Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination (All-field Godly Wish System)

Chapter 2462: Ecstatic

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I originally thought that the vitality of the plants and trees in the wish space was not enough, and the growth rate of the plants was not so fierce.

It was a good time now, when I met a holy realm master who knew the Qing Emperor's Wood Emperor Gong, and he used the method of summoning plants in front of him in a dazed manner.

Doesn't this squeeze you out?

Therefore, Yang Ling used the epiphany as a guise, but in fact secretly used the transfer of flowers and trees to transfer all the vitality of plants and trees into the desire space.

Immediately, in the wish space, plant seedlings grew on the originally bare yellow ground.

These seedlings grew rapidly under the water of huge vitality, and in a short while, they turned into towering trees.

Wherever the cyan rain cloud flies, it becomes a dense forest, lush, so beautiful.

In the space, Yun Qinglan and the other girls looked at the rain clouds in the sky. They were all a little dazed. They didn't know what was going on, thinking that their husband was madly destroying the environment of the alien planet outside.

Yang Ling laughed secretly in his heart. The opportunity was rare. He would not rush to solve this Duanmu Guang. Plant afforestation is a century-old plan. Wouldn't it be a pity to kill such a good gardener in vain?

On the other side, Duan Muyun performed the Qingdi Muhuang Gong, with amazing power, all kinds of vines are really overwhelming, covering the sky and the sun.

Feeling that the wife behind him is looking at him with a faint smile, and he feels the admiration of the disciples one by one, he is even more energetic!

Qingdi Muhuanggong was exerted to the extreme by him!

"What about Epiphany?"

"Under my Azure Emperor Wood Emperor's skill, even these wonderful flowers cannot last long!"

He shouted: "Hand over your epiphany, I can let you go, otherwise, you can only be the nourishment of my Qingdi Muhuanggong today with your cultivation base!"

The Epiphany is flying around Yangling, and each Epiphany has a green-green pattern on it. This is Yang Ling's magical ability to transfer flowers and connect trees to each Epiphany. At first glance, it is indeed the withering force of the Epiphany. Turning countless vine roots into fly ash is actually deprived of vitality.

He did not speak, and directly continued to spur Epiphany. Today, he is going to rain a blue rain on the space of desire.

As time passed, such a spectacular scene continued.

"I see how long you can hold on!"

Duan Muguang screamed again. He was determined to take Yang Ling down, showing the majesty of the lord in front of his wife and disciples, but with a shot of the storage bag, a cyan ball flew out, blinking. The rapid growth in time has turned into a towering tree demon!

The Dryad opened its teeth and danced its claws, but the human face engraved on its trunk opened its mouth wide. Small saplings jumped out of its big mouth and rushed in the direction of Yang Ling frantically.


The first sapling exploded unexpectedly, and the surrounding wood elements were so violent that they were destroying everything!

However, these terrifying explosions still did not break through Yangling's Epiphany array. After the turquoise explosion shock wave touched Epiphany, although it shattered part of Epiphany, it still couldn't be completely broken!


Duanmuguang shouted loudly, dozens of small saplings exploded at the same time, the terrible blue-green shock wave was visible to the naked eye, and almost even the space was about to be blown up.

However, it is unbelievable that the huge energy shock wave formed by the force of the billowing vegetation did not spread, but squeezed inward rapidly.

auzw.com This is to completely squeeze the epiphany flower array.

Yang Ling was overjoyed in his heart, but his heart moved, increasing the magic power of moving flowers and trees.

At this moment, it really started to rain blue in the wish space. Yun Qinglan had already planted the seeds before and made all the plans. It originally took a long time for the plants to grow slowly, but at this moment, blue Under the heavy rain, all plants began to grow wildly.

Good guy, the bald wish is alive here, and unlike the previous chaotic life of the big forest, this time it is planned to be alive.

Various beautiful landscapes of Linhai and Huahai began to appear one by one. The maids in the space clapped and clapped happily, and Yun Qinglan also had a smile on his face.

This saves many years of time!

The more beautiful the scenery of the wish space, the more refreshing it can make people feel at ease, and then invisibly dispel the demons.

In addition, Yun Qinglan's arrangement is in accordance with the law, and all the plants in the world will also emit their own energy, but the chaotic energy is wasted.

However, after so many plants in the space are regularly arranged, the radiated energy faintly forms an energy cycle, which not only nourishes itself, but also nourishes all living beings in this cycle.

Every creature in it will gradually become stronger in the subtle, slowly realizing the improvement of life level, this is the most rare.

In just fifteen minutes or so, the entire wish space is already shaded by trees and a sea of ​​flowers is like a tide.

I have to say that Duanmuguang is the world's best afforestation master, and Yang Ling would like to call him the strongest gardener.

This is the strongest gardener and he has a rib. Seeing that there are fewer and fewer Epiphany flower arrays, although he is already sweating on his forehead, he still desperately manipulates the energy of vegetation and wants to crush the flower array to the car. .

Nowadays, a big blue egg has formed around Yang Ling, and the big egg is shrinking desperately, but the whirling white flowers inside are offsetting the power of the big egg's contraction, making the scene more and more spectacular.

Yang Ling's spiritual thoughts scanned the entire wish space and found that planting trees was almost done, but he had begun to manipulate the vitality of the vegetation to irrigate the home's medicine garden.

All kinds of heaven and earth treasures such as thousand-year ginseng, thousand-year-old fleece-flower root, hardware grass, and peiyuan fruit are growing rapidly and mature in batches there.

Yang Ling was really excited about this.

At the same time, Yang Ling will also use part of the plant vitality to water the newly acquired Shouyuan fruit tree. Good guy, the Shouyuan fruit tree is also slowly growing, and the green Shouyuan fruit above has begun to mature a little bit.

When they return to the earth, they will give the elders in the family life yuan fruit, one by one or box by box, it depends on the strongest gardener's ability.

With the passage of time, even the power of Duanmuguang, the Holy Realm, could not bear the power of manipulating such a huge vegetation.

At this moment, he couldn't see the expression of the young man in the flower array, but for the sake of Pan Hua, he was determined to take this person down today, even if he paid some valuables again.

At this time, Wen Shuhuai's voice sounded around him: "My husband, I will help you."

"After taking this person and handing it to me for the time being, I have a way to get the epiphany in his body!"

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