Dominate the world from signing in

Chapter 270

"Have a pear. It\'s very sweet."


The door was suddenly pushed open.

A three-dimensional geometry test paper was spread on the table. Ouyangqing sat at the table, but he didn\'t write as fast as before. Although he held the pen in his hand, he always hovered in the air. His eyes stared at the lamp holder. His thinking was obviously not here. He didn\'t return to his mind until Gu Hengbo came in.

"Thank you, sister."

He put down his pen and took the cut crystal pear.

Gu Hengbo shook off the water stain on his hand and looked at the test paper that had not written a word. It was not surprising.

"Something on your mind?"

In fact, as soon as the teenager came back tonight, she found him a little uneasy.

Ouyang Qing, who had been in a daze after entering the house, lowered his head and chewed a pear without talking.

"Criticized by the teacher?"

"Didn\'t you do well in the exam?"

Gu Hengbo kept guessing.

Ouyangqing was always silent.

Gu Hengbo thought of a possibility and frowned.

"Are those bad students bothering you again?"

Campus bullying can not be ignored. If it is serious, it will have a significant impact on the victim\'s physical and mental health. It was just last time, but if those students don\'t know how to restrain, she will never be silent again.

"Sister, no, don\'t think about it."

Ouyangqing finally opened his mouth and shook his head.

"What happened? You\'ve been back for nearly half an hour, but you haven\'t written a word in your homework. You\'ve been in a daze all the time?"

Facing his sister\'s gaze, Ouyang Qing pursed his mouth, pinched the pear and whispered, "sister, today, I had dinner with Hou Jiaqi."

"Hou Jiaqi? The girl who likes you?"

Gu Hengbo had a good memory and said with a little doubt, "didn\'t you say last time that you had drawn a line with her?"

"Yes, that\'s my plan, but this time there was an accident at home, I had to go to her for help. Her father was an official. The reason why the bad man was caught so quickly this time was because her father helped."

Hearing ouyangqing\'s explanation, Gu Hengbo was stunned, and then suddenly,

No wonder she thought the efficiency of the police investigation was amazing. It turned out that someone had put pressure on her.

"To thank her, I invited her to dinner."

Ouyang Qing continued.

Gu Hengbo listened quietly,

"At dinner, she suddenly said that she would not disturb me again in the future and cried. I have known her for so long. She has always been laughing. Today is the first time I saw her cry..."

Ouyangqing\'s voice was getting lower and lower.

Gu Hengbo looked at him and finally understood the reason why the boy didn\'t belong tonight.

"She said she wouldn\'t bother you again, that is to say, she agreed to your previous request and was willing to draw a line with you."

Ouyang Qing nodded silently,

"Do you doubt that this was what you wanted to see, but why can\'t you be happy at all when things come to an end?"

Ouyangqing immediately raised his head. Although he didn\'t speak, it can be seen from his expression that Gu Hengbo really got the idea in his heart.

Gu Hengbo sighed and said with a smile, "the reason is very simple. It\'s not Acacia."

Ouyang\'s eyes were clear and puzzled.

"Sister, what do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple. In fact, you like others in your heart, but you\'ve been trying to suppress it."

Gu Hengbo said bluntly, "I told you before that it\'s not a shame to like someone. At your age, it\'s normal to meet an excellent opposite sex when you\'re in love."

"Xiaoqing, actually, I\'ve come from this age, so I have a deep understanding. A book says that people always encounter the most perfect love in the age when they don\'t understand love. I think so. You\'ll know later that it\'s really a very, very luxurious thing to encounter such pure feelings after leaving school, so I reminded you to be bold A little. "

Gu Hengbo didn\'t put up the airs of a long sister, nor was he preaching. It seemed that he was just comforting in an equal tone.

"Poverty" is indeed a word that makes people cover their noses. If you are at the age of sister and still achieve nothing, even sister will look down on you, but at your age, you don\'t have to feel inferior. Because you are only a student and students around you. It\'s not because of the differences in family that leads to the differences between you Your responsibility. "

"Moreover, you should understand that in middle school, the influence of wealth and wealth on feelings is very small. This is also the most memorable place of youth."

"I know. You think the family situation of other girls is good and don\'t want to drag others down, but have you ever thought that you\'re just worrying about yourself?"

"Sixteen or seventeen year old girls are princesses living in fantasy. What they look forward to is only a pure and beautiful relationship. In their eyes, what they look forward to is that they are just at a good age and have a good person to accompany them. As for the future and responsibility, these are not in their scope of consideration."

"She just wants to have a vigorous love, that\'s all. Maybe she knows very well that you can\'t go to the end, or break up soon. But does she care? She won\'t think about it at all. In that case, all you need to do is go to this youth appointment. Why drag?"

pierce to the heart of the matter.


Gu Hengbo\'s words can be said to perfectly analyze the inner world of a girl of this age.

After hearing this, Ouyang Qing was stunned.

After a long speech, Gu Hengbo stopped.

The girl shed tears and gave up. After a little speculation, she roughly guessed the reason. It must be that she was under pressure from home for help this time.

She can also understand the attitude of the woman\'s family.

In her capacity, she can reasonably make the teenager bold, but if she stands in the perspective of the woman, she may also obstruct.

This kind of thing is only related to position, no matter right or wrong.

"I don\'t know if you can understand what I said, but I hope that no matter what happens, you can look at it. A man should be able to take it up and put it down. If you are lucky, you will meet it in the end. But at that time, I don\'t want you to say what you are afraid of dragging others down like now. It\'s ang Stand tall and upright in front of others. "

Ouyang Qing\'s pupils trembled, gradually regained consciousness and raised his smile.

"Thank you, sister."

Gu Hengbo patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "well, do your homework quickly, but don\'t stay up too late."


Ouyang nodded with emphasis.