Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1073

Huangdao said: "our cultivation process is not complicated. First, we have power, then we master power, and finally we use power. Your promotion means that you have new power, but you need to master power further, and it's better to fully understand the use of your power. Only in this way can we have a better accumulation. It's not good for your future to upgrade your realm without a good grasp. Can you understand me? "

"Well, well, I understand. Thank you for your reminder. What should I do? " Bai XiuXiu looks at Huang Daoqi curiously.

"I have a book for you. It's about the cultivation of Dragon Knights. This is the basic method. You can try it first. It will help you master it. If you don't understand anything, you can always ask me. In our city Lord's mansion, I will also leave you a residence. "

"Thank you, father." Bai XiuXiu said excitedly.

Huang Daoqi smiled and said: "it's all a family. Don't be so polite. By the way, I have announced that you are my daughter. You are also included in our dragon family manual in Tianlong city. Of course, I think some people will still know that you are from the wild dragon, but it doesn't matter. If there is any gossip in the future, you don't need to care. As long as I recognize you, you are my own daughter. "

Hearing this, Bai XiuXiu's eyes were red and nodded hard, "father, you are so kind to me. But, but... "

At this point, she looks like she wants to talk and stops.

Huang Daoqi is slightly shocked, "what happened to XiuXiu? What can I do for you? "

Bai XiuXiu seemed to be hesitating. After a while, she still looked up and said firmly, "father, I have something to tell you. Can I tell you now? You have to forgive me. "

At this time, she was cold, but had a kind of charming feeling. The eyes of Huang Yuanlang beside her were straight. If it wasn't for Huang Daoqi's strength, he would have an impulse to promise for his father.

"What's the matter? Of course I won't blame you. " It is a good thing for Huang Daoqi to know more about Bai XiuXiu.

Bai XiuXiu said: "actually, I have a sister. She also experienced the Dragon transformation. It's just that she's been worried, so I'm the only one who accepted your solicitation. "

"Sister? Dragon change? " Huang Dodge's eyes brightened. "What kind of ability is she?"

Bai XiuXiu said: "my sister is actually stronger than me. She is better at strength. But her character is not very good, and also more self. So, it's not so easy to trust people. However, you are so kind to me. Here, I will get such a big promotion. My sister's talent is better than mine. If she is willing to come, I think you will be good to her and she will become stronger. "

Listen to her so say, Huang Daoqi father and son look at each other, all saw the shock in each other's eyes. It's a joy from the sky! A superior dragon family better than Bai XiuXiu? Is that possible?

Huang Daoqi nodded quietly and said: "of course, the gate of our royal family is open to any dragon family at any time."

For Bai XiuXiu, she said that her elder sister is better than her talent. Huang Daoqi is not convinced. After all, Bai XiuXiu has two attributes, but her elder sister seems to be only a power attribute. The pure power attribute belongs to the lower level among the dragon people. But if it is also the upper dragon, it is still rare. If you can have one more upper dragon family, it will improve the whole family. Why not?

"That's great. In fact, I can see that my sister is envious of my promotion. Shall I call her? Father, you must be nice to her. If she offends you, please forgive her. But I'm sure my sister will like it here. We grew up together, slept together and woke up together. My sister's blood is really stronger than mine. She is the body of the deep sea serpent. She is much better than me in terms of talent. "

Listening to Bai XiuXiu's repeated emphasis that her "sister" is stronger than her, Huang Daoqi and Huang Yuen Long are also more curious.

Wong Yuen Long couldn't help laughing and said, "maybe she is stronger than you, but she must not be as beautiful as you, right?"

Bai XiuXiu was shocked for a moment, shook her head, and said with some embarrassment, "that won't happen, sister, it's beautiful." At this point, she looked down, as if she was a little jealous, as if she was suppressing her emotions.

"And where is she?" Asked Huang dodge.

Bai XiuXiu raised her head again and said: "in fact, my sister has always been with me to protect my safety. She pretends to be a blue sea people. Shall I bring her here? I have already asked her, and she is a little willing to join our royal family. "

"OK, Yuen Long, you'll go with XiuXiu. Invite XiuXiu's sister to represent the sincerity of our family. " Said Wong dodge to Wong Yuen Long.

As soon as Huang Yuen Long heard that Bai XiuXiu said that her sister was more beautiful than her, he was eager to do so and urged: "XiuXiu sister, let's go now."

In addition to the city Lord's residence, the two men turned into golden dragon and abyss ice demon dragon again, spread out their bodies and went to Bai XiuXiu's residence.Huang Daoqi is in a good mood at this time. He didn't expect to have such a surprise for himself. XiuXiu even has a sister, a powerful upper dragon? If it can also incarnate into the existence of human form, solicit over, and help the family is too big.

It seems that his way of getting in touch with Bai XiuXiu is very successful. The wild dragon race has rarely appeared. This time, I recruited two of them at once. I have to say it's lucky.

Huang Yuanlang returns to Bai XiuXiu's residence with Bai XiuXiu. Bai XiuXiu asks him to wait outside in the courtyard. He becomes a human and quickly steps into the castle.

She went directly to her apartment. As soon as she entered, she closed the door behind her back. She could not control her mood any more. She burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" A bad voice sounded.

Bai XiuXiu looks up to the front. Although she has not seen it for the first time, she can't help but stay.

In front of her is a black haired woman, ice muscle snow skin, slender figure, wearing a long silver skirt, outlined a beautiful curve. A pair of big black eyes are deep and clear, just like a deep valley and a deep pool.

Tang Yuge and Yuan enhuihui, who were standing beside him, looked strange at this time.

The original en Huihui hands cover the face, a smoke, Tang Yuge's mouth corner also can't help shaking.

"OK, OK, you can laugh if you want. Don't show up later. " Black hair beauty mouth is a male voice, it is helpless to say.

Frankly speaking, he was a little afraid to look in the mirror himself.

There is no doubt that this brunette is not someone else. It's LAN Xuanyu himself!

On that day, Bai XiuXiu was denied by LAN Xuanyu that she could not appear as a boyfriend, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. After that, she had a whim and made suggestions.

Her suggestion is that LAN Xuanyu should be made up as a woman, not as a boyfriend, but as her sister. Is that ok? Wong won't envy a beautiful woman. He can even share Bai XiuXiu's attention.

With the same identity of the upper Dragon into the royal family, LAN Xuanyu will have a chance to use Longli hall rightfully and absorb Longli.

Moreover, he can take care of Bai XiuXiu at close range.