Dominate the world from signing in

Chapter 789

Guzman did hang up.

Hung in a heavily guarded Colorado prison.

Someone wanted to catch the news and kill Guzman, but a video of CIA personnel abusing and beating Guzman before his death was released by no one and spread rapidly through various channels.

As we all know, the United States has always been a country that advertises "human rights". Prisoners are beaten and die unidentified by public servants in prisons, which runs counter to the ideas and policies it has always advocated.

Coupled with Guzman\'s extremely special identity, the international community began to pay attention to this case.

The CIA, which was already plagued by scandals, was getting deeper and deeper in the vortex of public opinion.

Even if they stated that the employee had long been dismissed, beaten and abused Guzman, which was purely personal and had nothing to do with them, they even refuted again that it was a frame up.

But who would believe such insincere statements?

He was expelled long ago. How did he enter the highest level Colorado prison as CIA and successfully meet Guzman?

This is the same as the excuse that something happened in the East must be temporary workers. It is just fooling the people as fools.

The CIA has been condemned and questioned by people at home and abroad and all sectors of society.

Even if he always stressed that he had no knowledge of it, it had nothing to do with it, but it was strange that the CIA had never handed over the man with glasses in the video.

As long as he comes forward and states the facts, won\'t everything be revealed?

Finally, the man with glasses was found, but it was already a body.

A script that obviously kills people.

Conspiracy theory is more prevalent.

Everyone thought that the CIA was guilty of being a thief, and there was no proof of death. Some people even began to spontaneously take to the streets to protest and demand a thorough investigation of the CIA, a criminal organization.

Finally, even the national security agency strongly intervened in the investigation.

Guzman died in prison, affecting not only the United States, but also Mexico next door.

As the founder of Sinaloa and the former godfather of the Mexican drug world, Guzman still has a high reputation in Mexico even if he is imprisoned.

Drug traffickers don\'t think so much. They believe that Guzman was harmed by the CIA. In addition, they have always had a grudge with the CIA. Driven by Guzman\'s death, Mexican drug traffickers\' hatred of the CIA reached the peak.

One after another, drug cartels have stated that they want to retaliate, and issued statements through various channels, asking the American authorities to dissolve the CIA and severely punish the killers.

Even seta, who was still struggling with Sinaloa, temporarily put aside his personal grievances and, starting from the overall situation, faced the CIA and asked the CIA to be responsible for the matter.

Other drug trafficking organizations are so united that Sinaloa, as a "victim", naturally cannot stay out of it.

Coerced by public opinion, Rodriguez was forced to make a public statement in order to prove his position, which was at odds with the CIA.

Even Americans in Mexico have been affected by this.

Before long, more than a dozen Americans who came to Mexico to travel or live were attacked, and two were even killed.

Things are getting out of control.

In addition, some forces are secretly fuelling the flames, and people\'s grievances are boiling in the United States. Since its establishment, the CIA has encountered an unprecedented huge crisis.

"Alessio, look what you\'ve done!"

The head of Latin America, Alessio, was rushed back.

In such a big mess, someone has to take responsibility. He is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"Conspiracy! This is a huge conspiracy against us!"

"Who doesn\'t know this is a conspiracy! Before the matter is found out, all your duties will be suspended to calm down the situation."

"Chief! You can\'t do that!"

How could Alessio be so willing to be sacrificed, but he must be the scapegoat.

"I\'m not negotiating with you! This is an order!"

Then the CIA announced the suspension of Alessio.

In addition to Alessio himself, Rodriguez is in a low mood.

The fall of Alessio gave him a bad feeling. Then maybe it\'s his turn.

"Mr. akivan, don\'t worry, Mr. Guzman has been buried now."

Chen Liang took his cell phone and comforted, "please be sorry."

"Mr. Chen, can I go and see my father?"

Akiwan asked in a low voice. Except for three points of sadness, his tone was full of resentment.

"Mr. akivan, I\'m afraid not now. Although the CIA is in trouble, it\'s still a sensitive period. If you show up, they may find you at any time. I\'m sure Mr. Guzman will understand."

Akivan clenched his hands and gnashed his teeth.


He did not expect that the short meeting with his father would be a farewell.

He also thought about whether he could find a way to save his father when he took Sinaloa back in the future, but now all this has become an extravagant hope.

The CIA was so vicious that it directly murdered his father.

"It\'s all my fault. If I didn\'t have to sneak into prison to see him, maybe he wouldn\'t be killed."

"Mr. akiwan, you don\'t have to blame yourself. The responsibility is not on you. The CIA is reckless and reckless. It\'s not a day or two. You don\'t have to take the responsibility of others on your own."

Chen Liang said: "now the CIA has suspended a figure named Alessio. According to my investigation, this Alessio should be the person in charge of Latin America, the Mexican business should also beat him in charge, and most of the backers behind Rodriguez are him."

"They killed my father. Do you think it can be ended easily?"

Akivan was extremely angry.

"Mr. akiwan, at present, it seems that you can\'t make the CIA willing to pay a higher price."

Chen Liang\'s Frank words silenced akiwan.

you bet.

He has no right and no power now. He is even a poor fellow hiding and afraid to show up. He knows that his father was murdered. What else can he do except angry and useless shouting?


He needs power!

If he is not so incompetent, the CIA should not dare to be so unscrupulous!

"Mr. Chen, I need your help. I want Sinaloa back. I want the CIA bastards to pay the price!!!"

Akivan\'s voice was biting, like squeezing out between his teeth.

"Mr. akivan, have you really thought about it?"

"I\'ve never known better than this moment! Mr. Chen, I\'m going back to Mexico."

Akivan turned his grief and anger into strength. It makes no sense for him to stay in America now.

"OK, I\'ll arrange it."