Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination (All-field Godly Wish System)

Chapter 745: Wonderful, really wonderful

After spending two hours digging a lot of plant seeds in the mountains, he went overseas again with Yujian, found a few places with abundant seaweed, and absorbed a wave of vitality.

Now there are 18 green clouds in his wish space, that is, 180,000 vitality units.

You can also cultivate a large number of natural materials and earth treasures, and it is beautiful.

In the wish space, a patter of light rain floated in the sky, Yang Ling sat cross-legged by the river and swallowed a Xisui Pill.

A sense of coolness sank into the dantian, and the next moment a fire appeared in the dantian, burning all the impurities.

It's hard to say how painful it is, but it's definitely uncomfortable.

I saw a lot of black smoke coming out of the surface of his skin. This is the smoke produced by the burning of impurities by the washing marrow pills.

After eating whole grains for so many years, Yang Ling didn't know how many impurities were in his body, and the medicinal power of a Xisui Pill was obviously insufficient.

Half an hour later, the medicine was exhausted. Without much hesitation, he took another one.

The burning sensation filled his body again, and black smoke came out again, but was blown by the breeze and disappeared without a trace.

After taking three washes of marrow pills repeatedly in this way, the black smoke wafting out of his body finally faded, until finally disappeared completely.

This proves that the impurities in the body have been almost eliminated.

Of course, as long as you continue to eat whole grains, impurities will always be produced. If you want to keep your body clean, you have to take it regularly.

After a suffocating breath grew, Yang Ling felt relaxed and indescribable after she got up.

"Ding, the host's charm value is +10, and the current charm value is 78."

The system prompt sounded, and Yang Ling smiled.

A body without impurities, every inch of skin, every muscle, and even every hair is pure and flawless, and there is a ghost if the charm value increases.

A pure body can better cultivate and absorb medicine. After he got up and moved for a while, he sat down cross-legged again and took a pill of Pei Yuan.


The pill enters the body, and the warm feeling fills the whole body. The powerful medicine nourishes his internal organs, muscles and bones.

He clearly felt that his body was a little better than before.

He hurriedly ran the Wuming Dao Jue and began to absorb the medicine thoroughly.

This process lasted for an hour, and after an hour, the power of Peiyuan Pill was completely dissolved in his body.

Yang Ling hurriedly checked his four dimensions, and sure enough his strength, physique and agility rose a little!

This is equivalent to a pill with 3 attribute values.

And it clearly felt that the zhenqi in the dantian had increased so little.

Don't look at it so little, even if you are sitting next to the Eye of Lingquan, it takes at least three days and three nights to develop this little qi!

This undoubtedly greatly shortened the process of his cultivation, otherwise the pill is one of the most precious resources in the cultivation world.

According to his current realm, the limit of his body is to absorb two Pills of Strength per day.

Swallowing pills and meditating for two hours a day is equivalent to practicing for six days and six nights plus three days of subsistence allowance.

"Wonderful, it is wonderful!"

Yang Ling laughed.

In this way, in addition to adding mental power, his attribute points can be left for a while.

If you draw a maid card, you can fight the maid and walk away.

Nowadays, the Sea Clan and the Wild Clan have begun to show up. In the treacherous situation, the battle maid is more important than the comprehensive maid.

Without even thinking about it, Yang Ling took out a Peiyuan Pill again and took it...
