Doomsday Lord

Chapter 357

Cheng Yang's combat effectiveness is not weak. None of the five men is lower than the first rank scholar level, and the equipment and talent are top-notch. Although Xun Xiaoye can not fight against each other very slowly, he can't fight them any more.

Several times boss tried to go around Cheng Yang to attack Yu Kai and Liu Xiyue, but they were quickly stopped by Xun ye and Xiao Bai. The boss was so angry that he could not help it.

Half a minute later, the battle ended, and the powerful boss turned into a corpse.

This copy once again contributed four pieces of gold level equipment for Luofeng town territory, which can be said to be fruitful. Yu Kai and Niu Bing, who took part in the battle, each got one. As for the other two, one belonged to the magician and the other was the shield of the soldier, which was taken into his own storage ring by Cheng Yang.

What Cheng Yang really cares about is not the four pieces of equipment, but the first pass reward of this copy.

When he found a magic gem there, his face almost laughed.

Divine gem fragment!

See also the divine gem, though only fragments.

If there is anything in this world that is regardless of occupation, this divine gem is definitely one. Its function is to make people with a special occupation advance into a unique occupation. The power of this thing can be seen from the three words of uniqueness.

Now Cheng Yang already has a piece of divine gem fragment. If he can get another one, he can directly synthesize a divine gem, and then he can be promoted to a unique profession.

Cheng Yang is not very clear about what is the unique occupation of master Hanbing after his promotion. But since the master of ice is so powerful, the profession that wants to be promoted will be more powerful.

Cheng Yang laughs and puts the divine gem pieces into his own storage ring and carefully puts it up.

Then the crowd withdrew from the copy.

"The customs clearance is OK. Let's go to the next copy." Cheng Yang made a decision immediately. He also hoped that he could get another divine gem today.

After the verification just now, he has confirmed that his team has the ability to easily pass hell level difficulty copies. Moreover, as long as Liu Xiyue, a priest with blood, as well as Xiao Bai and Xun ye, can pass the copy, but it takes more time.

Cheng Yang secretly made a decision in his heart. After that, he took Liu Xiyue and Xunye to pass the customs once a day. Although Cheng Yang didn't pay special attention to several gold grade equipment, he couldn't refuse the temptation to get the reward of special items.

Then, Cheng Yang five people and a beast came to Dongshan village, once again to Dongshan Village copy clearance.

This battle also has no difficulty. Cheng Yang successfully gets the first pass of hell level difficulty copy. In addition to three gold level equipment, he also gets items as the first pass reward.

Xuanwu shield (evolvable): ordinary shield, the shield made of basaltic armor, has the strongest defense between heaven and earth. Now the weapon is in seal state. You need endless powers to unlock the seal. At present, it is an ordinary class level equipment, which increases the physical and magic defense power by 10 points. Special effects: 1. Firm as a rock: counteract all impact forces and never wear; 2. Be sealed (unsealing condition: upgrade the equipment to gold level.) ; 3, sealed (unsealed condition: unknown); 4, sealed (unsealed condition: unknown) ; 5, sealed (unsealed condition: unknown). Quality upgrade condition: 1000 power points; level upgrade condition: 100000 power points.

Powerful! Very powerful.

It's a piece of equipment that can be upgraded, and it's a shield used by soldiers.

For shield soldiers, shield is more important than sword. A strong shield can make an ordinary soldier become a top soldier. And the front of this Xuanwu shield undoubtedly has such ability.

Even if you ignore all the special effects, just increase the physical and magic defense by 10 points each, which is far better than any other equipment.

So far, this is the only piece of equipment that Cheng Yang has seen that can increase the whole body defense. In the past, the so-called defense equipment can work only when the attack hit the position exactly where the defense equipment acts. If the enemy hits his face with a move, and his face does not have any defense equipment, the defense effect can only be calculated by the defense of his body itself.

However, the shield of Xuanwu has no such restriction.

Moreover, this bonus defense is only a property of the basaltic shield itself, and its first special effect is also very powerful.

Counteract all impact force, never wear and tear.

The meaning of a simple sentence is not simple at all.

That is to say, if a soldier with this shield encounters a powerful frontal attack in the future, as long as the attack is on the shield, it is impossible to hurt the shield user, and there is no possibility of even making the opponent step back.

Cheng Yang is looking forward to what kind of state the Xuanwu shield will look like when it is upgraded to gold level, and what kind of properties it will release.For this shield arrangement, Cheng Yang is ready to take him to Chu Qiang for use.

Although the most powerful soldier in Luofeng town is Liu Hao, he can't use the shield because he is a special occupation. Naturally, the shield will not fall on his head. I don't know if he will regret his transfer to Ranger after seeing the attribute of this shield.

But I don't think I'll regret it. After all, his talent is all in speed. Is it possible for a warrior with speed talent to wear a shield as a meat shield?

"Good harvest, then go to the next place." Cheng Yang laughs and says directly to Yu Kai and others.

Yu Kai also saw the shield. Although he admired the attributes of the shield, he also knew that it was not his own dish. After a few words of silence, he withdrew from the copy.

The next place Cheng Yang and others went to was Heshan village.

However, there are some problems in the dark jungle of the replica of Heshan village.

In the past, whether it was ordinary difficulty, difficulty level difficulty, or even nightmare level difficulty, there was no big change in this copy of dark night jungle. Therefore, Cheng Yang's customs clearance was very smooth. But this time he found that the area of this copy has increased a lot.

If other copies increase in size, they will also increase. But this dark night jungle copy is like a labyrinth, which is much more difficult to walk than crypts like dark caves. As like as two peas, we can find different references in the crypt, but almost exactly the same scene in the jungle.

Fortunately, Xiaobai has a talent that human beings don't have. He can clearly remember where he went. It is estimated that this is also distinguished by smell.

With this favorable condition, it is much easier for Cheng Yang and others to advance in the copy.

When the boss here was finally killed, Cheng Yang again got a nightmare level difficulty copy of the first pass reward.

This first pass reward makes Cheng Yang a little tangled, because it is still just a skill scroll.

But for a moment, Cheng Yang didn't get tangled up. He remembered that he got a skill scroll when he passed the hell level difficulty of the bloody church copy. But the powerful skills recorded in that scroll completely overturned Cheng Yang's logic.

Now the first pass of hell level difficulty in this instance is a skill scroll. How powerful should this skill be? This copy is related to magicians. Maybe you can get a powerful skill again.

Cheng Yang looks at the properties of this scroll.

Time warp (Level 1, rare): absorbs the force of time from heaven and earth to speed up or slow down the time flow in a certain area. Using this skill costs a certain amount of power. The amount of power consumed is directly proportional to the power of time coverage, acceleration and deceleration times. The higher the skill level is, the less power it costs to use it. Learning conditions: first level division level magician, and magic attack power is not less than 600 points.

What kind of skill is that? Cheng Yang didn't understand the meaning of this skill for a while.

But his reaction is still very fast, almost in a short time, to understand its strength. This is an all-purpose skill. It has an incomparable role in life, combat and auxiliary cultivation.

However, the learning conditions of this skill are relatively high, which is completely consistent with the requirements of great resurrection. Moreover, there is no exact number of specific psionic power consumed by this skill. Cheng Yang has to wait until he has learned the skill before he can draw a detailed conclusion.

"It should be a good skill." Cheng Yang is worried. The effect of this skill should be good, but if the power value consumed is too high, it will seriously affect its practicability. Finally, how much effect can be achieved depends on the data in this respect.

After three consecutive passes, it is already noon. Only when Cheng Yang gets to the next village in the afternoon can he estimate his destination.

In fact, Tongling village is located between Heshan village and jingniao village, but for a long time, the entrance of Tongling village copy has not been found, which has always been Cheng Yang's most amazing thing. Cheng Yang had never heard of such a situation in his last life. Of course, it's also possible that no one paid attention to the situation in the previous life.

In the afternoon, Cheng Yang goes to jingniao village again. The hell level difficulty copy here only gives Cheng Yang a statue lifting stone, which is also a mage statue lifting stone.

Cheng Yang has some problems about where the stone is used. He finally decides to use the stone to raise the statue of magician in Luofeng town.

What remains to be decided is which attribute to promote? If it is used to increase the number of people or attack power, a statue lifting stone is undoubtedly not enough. In addition to these two attributes, which attribute has the greatest value after promotion?

After a little thought, Cheng Yang had already made a decision.