Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1001

These discoveries alone, for their sneak in this time, have already obtained a lot of information, and they will be rewarded for submitting it to the federal government.

However, this obviously can't satisfy LAN Xuanyu's appetite. When they come, they have to find a way to get away! There are so many Kongyuan crystals. It's not their style to go back to Baoshan empty handed.

LAN Xuanyu gently waved and took his friends to the cave with silver halo. At the same time, he felt a dragon's anger and held it in his hand.

Their strength alone is not enough to pose a threat to the gods, especially the gods in this space system. In case of danger, only by detonating the dragon's wrath can they have vitality.

At least let them have the chance to escape into the surrounding walls by virtue of the five elements. In addition to the ability to hide the breath of treasure hunting animals, the powerful gods may not be able to catch them.

It's not big in the cave. LAN Xuanyu has to bend to move forward. However, as soon as he entered the cave, he immediately felt the fluctuation of space elements which were thick to almost viscous. Every step out, as if all around will become a little unreal. The feeling of layering is very wonderful. The key is that there is no pressure. It is the purest spatial attribute element.

All the way in, when they went to the deep inside, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

One hundred meters deep, it's the end of the cave. At the end, there is a pool, about 50 meters in diameter.

In the pool, it's all silver liquid. There are many magic silver on the bank.

The fluctuation of space elements in the silver liquid is absolutely appalling. Such a rich space element, they have never heard of LAN Xuanyu.

However, the wall around the cave is full of silver light. It's not known whether it's an empty source crystal or a completely condensed space element.

In the bright silver world, everything looks so strange.

At this time, on the Bank of the pool, a white and tender tentacle, which looked like meat, came up, just wrapped a piece of magic silver, and brought it into the silver liquid. Several bubbles appeared on the surface of the liquid, and Magic Silver disappeared.

The four people who saw this scene couldn't help being stunned, because they all realized a problem that magic silver was transported here, which was not used for storage at all. Even the mining of Magic Silver on the whole planet Longma 76 is not for the purpose of storing and earning profits, but for the purpose of feeding unknown creatures in this pool of water here. And this unidentified creature is probably the origin of the empty source crystal. This is the biggest secret of Yukong clan.

Just take a breath of cool air in lanxuanyu. When I didn't know what to do with the follow-up, the treasure hunting beast came out with a whoosh on my forehead.

It floats and falls, turning into noumenon. Fall on the ground. When the right hand is toward the entrance of the cave, it waves. A layer of illusory light and shadow suddenly dissolves into one with the surrounding silver and white, forming a layer of isolation. Then three or two steps ran to the Silver Lake, lying on the edge of the lake, eagerly said: "little lazy, aren't you? Little sluggard. I'm Po! "

You know me? Do treasure hunters know the unknown creatures in it? LAN Xuanyu is fretting in his heart. The treasure hunting beast has said before and felt the familiar atmosphere.

"Gududu, gududu." Bubbles rose, and a white head appeared in the silver lake. It looks strange. It's white and tender. It's like a new lychee. It's about a foot big. It's a bit like an octopus, but it's triangular. The top is round. A white and tender tentacle is standing up, rubbing his eyes.

Yes, it has eyes. On the head of that triangle, it has eyes, nose, mouth and human like appearance.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at Po. Then suddenly cheered, flying like waving tentacles, silver liquid splash, a few hours came to the shore, "whoosh" a, from the Silver Lake in the jump out.

A dozen soft tentacles were twined around Po. The soft triangular head directly covered Po's big head.

Tang Yuge takes a step forward and is ready to move. But he was stopped by LAN Xuanyu.

Some of them are worried about looking towards the entrance of the cave. The only thing he is worried about now is whether the treasure hunting beast can cover up the divine sense perception of the powerful member of the Yukong clan outside.

"Wuwuwu, wuwuwu." A drop of silver liquid flows out of the eyes of the strange creature. After the liquid drops to the ground, it even makes a "jingling" crisp sound, which turns into silver particles. Although each one is not big, but LAN Xuanyu has been completely sluggish. Isn't this thing Kong Yuanjing?

"Don't cry, don't cry. Little sluggard doesn't cry. That's great. You're still alive. That's really great! " The treasure hunter has freed his head from the strange creature's arms. Touch its soft head, soft voice comfort.

Strange creatures rubbed against him, and tears fell.

LAN Xuanyu said in a low voice: "Po, don't be busy with reminiscing about the past. It's not safe here. What's going on? Is it? "

Then the treasure hunter woke up and hurriedly said to the strange creature, "little sluggard, who do you think this is?" As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to LAN Xuanyu.Strange creature looks at LAN Xuanyu. He blinks and rubs his eyes. The next moment, a scream, suddenly towards the blue Xuan Yu rushed over.

LAN Xuanyu was shocked. He wanted to slap it to fly, but he thought about the previous treasure hunt. After all, I didn't do it.

"Pa Ji" a, strange creature directly pasted on LAN Xuanyu's face, a tentacle entwined on his neck, whimpered and cried again.

LAN Xuanyu hurriedly raised his hand to hold his body and pulled it off his head.

"Master, master. I miss you so much! Master. " Strange creatures speak and cry more than before.

LAN Xuanyu's heart moved, and he understood in an instant. He turned his head to look at the treasure hunter. "Is it also from the divine kingdom?"

The treasure hunting beast said with a natural look: "yes! Little sluggard used to follow you. You gave him the name. When you practice, it will follow you. It was responsible for the spatial projection of our divine world before. It has a younger brother, the God of spatial elements. It's lazy and doesn't like cultivation, so it's just a pure empty insect. Failed to cultivate adult form. It used to hang around and say... "

When he said that, the little lazy creature of the strange creature had already said, "if I am a man, I must be a beautiful woman."

The treasure hunting beast spread out his hands and said, "yes, that's it. Just like that. In fact, I am too lazy to sleep on you every day. "

It was "acquaintance."

LAN Xuanyu said: "it's not safe here. There are strong enemy guards outside. So that's how it got all the empty source crystals on the planet 76? "

Blinked an eye, the little sluggard coquettish way: "what strong enemy?"? You say those ugly guys? They are so weak that you can knead them to death at will, eh, knead them to death! "

The voice of the little sluggard is very pleasant. It sounds like a little girl's charming voice. But when it comes to kneading them, it's really against the sense.

The treasure hunt coughs and says, "stupid, can't you see that the strength of the owner hasn't been restored yet? Tell me, what's going on here? Did you do it? "

The little sluggard flattened his mouth and looked at LAN Xuanyu again. "Sure enough, master, how can you not even have the space breath that the little sluggard likes best. I didn't need to eat with you at all. Now I'm in trouble. I always have to eat. "