Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1113

Just then, his eyes suddenly became unreal. The original clear sky seems to have suddenly become chaotic at this moment.

Under the gaze, the sky is foggy. There seemed to be a voice calling him in the mist.

is as like as two peas when he first went to Tianlong City, and at this moment the call became clearer.

The fog opened to both sides, and between them, a vision began to appear in his vision.

When LAN Xuanyu saw this vision, even if he knew that there was the dark dragon knight around him, he could not help but shake his whole body. Because the scene he saw was so familiar.

It was a huge Valley, in which dragons were flying. It's not a fake dragon, it's a real one. Some of them are flying and chasing, some are chanting on their backs, some are lying there lazily.

And right in the middle of the valley, crawling on his back, this terrible dragon who didn't know how huge his body was, his scales were shining in nine colors. He is back to the direction of LAN Xuanyu, but even so, LAN Xuanyu can still feel his great shore.

This giant dragon seems to be the center of the world. The most important thing is that such a scene is more than familiar to LAN Xuanyu. He has seen similar scenes in the process of his breakthrough. It's just not exactly the same.

The valley presented to him at this time is so harmonious that there is no war or destruction. The dragons are flying, a thriving scene.

At this time, the nine color dragon crawling on the ground slowly got up, and his huge faucet slowly turned back.

When LAN Xuanyu saw his huge dragon eyes for a moment, he only felt that there was a sound of "Ding" in his mind. The sharp pain seemed to explode in the sea of spirit. Countless pictures rush wildly in consciousness. For a while, LAN Xuanyu felt that his head was going to be broken. Can't help screaming, hands holding head, fell to the ground.

All the illusions disappeared in this moment, and the blood breath in LAN Xuanyu could not be suppressed any more. The blood in his body surged wildly. Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King blend with each other. And in his body, as if a more majestic injection. Under this majestic gaze, there is no collision between the golden and silver blood vessels, but the rapid integration.

A layer of colorful scales rushed out of blue Xuanyu's skin and covered the whole body at full speed. His body also completed the Dragon transformation uncontrollably. Into a long body of nearly 40 meters, the whole body exudes a colorful light of the dragon.

Seeing this scene, Bai XiuXiu in the distance was shocked. She didn't know what LAN Xuanyu had suffered, but his change of dragon spirit was stimulated. But in front of LAN Xuanyu, there is a dark dragon knight!

Almost without hesitation, Bai XiuXiu rushed to the direction of LAN Xuanyu. In this moment, there is only one of her emotions, despair!

It's over, it's all over. Exposed!

However, the dark dragon knight, who had been calm as water, was shocked at this moment. His eyes stared at LAN Xuanyu for a moment, even his mouth was slightly open, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

A layer of gray air flow blocked Bai XiuXiu's way forward, and the strong breath made her freeze in place for a moment.

At this time, the 400 meter long gray dragon has slowly stood up from the ground. The Invisible Dragon power spreads and suppresses all the people who have flown up the Dragon platform.

Wong Yuen Long had just flown to the Dragon platform. He was a little exhausted. So, he also happened to see the scene of blue Xuan Yu turning into a colorful dragon and falling to the ground. For a moment, I couldn't help but gape at what happened.

And under the great dragon power of the grey giant dragon, all the dragon people on the scene knelt down on one knee. That's the Dragon Knight's seat. It has a powerful position lower than the dragon knight.

Luo Yayuan, the dark dragon knight, stared at LAN Xuanyu, who was rolling on the ground, but he didn't give him a hand. He just looked at the colorful scales on his body. For a while, his eyes were constantly fluctuating. Fortunately, no one can see his eyes at this time. Otherwise, he will find that there is no malice in his eyes, but a kind of shock and joy.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu only felt that his brain was about to explode, and he was filled with too many and too many things. Those fragments keep flashing, like a movie with accelerated presentation, and the plot of the movie itself is fragmented. He can only see a few parts. Among them, he once saw that the dragon family finally died.

I don't know how long it took, the sharp pain gradually disappeared, and LAN Xuanyu's consciousness gradually returned. He suddenly found that the blood power of the colorful dragon god in his dragon core was almost exhausted. It's like it just burned. A sense of weakness arises.

His body also unconsciously changed back to human form. Of course, the magic of treasure hunting beast is still there, so he is still the "blue".

Crawling on the ground, gasping for breath.At this time, a strong hand in his armpit, he pulled up from the ground.

A soft voice followed, "how are you? How are you? "

LAN Xuanyu raised his head reluctantly and saw that it was Luo Yayuan, the dark dragon knight, who raised himself from the ground.

"Lord dragon, I......"

Royawon waved to him and said, "stop talking and have a rest here. You just consumed a lot. Your situation is quite special. I didn't expect that we had spent so many years in penance and waiting for so many years. Finally, there is a glimmer of hope. You're fine. You practice here, and I will report your situation to the first one. "

Although LAN Xuanyu is very weak at this time, he is also crying in his heart. First star of the dragon, but I have seen him! Can he hide from the first seat? What happened to myself before?

There is no doubt that the nine color dragon is the Dragon God. His look back makes him have such a huge reaction. Then there was a scene.

But he has no way now. Even if he wants to run, he is too weak to run! It can only be said to sit on the spot with knees crossed, absorbed the Dragon Qi around.

The dark dragon knight's eyes swept to the dragons in the distance, and his voice suddenly became cold. "Everyone listen, no one can get close to him, otherwise, kill. Whoever divulges what happened today, kill it. "

Left these two words, behind him, suddenly appeared a black light door. In the next moment, his body seemed to be swallowed up and disappeared in a flash.

Although the dark dragon knight has gone, his dragon is still there. The gray dragon, who got up, walked slowly towards the direction of blue Xuanyu, and crawled on the ground not far away from him. The huge body guards the blue Xuanyu with a semi arc posture.

Bai XiuXiu's shackles have disappeared, and she is now at a loss.

Just now she has been desperate, but in the present situation, it seems that it is a little different from what she thought!

It seems that the dark dragon knight was not angry with LAN Xuanyu, but was eager. What's going on here? If we only find out that they are spies, we will not deal with them like this. At least Xuanyu should be taken away, not let him stay here to practice and recover.

Because of the huge body of the grey dragon, she can't see the appearance of LAN Xuanyu now, and dare not contact with her mental strength. After all, the grey dragon dark devil is at least the existence of level 11.