Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1089

As he spoke, he took his companions to the living room next door, where there was a larger magical pattern.

One circle of orange halo rises from the foot of blue Xuanyu, and six circles of orange halo radiate light, which makes the whole room become dazzling. The orange halo arranged in the last place was very bright. In an instant, the silver scales on blue Xuanyu rushed out. The brilliant silver halo turned into halo, covering all six people.

Silver flash, six people disappear.

When they reappeared, it was already at the top of a hillside in the countryside. The night wind is fresh and comfortable. Rich life energy, give a feeling of whole body unobstructed.

LAN Xuanyu takes a look at the positioning system he bought on Tianlong star and gives them a thumbs up.

"The space element control of fierce beast level is really powerful!" Qian Lei said with sincere admiration.

The original en Huihui rubbed his hands. "I haven't fought for a long time. They are itchy."

LAN Xuanyu smiled. "Dragon hunting is officially on."

They are now far away from Fenglong City, but in the outskirts of Xiaoyun City, the nearest city to Fenglong city.

The so-called rabbit doesn't eat grass beside the nest. LAN Xuanyu didn't plan to fight in fenglongcheng from the beginning. After all, the Dragon nationality is the most important for tianlongxing. Every Dragon nationality is making up. Once a dragon family disappears, the location will definitely be investigated. Even if they can leave no trace, the disappearance of the dragon will still attract attention.

Therefore, Xiaoyun city is the first stop.

"You are here to prepare. I will lure the enemy." Blue Xuan Yu said to the five people that in the next moment, cuimo warship has been released by him. In a flash of blue light, blue Xuanyu has disappeared into the battle ship of cuimo.

The blue light rose from the sky, but disappeared in the process of flying. In the blink of an eye, even the breath of blue Xuanyu had disappeared.

Looking at the direction of LAN Xuanyu's disappearance, Qian Lei said: "there are cuimo warships and space elements in control. The boss is really more and more haunted now. "

"Stop talking nonsense and get ready." LAN Mengqin gave him a pat.

The flying speed of cuimo warship is extremely fast. Under the control of LAN Xuanyu, the speed can be controlled by the heart at will.

Far away, he has seen a huge city. Xiaoyun city is bigger than Fenglong city. As Huang Daoqi said, Fenglong city is indeed the weakest of the sixteen major cities.

Under the illusion of the treasure hunting beast, he was completely hidden in the air, reducing his flight speed and entering the range of the Cloud City.

At night, the cloud city is very busy. In the streets, all races of the Longma system can be seen. However, LAN Xuanyu found that since the last time the Yukong people came to make a scene, he had never seen the Yukong people in Fenglong city. On the side of Xiaoyun City, there are no Yukong people.

After a little searching, LAN Xuanyu found a suitable target.

On the road of Xiaoyun City, a fat dragon is striding. However, its body shakes a little. There is also a strange smell.

It has been a while since I came to Tianlong star. For this taste, LAN Xuanyu has known the origin. It's a psychedelic drink. The price is very expensive. After taking it, there will be an illusion, in which you will feel happy. It's a special drink of the Dragon nationality, which is used to take when relaxing. But after taking it, the senses become duller. From the official of Dragon Star, it is forbidden to drink this kind of drink. But in fact, they are on sale in every big city. After all, it's something that the dragon people can afford.

At present, the Dragon nationality is 15 meters away, but its wings are a little small. I don't know if it can fly. The whole body is covered with iron gray scales, and there are no scales in the lower abdomen. The fat belly will stick to the ground in the process of walking. The eyes are also a little lax, obviously affected by psychedelic drinks. Undoubtedly, this is a subordinate dragon.

Of course, everything is from easy to difficult. At present, the next dragon is undoubtedly suitable.

Judging from the energy breath, although the lower dragon is an adult, it is also equivalent to the energy fluctuation at the left and right levels of the eight ring soul duel. It's not clear what competence is.

LAN Xuanyu slowly flew over him, and the cuimo warship quietly folded up, and the magic ability of treasure hunting beast changed. At the next moment, he has turned into a dragon without scales on his lower abdomen. The landing point is just in front of the next dragon.

The next dragon is walking forward with great strides. The shadow in front of him flashes, and a smaller one falls. When it fell, its wings still swept over its head, and it stumbled and nearly fell to the ground.

"You don't have eyes, asshole?" The dragon people who quoted psychedelic drinks were furious. Even if the other side is the same as their own dragon.

LAN Xuanyu turned back and looked at it. His disdainful voice spat out from the dragon's mouth, "can you fly? A fool who can't fly is entitled to take the road? "

"You say who can't fly?" The next dragon suddenly became more angry, as if he had been touched, and his back wings suddenly opened. Don't say, its wings are a little folded. When they are extended, they are bigger than they originally looked."Say you! Look what you look like, fat. It's a shame to our dragon people. "

"You're looking for a punch, aren't you?" Next, the dragon family suddenly came forward, and looked down like blue Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu pretended to resist, but suddenly turned sideways, using the other side's insensitive response, and his wings fanned on his head.

All of a sudden, the next dragon family was slapped out of the side, directly fell to the ground.

"I don't care about you. If it wasn't for the fight, I'd beat you today. " Blue Xuan Yu disdained to say a sentence, flapping wings to fly again.

These pseudo Dragons of the dragon family are always rampant in the sky dragon star. They are not proud. From LAN Xuanyu's observation, it can be seen that, in fact, other races hate dragon people more than fear them.

At this time, it is so. On both sides of the road, I saw a sudden dispute between the two lower dragon families. The other races all looked very funny. No one came to fight at all.

In fact, according to the rules of tianlongxing, only the dragon can deal with the dragon's fights.

LAN Xuanyu shows his wings and flies high. The next dragon has been bombed. He also knows that he can't use force on the road. So he just wanted to fight against LAN Xuanyu, but he didn't expect that the other side would directly attack it. Pull it to the ground.

Seeing that the other side was about to run, how willing he was to do it, he clapped his wings and ran up for two steps. Then he chased LAN Xuanyu, and the angry dragon chanted in his mouth.

LAN Xuanyu found that this guy really can fly, but the speed of the flight is not flattering. It's a shame to the dragon people. It's estimated that this one is very poor among the lower dragon people. Flying up, the heavy belly continued to fall down.

LAN Xuanyu glanced back at him with disdain. "You want to catch up with me, too?" A little bit more speed and chase in the direction of coming.

No one is in charge of their dispute at all. The dragon people are warlike and the strongest race. There are too many privileges in Dragon Star. As long as it's not a fight between life and death, in general, even the dragon people themselves don't care. They just let themselves go.

Under the effect of Psychedelic drinks, the rage of the "Ang -" lower dragon has reached its peak, and a halo of iron gray is emitted. A pair of Dragon Wings actually grow huge scales. In an instant, let the Dragon Wings start to grow larger, flapping in the air and pushing the stronger air flow. Actually, the speed is also increased a lot. Go straight to LAN Xuanyu and catch up.