showing the color of doubt.

"Please first." Zhang Liangrui Xiao said with a smile, as if he had forgotten that LAN Xuanyu had suppressed him when he was promoted to the dragon.

LAN Xuanyu is not polite either. Stride forward to the entrance.

Although he didn't fight yesterday, he got feedback from Shenglong platform, which made him vaguely connected with Shenglong platform. Today, when he stepped into the Dragon platform again, he found that there seemed to be a little dragon gas coming from his feet and drilling into his own body. It is quickly absorbed and stored by its own dragon core. Undoubtedly, this is the feedback to him. If this supernatural weapon has some instinctive consciousness, it may be described as temptation. Are you a real dragon god?

There is no doubt about the benefits of this dragon Qi to LAN Xuanyu. The biggest problem of his body quenching with dragon power is that he doesn't have enough dragon power. And the Dragon Power uploaded from Shenglong platform can't be more pure. If the energy intensity is enough, it will be enough for him to use for quenching.

First, first. It's also good to absorb dragon Qi.

The person in charge of supervising the competition has changed today. He is a middle-aged man. Naturally, he saw LAN Xuanyu for a long time and made a gesture to him. It's still the most central venue. The rest of the field naturally stops.

It seems that the first scene today is specially left for LAN Xuanyu.

Huang Yuen Long stopped and asked Zhang Liang ruixiao, "what's the situation? Everyone's waiting for blue? "

Zhang Liangrui Xiao nodded and said, "isn't it? We saw yesterday's situation on the air. It's amazing! Help the next dragon minion to evolve. This blood must be very different. Everyone should have received the family's notice. Let's feel for ourselves what kind of blood and breath she has in the process of fighting. "

"What do you want?" Huang Yuen Long said

Zhang Liangrui Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "what do you think about this? She's the target of the Dragon Knights. What can we do? It has to be said that your royal family is lucky enough to find such a wild dragon. It depends on her performance at the back of the Dragon lift competition. Maybe, there's a real possibility of getting to the top of the world. "

Wong Yuen Long sighed a little relieved and scolded himself secretly for his care. No matter how weak the royal family is, there are also dark dinosaur Knights behind it. In addition, the dark dragon knight also said that if blue can become the dragon's head, it is qualified to enter the Dragon kingdom. This is clearly the first one who has paid attention to her situation.Now even if the families have ideas, they should not dare to take the initiative.

Just when he thought of it, Zhang liangruixiao said: "but it's a pity that such a existence falls on your royal family. Phoenix can't be in the nest. If she wants to, we are absolutely welcome in rylon city. What you can't give, we can give. It depends on her own will. "

"What do you mean?" Huang Yuanlang's face changed greatly. He watched Zhang liangruixiao clench his fists.

Zhang liangruixiao snorted scornfully, "that's the literal meaning. How? Want to do it? All right! Challenge me. We'll come in the knockout. Let's get you straight back to your ragged place. "

The fierce light in Wong Yuen Long's eyes flickered, but after all, it still converged. He knows that he still has it. He knows that he is definitely not Zhang liangruixiao's opponent. And it's not the time to get angry.

Zhang liangruixiao's words are not just threats. If all the big families really have ideas about blue, they can't be tough, but they can offer various conditions to attract blue.

XiuXiu is better. After all, she has recognized her father as her father. It was branded on the Royal genealogy and was not easy to be pulled away. But blue is different. In order to covet her beauty, I asked my father not to let her enter the family lineage. If she wants to go, no one can stop her. Although the curse in the dark of Longli hall is effective. But if she is already the object of concern of the Dragon Knights, who dares to inspire the curse? It can only be released. So, the most important thing is blue's own opinion.

No, we must act. Otherwise, if blue is really pulled away, it's really the loss of his wife and the loss of his soldiers!

Huang Yuen Long thought that although he was worried, he had calmed down on the surface, "there is no need to challenge. If we can draw you in the round robin later, we can't be late. To Yu Lan, I believe her feelings for fenglongcheng. That's not something that interests can replace. "

Seeing that his mood has returned to normal, Zhang liangruixiao can't help but secretly say that he is strange. This guy is a bit of a city!

"Let's wait and see."

Just as they were talking, LAN Xuanyu's opponent in the second round had already appeared in the venue. It's a dragon nationality with a long distance of 40 meters and blue scales. It's different from yesterday's strict schedule. The dragon people in front of us have distinctive original ethnic characteristics. He was supposed to be a mammoth like being, so he was so strong that the wings behind him looked smaller and didn't coordinate with his body. Standing there is like a mountain. In front of him, LAN Xuanyu looks so small. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for his wings to spread out so that he can barely fly.

From the scales under his belly, it can be seen that this is a middle dragon. The scales on the head are the most thick, without horns, but there are six sharp teeth protruding from the lips. The whole body exudes a strong and incomparable breath, and the air around the body is slightly twisted.

I'm afraid it has the power of super Douluo level. LAN Xuanyu can judge it at a glance. Moreover, this dragon is very strong. It can be said that among the Dragon families he has seen, the one with the most terrible physical strength is the one below the upper dragon family.

blue blue scales in a low, muffled voice. "This is the dragon's voice," said the princess, "Hello, Princess Kim," I'm Yu nine. I wonder if you'd like to be my servant. I would also like to recognize you as the Lord. " As he spoke, his huge body had already crawled down.

Recognize the Lord again?