Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1044

"Come with me." At this time, Wang Tianyu's voice sounded. In the next moment, the thunderobo had already appeared in front of all the people.

He was surprised to feel the fluctuation of LAN Xuanyu's breath, and found that he could not fully see the situation of LAN Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu must not be a God, but he has begun to show some god characteristics.

He didn't know how LAN Xuanyu broke through, but compared with before, he had a qualitative leap.

Wang Tianyu understood that it must have something to do with Tang Wulin. What he didn't know was that for the breakthrough of LAN Xuanyu, the tree of eternity consumed a lot of divine origin.

Wang Tianyu takes them to the other side of eternal Sky City, "I will take you to the land of fairies. It's the place that the college uses to nurture the Tiancai and Dibao for more than 100000 years. Almost all the Tiancai and Dibao there are intelligent and even can be transformed into adults. Therefore, when you choose them, you don't eat them directly, but let them recognize you. To be a spirit like being, depending on your body. "

The land of fairies. This is undoubtedly a treasure of eternal sky city.

The eternal tree has the most abundant vitality on the whole planet, which is the source of life. There is no doubt that there will be half the effect of cultivation.

The seven followed Wang Tianyu to the edge of the tree mountain and held out their right hand. There was a green light in their palm.

Blue Xuanyu felt the strange space fluctuation in a moment. In the next moment, a light green light door has been quietly opened. The light gate, which is not the place where the ancient golden trees are located, has such a strong attraction. But there is a breath of nature coming out of the light gate.

Whether it's the sea god pavilion or this place, it's a very stable small space based on the eternal tree. It has to be said that in space, Shrek college has been at the forefront of the Federation. Of course, this is also because of the support of the eternal tree.

There are three known small spaces in lanxuanyu, including the Seven Sacred yuans.

The crowd came in.

Fresh breath came from their faces. When they entered the unique small space, the first feeling was that every pore in their body seemed to be opened. In the light fragrance, it seems that it contains wonderful energy, which penetrates through their pores and moistens their bodies.

What you see is a small mountain package. Beside the mountain is a pool of clear water, which can't be seen at the edge. It's like a huge lake.

On the hillside, beside the lake, there are some people who can sit or lie down and enjoy themselves.

Feeling their arrival, some of these people have turned their eyes. They are not all human forms. The color of skin and hair have their own characteristics. Some are almost indistinguishable from human beings, but there are also owners of strange shapes such as green and red skin.

After seeing Wang Tianyu and LAN Xuanyu come in, these people seem to be very excited. After hula, they are all around.

"Wow, is the college willing to bring people? I'm dying of boredom. Choose me, choose me. " A young man with light green skin rushed forward with joy.

But a red haired and blue eyed woman behind her threw out a red whip and rolled it. She pulled it back. "Can you be more reserved? You've lost all our faces. "

"What are you doing? Just like you don't want to go out! You don't like to let me go. "

All the other beings here began to talk, and the previously peaceful feeling disappeared completely.

Wang Tianyu is no longer surprised by their situation. Xiang lanxuanyu said: "these elders are Tiancai and Dibao. There are different origins. Most of them come from the ice and fire eyes of Tang clan. After practicing adult form there, turn here. The land of fairies has the blessing of the eternal tree, which is more suitable for their cultivation. Especially the breakthrough to the divine level. Different from the spirit beast, it is possible to cultivate the fairy grass to the divine level. Therefore, the breath here is very strange, because the air contains their breath, which is particularly suitable for cultivation. "

An old man with light gold face frowned slightly and said, "Little Wang! When you bring these young people, they are not allowed to practice, are you? Then we will be separated. "

Wang Tianyu said: "old Jin, no, as you hope, they are here to take some of you away this time."

A young girl with purple hair said in surprise, "Oh, what great contribution has been made to the college? Even seven people came together to pick people. When was the college so generous? "

Wang Tianyu said: "it's true that he has made great contributions. If you have any intention, you can wait here for selection. "

LAN Xuanyu is also secretly observing during their communication. From the current situation, there are about 100 men and women present. There are still some people in the distance who haven't come. There were about sixty or seventy people around them.

The shock in his heart at this time was overwhelming. You should know that if you want to cultivate the adult form, you need at least 100000 years of cultivation. In other words, there are hundreds of accomplishments over 100000 years. Fairy grass can also be regarded as a plant Department beast! Although not all of them can fight, they can really be measured by the hundred thousand year spirit beast.Shrek college is more powerful than we think.

It seems that Mr. Jin is the leader of these people. He said to Wang Tianyu, "let these young people release their abilities. Let's see. "

Wang Tianyu nodded his head and looked at LAN Xuanyu.

"Blue Xuan Yu in the heart frets, way:" madman, you come first He didn't plan to choose. Although the college didn't say anything and Tang didn't explain anything to him, when he left, he saw the lake of life drop. It must have something to do with his breakthrough. Naturally, he will not choose Tiancai and Dibao here. What he got is far more than Tiancai and Dibao. Moreover, he didn't want to show his own breath, because he was afraid to appear in the scene of senro, and he was very confident of his attraction.

"Good." Liu Feng stepped forward. With step by step, a circle of soul rings also rose from his feet.

Starting with the White Dragon King's spear, the low sound of the dragon's chant is heard, the spear is filled and puffed, and the strange space wave begins to move intensively around his body. It makes him look like everything around him is starting to become unreal. It seems that you can walk through the space at any time.

"Hello, my name is Liu Feng, Wuhun variation, white Dragon King gun. It has the spirit of the beast, the spirit of the thorn dragon. "

In a flash of silver light, the bramble dragon, which had grown to ten meters long, appeared beside him, making a deep roar in his mouth, and the surrounding space became more and more intense.

Many of the hundred thousand year old fairies and grasses nodded frequently and felt eager to try.

Old Jin turned to look at his companions and said, "if you want to go with him, come out."

In the crowd, suddenly a dozen people came out, including the young man who was the first to rush over.

Old Jin said: "the land of fairies is very suitable for our cultivation. But it is extremely difficult to break through the divine level. Moreover, we have cultivated to the human form. If we have the right partners, we also want to go out more and have a look. Feel the outside world, especially the world of other planets. But without relying on huge life energy, our own life energy will be lost. Therefore, we are more willing to act as spirits in an equal contract way. We can give you our life and form a companion pattern with you. This is to be stated in advance. If you practice to the level of God in the future, our level will also be upgraded to the level of God, and you can choose to separate from you, of course, provided that there is a huge vitality to support our God level body. Therefore, before your power reaches the divine level, the plant partner you choose will always accompany you, but after you break through the divine level, it is not necessarily. This is also our agreement with the college. "