Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination (All-field Godly Wish System)

Chapter 492: No one wants a place of feng shui

After Zhou Jin helped open the car door, he respectfully shouted: "Dong Liu, Dong Yang."

Both Liu Muhan and Yang Ling nodded slightly, and said hello.

Yang Ling glanced around, except for a beautiful four-story house, the surrounding area was already overgrown with weeds, which looked like a wasteland.

He asked curiously: "The place is so good, but how can it be so desolate?"

Zhang Wenqi sighed softly after hearing the words: "This matter is a long story. Let Director Wang explain it."

Luo Shizhuang is under the jurisdiction of S City Development Zone, and Director Wang is the director of the development zone.

He sighed softly: "Dong Liu and Dong Yang, it is true that this piece of land was originally sold to a developer planning to build a real estate, but something happened later and the developer ran away after building this club. "

"Our development zone has taken back the property rights, but has not sold the land..."

Liu Muhan and Yang Ling looked at each other when they heard the words, and the female president curiously said: "Director, the location here is not bad. It's the southern gate of our city. Why can't we not get it out?"

Director Wang smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "You may not believe it. They think the feng shui here is not good, saying that there is something unclean."


Yang Ling opened his mouth, what age is this, and there are such things?

But thinking of Su Qiling...

After a moment of silence, he said strangely: "Director, take the liberty to ask, the developers say that Feng Shui is not good. Did something happen?"

Director Wang sighed lightly, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm telling you, the boss who plans to buy this place after seeing it, he will have a headache, sickness and nightmares when he goes home.

"Before, another boss invited Mr. Feng Shui to come over and take a look, saying that this land is a Jedi, and whoever lives is unlucky."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"


Yang Ling and Liu Muhan were slightly surprised when they heard this.

Capital is profit-seeking. The fact that those developers can put such a large piece of fat without eating it shows that there is indeed a reason for it.

A person's headache may be accidental, but each headache is not simple.

Zhou Jin said: "Dong Yang, I have already invited the most famous Feng Shui in our city to come here in my own name. It is estimated that I will be there soon."

"Well, well done."

Yang Ling patted him on the shoulder, expressing approval.

Liu Muhan looked at the surrounding environment and nodded slightly and said, "There are mountains and waters here, and the geographical position is also very good. It is indeed a place worthy of opening up."

Yang Ling also nodded, he also saw this place, he had a plan in his heart, he needed such an area for him to flex his muscles.

"Director, what is the total area of ​​this Luo Shizhuang area?"

The director replied: "This was the place where the Ming Dynasty troops were stationed. It is eight kilometers long from north to south and six kilometers from east to west. The mountain and water are considered a treasure of geomantic omen."

"It's a pity that I don't know what's going on... Oh!"

After a moment of silence, Yang Ling said, "If our group wants to buy this place, I don't know how much money is needed?"

The director was overjoyed when he heard the words, Yang Ling asked so, naturally he had this intention. He simply said, "Five hundred million!"

"But your group can only carry out commercial or residential development, and it is not allowed to set up factories to cause pollution to the surrounding environment."

Yang Ling nodded and looked at Liu Muhan and said, "Dong Liu, what do you think?"

Liu Muhan smiled slightly and said, "The price is right, but..."
