Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1047

Wang Tianyu and shulao left the fairyland together with LAN Xuanyu, while the other six stayed here to practice. There is no doubt that this is a better place than the eternal tree house. It can be said that in the cultivation of fairyland, the breath is all the fragrance of hundreds of top-level Tiancai and Dibao!

Out of the fairyland, Wang Tianyu couldn't help but wry smile to the tree elder and say: "I don't want to be the contact person of this boy at all now. He's so dishonest. "

Tree old ha ha a smile, way: "won't toss is mediocre. The more you toss, the farther you can go. It's good to toss, young people, just to toss. "

Wang Tianyu looks around at the respectful blue Xuanyu. His hands are itchy

However, what he has to admit is that his position in the college has become more and more important with LAN Xuanyu's struggles. Especially this time after bringing back the empty source crystal. In fact, this contribution is incomparable to any resources provided by the college.

If we take away all the plants below the divine level for 100000 years this time, they will deliver life energy to the eternal tree. That LAN Xuanyu's position is bound to rise in a straight line. There's no competition for Shrek.

Competition is nothing more than strength and credit. In terms of strength, LAN Xuanyu may still be lacking now, but we should pay tribute to the college, Tangmen and even the whole Federation. Who can match him? It is said that because of the harvest from tianlongxing this time and the fact that he will continue to lurk in the future, doutianbu is likely to give him the identity of an eight level doutianer. You know, Wang Tianyu himself is not an eight level fighter.

Wang Tianyu even thought that when LAN Xuanyu grew up, the Longma galaxy would be overwhelmed by him. In particular, the growth rate of LAN Xuanyu seems to be continuously increasing.

The meeting of the sea god Pavilion needs to gather all the great powers again. LAN Xuanyu goes back to Tang Wulin's room first.

Tang Wulin has come back. Seeing LAN Xuanyu coming in, he can't help but laugh and say, "you seem to be in trouble again?"

LAN Xuanyu said awkwardly, "Uncle Le, you can protect me. I think the Wang Pavilion Lord looks at me a little fierce."

Tang Wulin laughs, "you have to let them slow down. The problem of the empty insect has been solved. I have discussed with the old demons and let it be there. With it, the space of any small world will be very stable. It is enough to suppress all the small spaces supported by the tree of eternity. It even makes the space bigger. Therefore, the Yukong clan did not play its real role at all. It's good to create the empty source crystal, but if you let it live in a small space, that space will be continuously consolidated and expanded, which is also a great advantage. Tell me, what are you doing? "

Now, LAN Xuanyu tells Tang Wulin what happened in the fairyland.

Hearing his words, Tang Wulin could not help but brighten his eyes, nodded and said: "yes. This is a good opportunity. Your treasure hunt is more useful than you think. It would be very beneficial for her evolution if she could bring back the huge energy of life at the planetary level for the eternal tree, which is still above her own level. I support you in this matter. I'll be with you at the sea god Pavilion meeting later. "

"Great." LAN Xuanyu can't help getting excited. Now he can't wait to return to Tianlong star. It's great to have a place rich in resources and free to toss!

Although LAN Xuanyu doesn't know Tang Wulin's current situation in the college, his legend in those days should have a great influence. I just don't know how the present college and Tangmen treat his contribution to that year.

LAN Xuanyu stayed in Tang Wulin's room and waited. Standing in front of the huge silver dragon egg, he concentrated on feeling the change of the silver dragon egg. Yinlong's egg is full of vitality, which makes him feel at ease.

He has not been able to name those two words to Uncle le. Maybe it's because the family has no league members. And it's not until teacher Nana wakes up. Teacher Nana, mother, when can you wake up!

Tang Wulin stood by, silently looking at his son and the huge dragon egg. He couldn't help feeling a lot.

He now understood that he didn't want to recall it before because of the deep trauma. It's the body's own avoidance, not willing to recall everything. Because subconsciously, I always think that he and she can never be together.

Along with the memory of seeing Gu Yuena again, feeling everything about her, being stimulated by her and recovering gradually. Then came the shock and unspeakable agony of knowing that she was in the stars. His memory finally revived when he broke through the 17th seal.

He now knows that he doesn't need to escape at all. He once restricted the biggest problem that they couldn't be together. It's gone. As long as she wakes up, they can really be together. Why doesn't he look forward to that day?

Wake up, Guyue, wake up, Nana.

The father and the son were so silent beside the silver dragon egg. I don't know how long it took. There was a pleasant voice outside the door, "you son, can do more things than you used to. At the beginning, you were more passive, but he was really active. If he's not your son, I'm going to press him. "Tang Wulin smiled and said, "because he is better than me. The sea god Pavilion meeting is about to open? "

"Well, for him." Outside the door came the voice of the Lord of the sea god Pavilion again, but she did not push the door in.

"I'll take part, too." Tang Wulin looked at the blue Pavilion and said softly.

There was a silence outside the door, and then he said, "you are willing to participate at last. Come on. "

Tang Wulin pushes the door with LAN Xuanyu. The Lord of the sea god pavilion has been waiting outside. Tang Wulin smiles at LAN Xuanyu, and then takes the lead in the direction of the stairs.

The Lord of the sea god Pavilion followed him, and LAN Xuanyu was surprised to find that the Lord of the sea god pavilion was obviously half a step behind Tang Wulin, and it was very natural, not deliberately.

At this moment, an indescribable sense of pride suddenly rose in LAN Xuanyu's heart.

Any boy, the first one in his life to look up to, want to emulate, is always his father. Who doesn't want a strong father?

The three men came down the stairs to the simple meeting table of the sea god Pavilion.

Tang Wulin turned to look at the Lord of the sea god Pavilion. The Lord of the sea god Pavilion nodded to him without hesitation. "There is no place for you except there."

"Good." Tang Wulin is not polite. He moves forward slowly.

At this time, on both sides of the conference table of the sea god Pavilion, all the members of the sea god Pavilion who had attended the meeting had arrived, and they were temporarily called back, including the two main and auxiliary hall owners of the Douluo Hall of the Tang clan. When Tang Wulin and the Lord of the God of the sea garret arrived, all the people in the audience had stood up.

LAN Xuanyu is still standing at the end of the conference table, while Tang Wulin is right opposite him, that is, the main seat of the conference table.

"Hello, everyone." Tang Wulin said with a smile, and then made a downward movement with both hands. He was the first to sit down in the main seat.

LAN Xuanyu only felt that a rush of blood rushed into his head in a flash. The throne that even the Lord of the sea god Pavilion didn't sit was left to Uncle le.

At the moment when Tang Wulin sat down, he had a strong feeling, as if that position was supposed to be his seat. It belongs to him.

The others were seated one after another, only two of them were sluggish. One is the Lord of the sea god Pavilion. She is also looking at Tang Wulin. Her body is shaking slightly. But because of the mask on his face, I can't see his expression.

But in front of her, yilao was trembling even more. Tears flowed down her face uncontrollably. She said in a trembling voice, "you are back at last."

Tang Wulin looked at him and smiled, "Zichen, you've been working hard for so many years."

"It's really nice to see you back." Yizichen suddenly stepped out of his seat, came to Tang Wulin and made a deep bow to him.

Tang Wulin sighed, "how time flies! In a flash, I can still remember you. You were one of the best young people of that generation. Sit down. "

"Yes." Yizichen respectfully agreed and sat down at the seat.

The audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Tang Wulin. Although other people are not familiar with him at all, but there is a legend about Tang Wulin in jinlongyue language, who among them hasn't heard of it?

And today, Dragon Emperor Douluo, Golden Dragon moon language Tang Wulin, is back, really back to his Shrek college, back to Tangmen. In history, he was the only one who was the head of the sea god cabinet and the Tang clan of Shrek college at the same time!