Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1121

As soon as the lizard dragon looks bad, it turns around and runs. Its best momentum is speed. If put in the human soul division, it must be the soul division of the sensitive attack department.

Open the distance and entangle the bucket. With the advantage of speed and Bai XiuXiu, he thinks he has some opportunities.

But just then, it snowed.

A dark blue snowflake fell from the sky. Even in the wind, under the snow. The dark blue is still falling.

The temperature in the central battlefield has dropped rapidly, and even more terrifying. These dark blue snowflakes devour the light. Make the surroundings bright or dark.

The wind elements are also quietly reduced in the phagocytosis. The wind attribute lizard dragon is shocked to find that its cohesive wind blade is becoming smaller and smaller. Even with the help of wind elements, their speed is constantly decreasing.

That dark blue snowflake is in such a subtle devouring everything, making its body more and more cold.

A wind blade condenses, but the next moment, it has been covered by dark blue snowflakes. The dark blue wind blade turns into an ice blade in the air. Out of the control of the wind lizards.

Bai XiuXiu's delicate body suddenly hovered in the middle of the sky, and did not go after the wind attribute lizard dragon. The next moment, she held up her spear.

"Boom -" countless wind blades turned into ice blades explode at the same time. Thousands of ice dregs splashed.

The temperature drops suddenly, the deep blue gaze reappears, the wind attribute lizard dragon can no longer get rid of the ice element's blockade this time, and instantly turns into an ice sculpture falling from the sky.

Bai XiuXiu shakes her body and reaches the top of her head. He stepped on his head with one foot and pointed down his spear.

The lizard dragon of wind property falls at full speed. I'm going to fall on the ground and turn into pieces. All the ice elements disappeared in a flash.

The wind lizard dragon regained control of its body, flapping its wings in panic to reduce its falling speed. But the falling speed is too fast, it still hit the ground severely, fell a seven meat eight vegetable. But in the end, it was not broken in the state of solid ice.

Bai XiuXiu steps in vain, step by step, and falls steadily on the ground. In fact, the spear in his hand has never really pierced. That's the end of the fight.

It's a quick fight. It's only a minute from the beginning to the end. However, Bai XiuXiu shows her own ability so dazzling and moving.

The first soul skill ice element control, the second soul skill ice tide, the third soul skill ice explosion, and the fourth soul skill deep blue gaze, the fifth soul skill death wither, the sixth soul skill ice devil snow.

With the skillful use of six soul skills, we can defeat the enemy and win. Let that good at speed of the wind attribute lizard dragon from the beginning to the end did not get any chance. The whole fighting process gives people a pleasant feeling.

This is not a crushing force on strength, but a victory in combat experience and combat skills.

"Fenglongcheng, huangxiuxiu, wins." The old man of long nationality nodded to Bai XiuXiu with great satisfaction.

Strength really determines strength. But it's equally important to be able to use power perfectly through actual combat techniques. There is no doubt that Bai XiuXiu did a very good job in this respect. This is not common among the dragon people, especially among the upper dragon people who are famous for their strength rolling.

Bai XiuXiu's breath is definitely one of the weaker ones in the upper dragon family, but her practical skills make her feel bright. He won the game by understating it.

It's like doing an ordinary thing. Bai XiuXiu walked out and stood by LAN Xuanyu, whispering, "do you think they will give me a princess or something?"

LAN Xuanyu's mouth twitched, turned to look at Huang Yuanlang beside him, and said: "brother Huang, it's your turn. Come on. "

"Good." Wong Yuen Long takes a deep breath. Stride into the field.

Bai XiuXiu's performance also made him feel amazing. The battle just now seems to be tepid, and there is no violent collision like star collision, but it is in this understatement that Bai XiuXiu wins.

Originally in Huang Yuanlang's mind, Bai XiuXiu's strength is certainly not as good as her own, but now it seems that in addition to the pure energy intensity, the actual combat skills themselves are not as good as her. Can we say that the wild dragon people are so strong?

In his mind, a thought of not giving up. Huang Yuen Long came to the center of the field to fight as the third upper dragon clan.

Just because of holding his breath, the battle of huangyuanlang was also quite brilliant, with the pure power of the upper dragon of Tianlong nationality, he crushed his opponent.

The Royal property is the soil property, and the best is gravity control. From the beginning to the end, his suppressed opponent failed to take off. However, the strength of the lower dragon that can't be transformed into human form has been reduced by more than half when it can't fly. He was completely suppressed by the emperor Yuen Long. In the end, it was just over a minute, and the battle ended. The first pass.

When Wong Yuen Long came out of the arena, he felt that he was really angry. Long breath, is preparing to greet Bai XiuXiu and LAN Xuanyu to leave together. However, she saw that the "second daughter" had already stood on Yan Cheng's back and waved to him.

Yan Cheng's wings spread out, and the scales that radiate the brown and gold light are shining, and he takes them away."Yan Cheng, what are your attributes? Good at power? " Blue Xuan Yu asked Yan Cheng at his feet.

"Yes, dragon master. Subordinates are good at defense and strength. Blood is relatively pure, but because it is only good at strength and its own blood strength is not enough, it has never been able to evolve. Thanks to the dragon master. "

"Well." LAN Xuanyu said nothing more.

Because he can communicate with Yan Cheng unilaterally, he can feel that this guy's strength is very strong, and his muscle and bone density are very large. Although the flight speed is not very fast, it is very stable. It gives a very calm feeling. Moreover, Yan Cheng's blood breath is similar to that of the Dragon armor made from the bones of the mountain Dragon King. In other words, his own blood is likely to have a similar type of mountain Dragon King. Stimulated by his own blood vessels of the Golden Dragon King, the blood vessels appeared a situation similar to the second awakening of the human soul master Wu soul, which led to the previous evolution.

With this evolution, there is room for him to continue to improve in the future. Moreover, Yan Cheng really can get a lot of benefits from himself. To a great extent, the power of one's own blood will influence it imperceptibly. The longer the time is, the higher your accomplishments are, the greater the impact on it.

As a middle dragon, Yan Cheng's dragon power is also relatively strong. However, after all, it has recognized that lanxuanyu is the main one, but lanxuanyu has no intention of killing it.

Take Yan Cheng, LAN Xuanyu has other considerations. His understanding of the Dragon nationality comes from the upper dragon nationality. The situation of the middle and lower level of the Dragon nationality is not very clear. Moreover, both the father and son of huangdaoqi and other upper dragon families will have some reservation for him. Yan Cheng is not the same. After becoming his own servant, his life is all in one thought. From him, we can know everything he knows. He must be much more familiar with the Dragon Star.

"Yan Cheng, XiuXiu and I were both wild dragon people. We just joined fenglongcheng royal family recently. Therefore, I don't know much about many things of our dragon nationality. Today, I am surprised that you think I am the Lord. Is this master servant contract common among the dragon people? Are there any other constraints? " LAN Xuanyu is going to start with the master servant contract.

Yan Cheng said: "the master servant contract is quite common among our dragon people. Generally speaking, it is the lower dragon people who recognize the upper one as the main one. After all, in a sense, the lower dragon race is the general existence of servants in our dragon race. If you can get the protection of the upper dragon, your status will naturally rise. However, the number of servants that can be collected is different according to the strength of the upper dragon. Therefore, generally speaking, there will be a quantity to control. If you accept the next dragon as a servant, you will also have strong strength and may be promoted to the middle dragon. After all, the position of the middle and lower dragon is quite different. The strength of servants is also part of the strength of masters. And the next dragon in the choice of dragon master, naturally also hope to choose the strongest

LAN Xuan Yu said, "how many servants can you have according to your strength?"

Yan Cheng said: "the upper dragon people below the level of God can have three servants. I am one of your servants. The God level dragon clan can have five servants. The real God level dragon people can have eight. At the super divine level, the first level, you can have 12 servants. This is also the largest number of servants in our dragon family. After all, the separation of mind or spirit and blood is also a drain on the dragon master himself. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded slightly, "if you become a dragon knight, do all the dragons have to be servants?"