Dominate the world from signing in

Chapter 773

In front of the fully armed and ruthless fangs, these villagers are lambs to be slaughtered and have no resistance.

More than two hours later, the whole village was slaughtered, and Chen Liang\'s orders were implemented in detail, leaving no survivors.

Chen Liang\'s guess is correct. These villagers are not simple farmers. Some families have weapons hidden in them, resulting in minor injuries to several tusk members.

"Mr. Chen, we found a garage at the end of the village with several trucks."

The whole village is backward. Fangfang didn\'t forget to collect the booty. Naturally, they are not interested in money. They just plan to get some cars to leave here. It\'s just a surprise that there are eight big trucks in this small village.

It must be used to transport drugs.

A truck carrying twenty or thirty people is more than enough.

"Get in the car and go into town."

Killing and seizing cars, leaving a dead village. Chen Liang and his party got on the bus and left.

In order to survive and pursue a better life, these villagers plant drugs from their point of view and have no fault.

In order to prevent exposure, it seems equally natural for tusks to kill them all.

Every behavior seems to have a good reason.

In fact, this is the world.

It\'s simple.

There is not so much right and wrong in books.

It\'s just the law of the jungle.

The carriage of the truck became a better cover than the night. The team headed for erdoton. The bumpy dirt road along the road led to some bumps and made the speed slow, so it looked a little leisurely.

"Mr Dean, where is akivan under house arrest?"

Chen Liang didn\'t sit in the driver\'s seat, but squeezed into the carriage.

Having witnessed his bloody means, now Leng Feng\'s perception of him has changed greatly.

"In a villa northwest of erdoton."

For Chen Liang\'s questions, Dean now basically answers all questions.

After all, the man\'s bloody means left a deep mark on him.

"How about defensive strength?"

"It\'s not clear at present. We originally planned to wait until we sneaked into erdoton."

Chen Liang nodded.

His original plan was just to destroy a pass in erdoton, disturb their hinterland and slash the economic lifeline of Sinaloa, but the accidental emergence of cold front gradually changed his idea.

No matter how strong the fortress is, it is often broken from the inside.

Guzman\'s son is under house arrest, which shows that Sinaloa\'s leadership change is definitely not a peaceful transition.

In this way, there will be a lot of articles to do.

As a world-renowned drug lord, Guzman pushed Sinaloa to the top. His reputation in Sinaloa and even the whole Mexican drug world is unmatched. Although he is now in prison, many people in Sinaloa must be loyal to him.

As long as his son comes out and cheers, even if he doesn\'t mention the fragmentation, Rodriguez, the leader of Sinaloa, must be a headache.

"If we rush over now, how likely are we to save akivan?"

"Better not."


Chen Liangping asked, "why?"

"If you were Mr. Chen, standing in the position of Sinaloa, and found that the enemy was threatening and might not be able to resist, what would you do?"

Chen Liang didn\'t respond.

"If it were me, I would choose to kill akivan without hesitation. He can become a body, but he can\'t escape." dean asked himself.

Chen Liang raised his eyebrows.

with reason.

Mercenaries are mercenaries, and they really have rich experience in this field.

"What do you think should be done?"

"Mr. Chen, if you keep busy with your work, akiwan will leave it to us."

Dean, who had long wanted to be separated from each other, took advantage of the opportunity to put forward it.

Chen Liang shook his head, "Mr. Dean, we can enter erdoton smoothly. Thanks to your help, I must return this favor to you."

Dean wanted to say that I didn\'t need your kindness, but looking at Chen Liang\'s face, his words were blocked in his throat and couldn\'t be said at all.

"We\'ll help you get akivan out."

Then Chen Liang stopped the team in a wilderness and began to deploy the plan for the next few days.

He and Tang Xiaolong mandrill, King Kong snow leopard and jackal followed Lengfeng to rescue akiwan, while the other Cobra members led fangs to continue the original destruction mission.

Three days later, they meet in an oasis on the northern outskirts of Ecuador.

The soldiers are divided in two ways.

The team left, leaving Chen Liang and his party, as well as Leng Feng members.

There were more than ten people on both sides, and the number was not small, but compared with before, the scene undoubtedly became a little deserted.

"Let\'s go, find a place to live first, and go to the villa tomorrow."

Because there were few people, the probability of being detected was much lower. Chen Liang and his party went to a hotel to stay.

After entering the room, the cold front player who has been holding back until now finally couldn\'t help saying: "boss, why don\'t we do it? I\'ll screw off King Kong\'s head and use it as a toilet!"

The white man who almost fought with King Kong in Hogo town looked ferocious.

"There are only six of them now. It\'s the best chance."

The proposal is not insidious.

In the past, the other side was crowded and they could not resist, but now the situation is the opposite.

In terms of numbers, they still have an advantage.

"Yes, I\'ll cut off the orangutan\'s hands and feed them to the dog!"

Kelly clenched her teeth and fully interpreted the words of the most poisonous woman\'s heart. Her eyes were cold and cold. With that enchanting and wild face, it was even more shocking.


This description is simply too appropriate.

Everyone waited for Dean to give an order, and then immediately went out to avenge his shame, but Dean shook his head.

"Now is not the time to turn against them."

"Why? Boss, they insult us like that..."

White people don\'t want to.

"Don\'t forget, what we\'re here for!"

Dean severely interrupted him and said in a deep voice, "we all come all the way here. We don\'t fight with cobras. What if we kill them? Their two hundred people know the news and will turn around to hunt us. What about the task then?!"

"Nothing is more important than completing the task!"

Hearing the speech, although their anger was not calm, they stopped talking.

Dean adjusted his mood and slowed his tone.

"This time we must cooperate with them. With them, we can also help us take some risks. No matter what King Kong says, just think he\'s farting.

You know, the first rule of being a mercenary is not to be affected by your emotions. Otherwise, you will not be far from death. "