Dominating Desires Private Chapters

Chapter 6

Chapter Six

I numbly walked from the elevator and went home. The guilt was consuming me, but I tried to push it from my mind.

But in bed at night is where there are no distractions and the silence was horribly loud and all consuming. The guilt seeped into my thoughts and I replayed today over and over again and just felt confused.

That look on his face when I told him it was all just a string of mistakes, his face went from angry and determined to just completely crushed. His face fell and he opened his mouth to say something, but it didn't seem like anything would come out, and I watched as his lips moved to form my name before the doors closed.

And god his eyes, that was the worst part. those beautiful brown eyes that for the past fifteen years I knew to hold mischief and humor were sad and dull. I hated that I did this too him. But I didn't know why!

At this point I was frustrated. I knew how he was, how he's always been. He didn't care about any girl he slept with, I was just a good fuck to him, nothing more, and he's mad that he has to work for it.

But why? I've only been with two guys, they were horrible and I have next to no experience, so I don't know why he insists on being with me when he could have any girl. He was sexy as hell.

His naturally tanned skin was just a turn on, his eyes were amazing, his brown shaggy yet short hair was perfect for him and the light stubble on his face that lightly scratched my thigh while he-

I pushed that away, I didn't want to think about that now, I could already feel my body getting hot.

I just didn't understand, he could get almost any girl he wanted! What was so special about me? Nothing. Maybe he liked the thrill of it since I'm his best friend's sister. Maybe I was just a conquest since I've been turning him down since I was sixteen.

I huffed in frustration.

At the time his possessiveness was turning me on to no end, but now I just feel pissed off. What the hell is his problem? He doesn't own me, I don't belong to him. The sex may be great but he's crossing a line. He has no right to be angry at me for being with another man, none.

I'm not his girlfriend or his wife. I'm young and single and can do whatever I damn well please.

And it pissed me off the way he pushed me when I say no, any normal freaking guy would back off but no, he just gets more aggressive and pushes me, and I hate that he knows that I don't really want to say no. I mean I do, but I don't. My body and mind seem to be completely separate around him.

I pushed it all away and focused on sleep, this was going to be one long horrible week.


I walked into the office the next day with coffee and brought Riley his and then went to Chase's office with his. I shut and locked the door before turning to glare at him, which he returned.

"Why are you here?" he asked

"I brought you're coffee" I started

"Then set it down and leave." I just stood there and stared, he was being so cold and I didn't exactly blame him, but it just pissed me off more. I brought it to my lips and took a drink

"Maybe I'll keep it is you're going to be an asshole" I put my hand on my hip and took another drink.

"Fine, get out and so organize something or just sit there and look pretty" oh hell no.

"Last time I checked, you actually work for me."

"Who's office is this?" he smirked

"Well if you got fired it could be mine" I threatened. I know it was a bitch move, but I couldn't stand that smirk. I knew more about this damn company then they did.

"You can't fire me. You only own forty five percent of the company" he smirked

"And who do you think Riley will side with, his twin and only sibling. Only family he has left before he made his own. Or His friend who screwed said sister while she was completely drunk?"

His smirk fell and he glared at me

"You know the answer don't you. So maybe I should have you fired and take your place then you can be my secretary and organize something after sitting and looking pretty" I hissed. If he didn't make that damn comment, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

"You bitc h" he stood up and glared at me.

"Yeah, well if you would have just stayed away from me, when you knew I wasn't capable of making good decisions, then maybe I wouldn't be" I knew I was being a b itch, but right now I just didn't care.

"Blame it all on me, what about the second and third time Brylee. Were you drunk then too?" he asked sarcastically.

"There wouldn't have been a second or third time if there was never a first!" I was squeezing the cup, almost to the point of it bursting.

"You wanted me Brylee." He smirked and I reacted without thinking. I chucked the hot coffee at his face and he barley ducked out of the way before it splattered against the wall.

"What the hell!" he almost yelled but managed to keep his voice relatively low, sort of.

"You are the most arrogant a sshole I've ever met" I hissed out

"You're fucking crazy!" to which I just rolled my eyes

"You've known me since I was five, I'm sure you knew that already"

"Fuc king insane, I don't know why I fu cked her" I didn't think he meant for me to hear that, but when I did my face turned red in anger and I walked right over and slapped him harder than I did yesterday.

Yesterday I was mad, but I didn't want him to stop at the same time. Now I'm furious.

"What the hell" he put a hand to his face.

"Sorry that fucking me was such an inconvenience for you" I shot daggers at him and turned to leave, I was fucking done. I was lying to my freaking twin for him, but no more. I felt horrible every single time, but Chase isn't worth it anymore. I would let them fight it out, and if Riley wanted him gone, i would calm him down and eventually things would go back to normal. I wasn't that heartless to throw him out, I just said I would because he sat there like I did freaking nothing!

"Brylee wait" he called but I didn't give him a second glance. "Damn it" I heard him say before he grabbed my arm. I turned and swung at him. I may have slapped him before, but I know how to throw a punch. He narrowly missed it.

"What the hell is you're problem!"

"You. You're my problem. Stay the hell away from me" I tried to rip my arm away from him

"Stop and listen!" he commanded, but I was done doing what he told me to do.

I didn't turn to look at him when I spoke "Let me go Chase" it was a simple sentence, but willed with so much venom that he loosed his grip briefly but then grabbed me again.

I was beyond furious, he's known me his whole life and all he wanted to do was 'fuc k me' asshole.

I managed to get lose but before I could get to the door he was in front of me again. I stepped to one side and he followed, then the other. This was stupid.

When he took a step forward I took one back his eyes never leaving mine until my back hit the wall. The jerk did that on purpose! His breathing was ragged and so was mine.

I opened my mouth to tell him to back the hell up when his lips were on mine again roughly. His tongue forced its way into my mouth and I put both hands on his chest and pushed, he took a step back in surprise before he grabbed both my wrists and had them pinned against the wall by my head.

"You're unbelievably sexy when you're pissed" he pressed against me and I could feel him hard against my stomach. His lips went to my ear and nibbled "Makes me want to pin you down and take you." He kissed the mark on my neck that had darkened from yesterday.

"Get off me" I tried to push away but knew that was no use, I was completely pinned between him and the wall.

"Only if it's for you to get on top" he kept nipping at my neck and I felt that burning need to have him again.

"Too bad you're not sure why you fuc ked me" I hissed and he stopped.

"I know exactly why I wanted you baby." He pinned both hands above my head in one of his large ones while his hand went down and played with my ni pples through the shirt. "And I want you even more right now"

"Stop and leave me alone or I swear I'll fire you" I threatened

"No you won't sweetheart." He kissed the skin below my ear "Just submit to me, just let me have you. Let me bend you back over my desk before you ride me in that sexy way you do" he said as he unbuttoned my shirt.

"Why do you keep pushing this?" I asked breathless as he bit through the lace of the bra, he just slid his hand up my thigh and under my skirt.

"Because you want me"

"No I don't" I argued. I have got to get better at lying. He slipped his hand in my panties and I couldn't help but moan when he rubbed my cl it before running his fingers to my entrance

"Mmm, you're supposed to be my good girl, but lying is very bad." he sucked on my neck.

"I'm not lying" it came out breathy and almost like a question.

"You're so wet for me Lee. You want me to take you right now, don't you?" he asked

"No" I moaned when he slipped his fingers into me and stroked my g spot.

"You want me Lee. Stop fighting me."

I crushed my lips to his and when he let me go I pushed him back. I walked him back and unbuttoned his shirt until he was sitting in his chair. I stood in front of him for a minute "Take my panties off" I told him and his eyes went wide "Do it" he leaned forward and his hands went up my thighs and pushed my skirt up before pulling my panties down my legs.

I held out my hand and he handed them over, I undid his slacks and he lifted his hips while I pulled them and his boxers down. Damn his erection was already hard and I groaned.

He watched me cautiously as I straddled him. I pressed my lips to his in a kiss he immediately returned as I slipped just the head in. His arms wrapped around my waist and he groaned but that was all I would give him or us. I kept far enough up and moved my hips back and forth, just riding the top of him.

He kept trying to press me down but I would just stop and move up until he stopped before going back to what I was doing. Our tongues intertwined as I went faster and faster.

"Please" he groaned in desperation, but I didn't give in. I kept going until I could feel my org asm building, and when I felt like I just needed something more I slammed down on him thrusting him deep inside me while I bit his shoulder hard to muffle my cry of pure pleasure.

My hips bucked frantically as my orgasm took over and he was groaning before he stood up and put me on his desk like yesterday, thrusting hard and fast just the way he likes it. I laid my head back and just enjoyed sensations shooting through me.

His fingers dug into my thighs as he held onto me, both trying to keep each grunt, moan and groan quiet.

"Didn't you promise to bend me over your desk?" I asked and before I knew it he had turned me over and my chest was pressed to where my back was second ago and he's thrusting.

"Control me Chase, dominate me" I moaned out and he replied with a groan at me words before pulling my hair back and smacking my a ss.

"Brylee" he groaned

"Is that all I get for slapping you, twice?" I asked "For running away, disobeying you, pushing you away, telling you that you couldn't have me. I've been bad Chase, and bad girls get punished" I repeated his words from that first night.

"Lee you're killing me"

"Do it Chase" and I felt his hand come down.

"Count them. One for every day you ran from me" he growled before his hand came down

"One" I said and it came down again "Two" he kept going, over and over in different spots, different sides. "Twelve" I cried out and with one more smack I called out "Thirteen" Oh my it was hard to keep my voice down. The spanking hurt but I wanted him to keep going.

"You will not come" he told me harshly

"Yes Sir" I agreed as he thrust harder, he pushed me forward with each one causing him to pull harder on my hair when I went forward.

"Brylee!" he moaned lowly as he leaned forward and bit hard on my exposed shoulder as his climax washed over him.

I was panting and wanting. Wanting to come, and I didn't know how I held it in. he was pulsing inside me as he slowly thrusts his hips, riding it out.

"Good job sweetheart" he praised as he kissed the skin on my back.

I groaned when he pulled out, he placed his hands on my arms and turned me around. His lips found mine and his tongue danced with mine as he sat me on the desk and slowly spread my legs apart.

"Such a good girl" he whispered against my lips as he pressed his body against mine, pushing me down on the desk with him following. His work was all over the floor as he slid into me slowly.

He placed his hands by my head as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in.

"Faster Chase" I told him and he shook his head "Please"

"Nope, you were a good girl, and you deserve to be rewarded" he kissed me again and I wrapped my hands around his waist.

Each thrust felt amazing, and my orgasm built slowly with each thrust until I felt like I was right on the edge. He pulled back and looked in my eyes.

"Let go Brylee" he told me and I shook my head. "Come on sweetheart" he encouraged with a strained voice, but I didn't want to. I wanted to enjoy this longer.

With his eyes locked on mine he reached between us and rubbed my cli t and then pinched down on it and I couldn't hold back anymore. My body jerked beneath him and he finally let himself go too. His body came down like a blanket over mine as he held onto me while I rode through my or gasm.

"What the fuck!" I turned my head to see Riley standing in the doorway


I woke up panting and my heart was racing, it was just a dream, Riley doesn't know anything.

I groaned and rolled over, only now noticing that my body felt more relaxed and that I was extremely wet. It took me a minute to realize that that's what woke me up, the org asm and I groaned again.

Are you kidding me? He's everywhere, and I don't know how to make it all go away! I seriously didn't think that sex could affect my life this much! This is beyond ridicules.

I looked at my clock to see that it's only about fifteen minutes before my alarm usually goes off, so I got out of bed and headed to the shower, and with my body already satisfied, I actually got to take my first hot shower in two weeks.

It's only been two weeks since that night, and I need to stop letting it affect me, I would go to work today, bring him his coffee, and although it would be satisfying to throw it at him, I would refrain.

I'm going to go back to normal, and help not just Riley with everything, but Chase too. Ignoring him can't be good for the company. They're good at their job, but we all have our parts, and I haven't been doing mine.

I got out and put on my light blue pencil skirt and a peach blouse, it was spring time and time for a color. I was a big fan of color, and was tired of wearing black and white. I blow dried my hair and added some make up. I looked at the clock and had a bit of time so I put on my white heels and headed out early.

I used my extra time to go to the bakery to get the muffins that the boys liked and one for myself before getting coffee and being able to arrive just on time to work. I came out of the elevator with a smile on my face.

I headed first to see my charming twin.

"Tell me you love me" I smiled holding coffee with the bag of muffins behind my back.

"Why?" he asked cautiously

"Because I'm your big sister" I stuck my tongue out at him and he groaned, he hated it when I pointed out that I was older.

"Nope, not now. Out of my office"

"Rude, maybe Chase and I should band together to fire you"

"Not possibly baby sis" I rolled my eyes, he was trying to show that he was the big brother of us. Idiot.

"I guess you don't get your surprise and Chase and I can share it"

"But I want it" he pouted. God he can be such a child, but I loved him.

"You know what you have to do" I shrugged

"I love you Brylee Maria Acosta. You're the best sister in the whole entire world" he told me and I nodded satisfied and brought the bag into view. His eyes got wide. To go there and get to work would take at least a half hour, and since I like my sleep I wouldn't normally go get it.

"You really are the best" he said as I put his coffee and muffin down and then when my hands were free he gave me a bear hug and spun me around.

"Let me go! I need to go see Chase now and make him declare his love for me as well"

"You're talking?" he sounded hopeful

"Kind of. Now let go" he put me down and I grabbed the bag and stopped by my desk to grab Chase's coffee and walked to his door.

I wasn't sure how he was going to react after last night, I was afraid of that. Chase and I have known each other forever, and I didn't want our friendship ruined. We were going to need to talk

So I took a deep breath and opened the door.