Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

257 Chapter 257

"Gurl, you won\'t be here if that is the truth. You came to Mr. Phoenix Gray because you\'re desperate for a place to stay and a job. Where is your good family when you need them the most?" Diamond asked, and Chloe went silent instantly.

The question was a bullseye that stabbed Chloe in her heart.

Where was her family when she needed them the most?

Well, they didn\'t know about the truth, or to be more precise— they refused to listen to the truth.

Vincent fed them with money every month, making them unable to think straight, and he would always take his side no matter what.

So, even though Chloe tries to tell them the truth, they would deny it and accuse Chloe of being an ungrateful whore.


Because to Judith and Chelsea, Chloe was just a bridge connecting them to the real treasure, Vincent Gray.

Chloe\'s heart was aching right now.

\'The truth is, I know that I have no worth to my own family, to my mother who raised me. My worth is the man whom I marry,\' Chloe thought. \'Even my mom keeps telling me that I should be more obedient and try to be a good wife for that bastard Vincent.\'

\'But is it wrong for me to keep clinging to my desperation?\' Chloe asked herself. \'I just want to feel loved. How am I supposed to live with the realization that even my mother doesn\'t love me anymore….\'

Diamond sensed that Chloe\'s body started shaking for an unknown reason. She got worried, so she patted Chloe\'s back and asked, "Gurl, what\'s wrong?"

"N-nothing…" Chloe replied, but her voice was shaky, and she was obviously on the verge of crying.

Diamond separated herself from Chloe to check on her expression. Her eyes widened when she saw tears falling from the edge of Chloe\'s eyes.

She quickly wiped the tears and forced a smile, "Sorry, I got a little emotional there…."

"Chloe…" Diamond was concerned. She wanted to inquire more about Chloe and her family, but it seemed that it was something very sensitive to her.

\'Yet, even without saying a word, I already have a clear picture of your relationship with your family, Homegirl…\' Diamond said in her heart.

If her guess was correct, Chloe still wanted to make amends and try to get close to her family. But they probably had a falling out caused by none other than that bastard Vincent.

\'But if your family truly loves you, why wouldn\'t they accept you in their home? You were literally homeless with your little daughter, even if you had an argument with them, shouldn\'t they at least let you stay for a while until you get back on your feet?\'

Diamond could only say those in her heart because if she attacked Chloe with even more facts than what she could handle, her homegirl would probably have a mental breakdown right now.

Chloe noticed the look of pity coming from Diamond, and she tried to shift the topic again.

She wasn\'t ready to tell Diamond how much of a loser she was because she couldn\'t maintain her marriage, nor could she maintain her family.

Just like what Vincent told her back then;

\'Visit (No ve (l)B i n) to read, pls!\',


\'Chloe, you think you can run away from your family? I shoved your stupid mother with so much money. If I stopped sending her money, would she blame me, or you instead?\'


\'He forced me to be a housewife and locked me in, so I can\'t work anywhere, but he also demeaned me for being a simple housewife because I don\'t earn money,\' Chloe thought. \'Ah, being vulnerable makes me feel so shit….\'

"A—Anyway, Diamond, where were you? It\'s so rare for you to be late today," Chloe asked as she shifted the topic.

Diamond sighed and played along, "I was busy doing Mr. Phoenix Gray\'s errand, as always."

"I see," Chloe nodded. She was thinking for a few seconds, and a flash of an idea popped into her head. She asked, "Diamond, what do you think would be a suitable job for me?"

"A suitable job?" Diamond frowned as she found that question so out of the blue.

"Yes, I mean— what kind of regular job would fit me, based on your observation?"

"Hm…" Diamond thought of a few jobs in her head for a few seconds. If she could be honest, Chloe was perfect as a housewife.

She was tailored to be one and did a great job as one.

Her daughter was real proof of how much of a great mother Chloe was because that little girl could grow up normal and happy despite having a total asshat of a father.


She was also a good wife. Just look at how she had subtly taken control over Vernon. So, even though they weren\'t married yet, Diamond could already see that Vernon saw Chloe more like a wife than a sister-in-law.

But that didn\'t seem to be the answer that Chloe wanted. Her doe eyes were glimmering with hope and determination, and Diamond felt butterflies in her stomach.

\'Damn, I\'m not even into girls, but Chloe could be an exception,\' Diamond thought.

Diamond took a deep breath to calm herself and replied, "Well, I think you can be a cook— maybe even a chef."

"A chef?" Chloe was stunned by the answer.

Never had she ever thought of herself as a good cook. She was just a woman who cooked for her family, and that was all.

"Um, I don\'t think I\'m close to that level, Diamond," Chloe said. "I\'m just cooking regular stuff for my family."

"It\'s not regular stuff, gurl," Diamond clicked her tongue as she was quite irritated by how much Chloe looked down on herself.

"Do you know how much of a picky eater my boss is?" Diamond started recounting her daily headaches before Chloe came into Vernon\'s life.

Now Diamond was in the mood to complain;

"That bastard, he is such a picky eater that he ordered me to drive for hours just to pick his lunch every. single. day!"