Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 293

"Hua la..." br >

Diping pulled open the iron door of a store. Ordinary lock is not useful for the great power of Diping. The door is stressed and opened, and the sound is very harsh, which makes it more abrupt in such a quiet environment.

After opening the door, dipine stepped back a few steps, not in the first time, but looked around, afraid that the sound was too loud, would attract the mutant animals.

But the appearance of the mutation tiger is safe, there should be no mutated animals near.

After a decade of seconds, dipine felt that there should be no mutated animals coming, and then he walked to the store.

Fortunately, it was sunny, the sun was high, and the strong light came in from the gate. The room was bright.

In the eye is a pile of bags, all bags of rice.

This room is not large, and it is more than 200 square meters. Dipine counted it with a little eye. There are absolutely 5600 bags of rice in this house.

This bag of rice is 50 Jin, and there are 23 thousand Jin rice in this store alone.

This amount is enough for all the people in the base to eat for more than ten days, which makes dipine ecstatic.

Diping is excited to see the rice in a house. There are 10000 Jin rice in this small family. There are also at least sixty-seven in this market, and there are also some large grain and oil suppliers. If the family is full of warehouses, the grain stock in the whole market is definitely over one million jin.

With excitement, again opened the side of the iron door, as expected, this is also full of rice bags piled into a hill.

This one is bigger than the first one. Not only is the rice more than that one, but also the grain of flour and soybean, which is also a lot.

Three stores were pulled in a row. As expected, the family was full of food. Diping was more and more excited. He was born a farmer and had a natural sense of kindness to food.

When he was a child, he was in front of his bed with a large barn of rice. At that time, farmers were scared of hunger and liked to store a large amount of food in their homes. New food would never be sold out if they could not come down.

But Diping likes to climb to the grain pile and play. Now, seeing so many food is more satisfied. In ancient words, he has food heart in his home and he is feeling it now.

After excitement, Diping has some headache. How can I get more food? Today, I should take some more people?

This time, he can transport the grain back. If he goes back empty handed, he is not willing to go to the road by himself. Who knows how smooth it is?

Diping raised his hand and looked at the table below. It was only nine o'clock. It seems that he was walking fast today. He was still early. He went back now. He was reluctant to give up the grain in the warehouse, and then looked at the truck running across the door, and his scalp was numb. He couldn't make it for himself.

Diping hesitated to stay, and whether to stay at the last bite or decided to stay. He couldn't leave the food here. So he thought about it and contacted Barton through the system.

Dipine told Barton to pass his orders over them and bring people to pull food.

"Come on, cat!"

After arrangement, dipine and Barton went out to greet the sun changing tiger.

"Sobbing..." "

when the mutation tiger heard that Diping asked him to climb up, he ran to Diping.

"Cat, go find something to eat!"

Diping patted the head of the variation tiger, and asked him to go for food. He came out with himself in the morning. So far, a prey did not touch it. He had not easily touched a elk, and he didn't even eat the ash.

"Oh...". "

although the cat is not a human being, it is the pet of dipine. He can understand the big cat basically. After listening to the instructions of dipine, the cat howls, nods, and then turns and flies out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!