Dominate the world from signing in

Chapter 780

At this point.


As the underground overlord of the city, he was openly rescued from the hinterland. Even abibra, who was almost sniped, was completely crazy.

"Search for me immediately! Even if you dig three feet, you\'ll dig out people for me!"

Akivan ran away.

He couldn\'t help shivering at the thought of what the consequences would be.

And not just him.

The whole group will be affected unpredictably.

"Not only inside the city, but also outside the city, send someone to check! As long as you find their trace, kill them!"

His eyes were red and bloodshot, and he kept giving orders.

He regrets it now.

Why didn\'t you just kill akivan!

"Boss, there is still a group of armed elements making trouble in the city. We don\'t have so many people. If we send everyone out to search, I\'m afraid they will take the opportunity..."

Before the confidant finished, the angry abibra grabbed the gun from a drug dealer nearby, lifted it up and opened fire on him.

"Bang Bang..."

In the blink of an eye.

The man was beaten to the ground and trembled.

Abibra didn\'t feel relieved yet. He walked over with a gun and began to whip the corpse. He beat his head and face to pieces.

There were many people in the house, but no one dared to stop this inhuman act. They all held their breath and dared not say a word.

"Waste! A bunch of waste!!!"

Abibra, who had no place to vent, could only pour her anger on her head, and the poor drug dealer became a scapegoat.


A discerning drug dealer walked over carefully and handed a clean towel.

Abibra took it, wiped the blood splashed on her face and threw away the gun. Her eyes were still as venomous as a ghost.

"Inform the police and ask them to send everyone out to track down. If they can\'t find those people, I\'ll let them have no peace in the future!"

We\'re understaffed.

Then the police will do it!

"What are you doing? Don\'t you go out and find someone for me!"

Abibra looked around and drank ferociously.

These more than 20 people have always been abibra\'s personal bodyguards to protect his safety in an all-round way, but at this time, because akiwan was rescued, the boss has been insane. At this time, if they continue to stay here and don\'t go out to do something, the bodies on the ground may be their next fate.

Only five people stayed.

"Boss, call."

A drug dealer came quickly with a mobile phone.

Abibra immediately said, "did you catch them?"

The drug dealer shook his head and whispered, "it\'s the leader."

Abby Bray\'s pupils contracted and her face was stiff. She stared at the mobile phone. After all, she slowly stretched out her hand to pick it up.

"Abibra, is something wrong with erdoton?"

Rodriguez\'s voice soon came out of the phone.

Abibra quickly adjusted her breathing and immediately responded in a normal tone: "no, it\'s just some reckless little gangsters making trouble. Now it has been solved. Don\'t worry."

Maybe it\'s the mentality of being a subordinate.

If you make a mistake for fear of being known by the superior leaders, if you can hide it, you can hide it. As long as you delay enough time and catch akiwan again, everything will be fine.

But the reality is not so beautiful.

"When is it? You\'re still trying to cheat me. Has akiwan been saved?"

Rodriguez\'s tone was suddenly severe.

Abibra\'s face was ugly and her lips moved, but she didn\'t speak for a long time.

"... don\'t worry. I\'ve sent someone to chase them. They can\'t escape!"

Even if you make a mistake, you have to show your willingness to make up for it.

Rodriguez was not in a hurry to investigate the responsibility and said in a deep voice: "what happened? Who saved akivan?"

At this time, abibra did not dare to hide any more. He told the truth, even the gang of armed elements who destroyed everywhere.

"Do you suspect they are a wave of people?"

"Yes! If they hadn\'t attracted our attention, akivan would never have been so easily rescued by them. These hundreds of militants deliberately attacked our factory and interfered with our sight, which gave those people an opportunity."


Rodriguez asked, "where did so many people come from?"

"It\'s not clear at present, but they have excellent weapons and equipment, extremely strong combat effectiveness and well-trained, just like the regular army."

Hearing abibra\'s narration, Rodriguez subconsciously came up with a name in his mind.


But he quickly felt unlikely.

Seta and they are still deadlocked in Los ramons. How can they suddenly appear in erdoton hundreds of kilometers away?

People don\'t have wings. Can\'t they fly?

"Abibra, I entrusted erdoton to you for management out of my trust in you, but I didn\'t expect you to make such a big mess. You should understand the consequences if akivan escaped. You\'d better pray to catch him again. No, don\'t blame me for being cruel."

Abibra\'s heart was cold. Before he could reply, there was a cold hanging up sound over there.

One mountain is higher than another.

In erdoton, he is a well deserved uncrowned king, covering the sky with one hand and taking life and death, but on a larger level, he is just a helpless little man.

Abibra\'s face was dark and he slowly put down his cell phone.

"Boss, what does the leader say?"

The drug dealer nearby asked carefully.

"What do you say?"

Abibra pinched the cell phone with such force that it seemed to explode.

"If we don\'t get akivan back, we\'ll all die!"

"Boss, there\'s news!"

A drug dealer rushed in.

Abibra looked maliciously at her.


"I know where those people came from! A village along the Lyme river was suddenly killed one night a few days ago, and more than 400 villagers didn\'t leave a living. Moreover, just these days, more than 20 marine policemen on the Lyme River were killed while on duty, and the ships were destroyed. From the scene, it seems that the enemy has very strong firepower, which should be consistent with the armed elements on our territory It\'s the same wave. "

"So they came from the lime river?"

The drug dealer nodded, swallowed his saliva and said in a hurry: "the place where the marine police were killed is not far from Huoguo town. They may have come from Huoguo town!"


Abibra\'s face trembled, her pupils contracted like the tip of a needle, and suddenly hit her mobile phone on the ground.


The mobile phone was suddenly fragmented.

Abibra breathed heavily, like a furious beast.