Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination (All-field Godly Wish System)

Chapter 2491: Fighting experience

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Looking at Liu Muhan, who had a sword like a **** at this moment, only a sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Sheng's mouth.

At the next moment, all the yin and yang swords including Yu Ruyi disappeared...


There was a hint of surprise in Liu Muhan's eyes. It was just an instinctive defensive reaction just now. The eyes of the sky were opened at this moment. From this look, it was indeed a phantom.

This Yang Sage used a small spell to fool the Tianhe Runner Sword Art in his fairy sword technique!

This time, a lot of her mana and mental power was wasted!

Annoyed in her heart, she wanted to use some magic technique to counterattack again, but at the moment when she pinched the sword art, Yu Ruyi, who didn't know where she was hiding, shot out fiercely!

Liu Muhan was shocked, knowing that this jade Ruyi was real under the eyes of the sky, he hurriedly stopped the movement in his hand, and once again used the Tianhe Runner Sword Art to protect himself with countless sword shadows.

It’s just that something unexpected happened again, Yang Sheng’s mouth showed a sneer, but the jade ruyi suddenly circled, instead of choosing to collide with the rotating sword shadow head-on, it flew back to Yang Sheng in a circle. Around.

At the same time, Liu Muhan found a layer of cold air around him, and then the surrounding air pressure began to become strange.

Yang Sheng sneered: "Fairy, you are really amazing, but unfortunately, I released a trace of ice supernatural power between Yu Ruyi's display. The laws of heaven and earth cannot tolerate the ice and fire. The air of ice around you is afraid that it will make the surrounding nine heavens divine fire. Run away?"

Liu Muhan was taken aback. This person unknowingly used the supernatural power of cold ice, using the surrounding environment to deal with himself!

"It's careless!"

Liu Muhan secretly said that it was not good. Before the surrounding Nine Heavens Divine Fire completely ran away, he unfolded the wind escape, and disappeared in the same place with a whirr.

However, all of this was expected by Yang Sheng. At the moment when she performed the escape technique, Yang Ling took out a bronze mirror, and the light from the bronze mirror accurately reflected the location where Liu Muhan was performing Fengdan. .

In the next moment, Yu Ruyi slammed into it while flying!

At this time, it predicted Feng Dun's movement trajectory, and was either concentrated by Yu Ruyi, or displayed greater mana, forcibly changing the direction of the Dun method.

Just now, Liu Muhan used the wind escape in a panic and used a lot of mana. The speed is extremely fast, and under the strong inertia, it may take three or four thousand dragon power to change the direction of the escape method forcibly!

Yang Sheng is still very old-fashioned this time, and has completely taken the lead!


A muffled noise came again, Liu Muhan did not forcefully choose to change the direction of his wind escape, but blocked the blow with the Chi Xiao Sword.

Yu Ruyi flew back, the next moment, her figure appeared, but she looked at Yang Sheng with indifference.

"Count you smart."

Yang Sheng let out a cold voice, but the flying back Yu Ruyi released another chill, and the nine-day divine fire around Liu Muhan seemed to run away again.

This is a repeat of the old trick!

This time, Liu Muhan didn't start the wind escape, but hummed softly, and the flames flowed all over his body, dispelling the chill directly on the spot.

Immediately, the surrounding fire calmed down.

Without more dialogue, although Liu Muhan forcibly took Yu Ruyi's blow, it was nothing to her who had a strong roots to make people ridiculous.

Could it be that Liu Muhan won't let go of this opportunity to defensively as an offensive, the next moment is a little bit of fingertips, but a burning rough suddenly appeared behind her!

This stone was like a meteorite, blasted violently towards Yang Sheng, and the surrounding sacred fire all retreated.

This is one of the great magical powers of fire that Liu Muhan has mastered, a blazing star pendant!

"Four thousand dragon power!"


Yang Sheng was taken aback, and his entire body teleported and disappeared in place, but this blazing star fell behind. After circling in mid-air, it violently blasted towards him.

Yang Sage’s own ultimate strength is only less than two thousand five hundred dragon power. Liu Muhan’s shot is four thousand dragon power, and he has formed a force to completely crush, but what I have to say is Liu Muhan’s fighting skills. There are still big shortcomings.

Before casting such a powerful spell, it’s best to use some other auxiliary Dao spells, and at the same time, use the tremendous spiritual power to seal all the retreats of the Sun Sage, and then cast the Blazing Star Pendant. Only to be able to achieve the effect of one hit kill.

But now, it is a bit difficult to control this blazing star pendant to catch up with the extremely flexible Yang Sage.

There was a flash of light in Yang Sheng's eyes, but he basically saw the reality of the fireball that followed him, and the next moment, it was a hand.

He threw a magic weapon!

A very ordinary artifact!

Under such a high temperature environment, this magic weapon ball burned directly and was vaporized rapidly, but before it was completely vaporized, the small ball hit the blazing star pendant!


With a shocking explosion, this little sphere was like the fuse of an atomic bomb, exploding the blazing star!

Use the least cost to waste the opponent's strongest means of attack, this is experience!

The huge blazing star falling of four thousand dragon power exploded, Liu Muhan whispered, and directly unfolded a tornado to protect him firmly in the center of the tornado, but Yang Sheng before the terrible explosion shock wave hit him, but I had already anticipated this situation, and directly unfolded a yin and yang tai chi pattern.

The moment the flame shock wave passed through the Tai Chi pattern, it was as if it had been unloaded, and it did not overwhelm the Tai Chi at all.

This was Yang Sheng's extremely confident defensive method, and at this moment it really helped him easily resolve the terrible offense.

The terrible shock wave came fast, and went fast. Liu Muhan removed the tornado and took a closer look, only to see Yang Sage standing in the center of the Tai Chi pattern, looking at himself sarcastically!

"Humph! See how long you can hold on!"

The Chi Xiao Sword in his hand was used again, and the fairy sword technique drew out afterimages. The next moment, the sword shadow was condensed in this divine fire ring, and it attacked Yang Sage from all directions.

Liu Muhan's learning ability is very fast, but this time directly blocked all the retreat of Yang Sheng!


With a soft drink, all the sword shadows rushed towards Yang Sage from all directions. At the same time, she began to pinch the tactics quickly again, and the Blazing Star Pendant was about to be activated again!

At this time, Yang Sheng could only make it hard!

But at this moment, Yang Sheng's face showed a sorrowful smile.

"Puff puff puff!"

The next moment, Yang Sage's whole person was pierced by countless sword shadows, and the blood was left behind, and then exploded into a cloud of blood mist with a bang.


Liu Muhan reacted fiercely, this time it was not a phantom, it was a stand-in!

To be precise, it should be regarded as a clone!

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