Dominate the world from signing in

Chapter 207

Jiang Xin\'s amnesia doesn\'t seem to be a bad thing for herself. At least during her hospitalization, even if she was suffering from pain, there were more smiles on her face than in the past two years after graduation.

Especially when Chen Liang came to see her, her smile was almost uninterrupted, bright and pure. With her pale face, it was as clean as the winter sun.

"Chen Liang, I\'ve figured it out. When I leave the hospital, I\'ll move in with you."

Jiang Xin sat on the bed and looked at the man who came back from fetching water. It was like announcing a major decision.

Chen Liang\'s eyes fluctuated, put down the water bottle, smiled as if nothing had happened and said, "I asked you to live with me before. Didn\'t you disagree?"

According to the story he made up, they were separated from each other because of their work.

"It used to be before. Now I have a car accident. I must be unable to work for a while and a half, so why not live with you? You don\'t know the rent of Donghai. Living together can save a lot of money."

Jiang Xin seems to have considered it very clearly.

If ordinary people have such a beautiful and thrifty girlfriend, they are afraid to burn incense to thank their ancestors, but Chen Liang is not happy at this time.

He really didn\'t consider the question raised by Jiang Xin.

After Jiang Xin\'s accident, in order to make her feel at ease and not stimulated, he made up a life story with her cognition.

It\'s just in the hospital. The scene is single. If he and Gu Hengbo cooperate, there won\'t be any flaws, but it\'s not so simple when they get out of the hospital.

A lie is a lie after all. It\'s impossible to confuse the true with the false. Without mentioning anything else, Jiang Xin\'s problem now - if he wants to live with him, he doesn\'t know how to solve it.

Let Jiang Xin live in Oriental Ginza?

If Jiang Xin knew he was so rich, the world he made up would collapse immediately.

"What\'s the matter? Why don\'t you talk?"

Seeing Chen Liang\'s silence, Jiang Xin showed a touch of uneasiness in her eyes.

"Is... Inconvenient?"


Chen Liang shook his head and smiled. Now I\'m afraid he can only take one step at a time.

"Of course you\'re welcome if you want to live with me."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Xin\'s uneasiness in her eyes disappeared, and the radian bloomed like a flower.

"I\'ve made up my mind. I\'ll take care of your life in the future."

Her tone was resolute and more full of longing for the future.

"Can you cook?"

Chen Liang asked suspiciously.

At the university meeting, the two had discussed the question of who would cook in the future. At that time, the young people who loved their girlfriend took care of everything and threatened that they would be responsible for the housework and cooking.

"No, but I can learn."

Jiang Xin picked up the book she had just read and raised it like a show off.

Chen Liang found that what she was reading was not a novel or masterpiece, but the basic principles of cooking.

"Why are you looking at this? You have a bad mind and need a rest."

"You have a bad mind!"

Jiang Xin stared angrily.

"I just need to pass the time because I have nothing to do here. Now I find that cooking is really interesting. I think my cooking should be great when I leave the hospital."

Chen Liang lost his smile.

"Do you think you can cook after reading a few books? You\'re talking on paper. Cooking can only be mastered by your own hands. Give me the book."

"I don\'t!"

Chen Liang walks over and tries to get the book basic principles of cooking, but Jiang Xin dodges and hides the book under her pillow.

"I\'ll get familiar with it first, and then experiment slowly after I leave the hospital. Besides, sister Gu gave it to me. You have no right to confiscate it."

Chen Liang was stunned.

"Gu Hengbo gave it to you?"

Jiang Xin nodded.

"Isn\'t sister Gu always taking care of your life now? People say that she is also an outsider. It\'s not good to always trouble others. So I asked her to bring me some books on this. When I leave the hospital, I\'ll be responsible for your stomach."

It can be seen that she did make a detailed plan for the future.

Looking at the "vibrant" Jiang Xin, Chen Liang\'s heart became a little heavy for no reason.

Jiang Xin is now in a positive and optimistic state. Naturally, he is happy to see it, but the lie will be exposed one day.

Anyway, this story can\'t last a lifetime. Whether Jiang Xin can recover her memory or not, he will tell Jiang Xin the truth sooner or later. Can Jiang Xin bear it then?

Is it a good thing or a bad thing to deceive her like this?

"What\'s the matter with you today? Why are you always in a daze?"

Jiang Xin whispered strangely, "what\'s on your mind?"


Chen Liang smiled and said tentatively, "it\'s just that my aunt is so strongly opposed to us together. I\'m worried..."

"My mother is my mother, I am me. If I really cared so much about my mother\'s opinion, I wouldn\'t have been with you."

Jiang Xin\'s face tightened, her eyes trembled, and her appearance began to become frightened.

"Chen Liang, aren\'t you not going to want me?"

Her body began to shake slightly because of fear.

Seeing her reaction so fierce, Chen Liang could only press the idea of preventive injection, shook his head and said with a smile: "I\'m just talking."

"Are you not firm? You promised me that you would not leave me anyway."

Jiang Xin stared at him with a pair of eyes, and reached out and grabbed his hand.

"On my mother\'s side, you don\'t have to worry. If they really object, I ignore them. Now it\'s not a feudal society. I can make my own decisions. As long as you are firm, no one can tear us apart."

"I know why you\'re so nervous."

Chen Liang realized that he might be too aggressive and wanted to ease the atmosphere. But Jiang Xin is very serious.

"Well, you suddenly say such words. Can I not be nervous?"

Her tone even revealed a slight sob and said wrongfully, "if you don\'t want me, I\'ll jump out of this window."

This is the eighth floor, nearly 30 meters high. Although there is grass below, it must be miserable to jump down like this.

Jiang Xin doesn\'t look like a joke at all.

Chen Liang closed his lips tightly and said in a joking tone: "you can\'t walk now. How can you jump?"

"I can climb over and jump!"

Jiang Xin said angrily.

Chen Liang stared at her.

She looked at him, too.

A moment later, they laughed almost at the same time.

Jiang Xin lay down in his arms like a docile cat and said softly, "Chen Liang, what I said is serious. If you don\'t want me, tell me I won\'t pester you."

If you don\'t agree, you\'ll jump off a building. How dare you tell me?

Chen Liang didn\'t speak. He looked at the sunshine outside the window and sighed secretly.