Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination (All-field Godly Wish System)

Chapter 2456: Like a villain

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General Jin Jia and the three imperial concubines moved in a flash, appeared in Yang Ling's four positions, attacking almost simultaneously!

For a time, countless halberd shadows, sword shadows, umbrella shadows and whip shadows were intertwined, sealing all Yang Ling's escape routes.

These four people are all monks in the Yuanguang realm. Although they are not as good as Emperor Yumeng from the perspective of cultivation, their strength is also quite impressive.

Everyone basically issued a thousand dragon power!

This is the four thousand dragon power, if they are put together, it can almost be equal to Yang Ling's power.

However, between the swords and shadows, Yang Ling's demeanor was always as plain as water.

Power is not a superposition of one plus one.

If Yang Ling, who has more than four thousand dragon powers, is a strong man, then these four thousand dragon powers are just children.

Perhaps their power can be equal to Yang Ling, a brawny man with a simple addition, but can the four children really pose a threat to the brawny man?

Not being punched one by one is already considered great.

Power is not simply superimposed. Watching the surging hob lightsaber shadow, Yang Ling just stepped on the ground.


The dry blue ice crystals were activated instantly, and under the infusion of two thousand dragons, the four ice walls formed by the dry blue ice crystals were almost indestructible!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the series of explosions, no matter how skillfully these four people cooperated, how they performed their stunts, how they spurred the sacred artifacts in their hands, it was difficult to break the defense of the dry blue ice crystals.

After a while, Yang Ling sneered and said, "Is your Gu Sha still over?"

"It's my turn."

The sound fell, and the four ice walls formed by dry blue ice crystals burst into pieces, turning into countless ice crystals floating in the air.

In the next moment, dense ice crystals shot out in all directions!

The power of each ice crystal is not bad, the golden armoured general's halberd shook a piece of oncoming bi ice crystal, but he felt a little tingling in his mouth.

The power of this ice crystal is really too great!

These four people have been together for tens of thousands of years, and they have already formed a tacit understanding with each other, only to see the long hair emperor's body flashing light, and the other three almost disappeared in place at the same time.

The next moment, the four of them stood together, condensing their mana, and the beautiful imperial concubine holding the clear oil umbrella opened the umbrella, forming a protective light curtain.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding..."

The ice crystal smashed on the umbrella like a violent storm, but the umbrella is a sacred artifact after all, and the four people's mana and even the sacred yuan are all merged together, and the ice crystal has no way to take them for a while!

"Ding, you smashed the desire of the three imperial concubines and the golden armor generals that you do not want you to be so powerful, attribute points +280 points.

In the ice crystal rainstorm, Yang Ling's sarcasm sounded: "I can understand the condensing of mana. As long as they practice the combined attack technique with each other, they will naturally come."

"However, it is the first time I have heard that even Saint Yuan can condense together like you."

"It deserves to be the men and women who have been tired of each other for countless years. They really know each other well, hahahaha!"

Yang Ling laughed wildly, and the torrential rain of ice crystals in the sky became more turbulent.

At this moment, he looks like a villain...

"Ding, you smashed the four people on the opposite side who didn't want you to repeatedly mention their desire for adultery. The attribute points are +280 points."

"Ding, it is detected that you are the first alien to witness the green of Tianyue the Great. The system determines that you have dominated a small area. The progress of your cultivation base is +1, and the current progress: 3950."

"Ding, you can't show your ugliness. Knowing the truth, you have weakened the power of the remnants of Tianyue the Great, plundered a trace of luck from the entire planet, and gained +10,000 attribute points."

"System, you are not right."

Hearing the system prompt, Yang Ling smiled more happily, feeling extremely comfortable.

If there is a chance, he really wants to have a good chat with the Great Emperor Tianyue.


Looking at the three people hiding in the umbrellas opposite, Yang Ling laughed and said: "Very well, since you have betrayed the Great Emperor Tianyue, then I don't think I would mind giving him an extra green hat."

"Give up resistance, come over and lick my fingers, I can spare your lover's life, how about?"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

The laughter was exceptionally harsh. How innocent is Yang Ling without his wife and daughter by her side...

"Hmm... asshole, I'm fighting with you!"

Under such humiliation, let alone a sage of Yuanguang Realm, even a man in the market can't stand it!

General Jin Jia almost roared and rushed out, waving his halberd to the extreme, and the whole person actually increased his power to 1500 dragon power!

Every time the halberd was swung, a terrible halberd light would shoot out, and even the ice crystals would be smashed.


"Bang bang bang."

The surrounding ice crystals once again turned into a wall of ice, blocking Yang Ling's body. Even if it was furious, even if he drove his power to the extreme, the terrifying light of the halberd could not smash the defense of the ice wall, and even only Leave a white spot on the ice wall.

"Yes, he is still a man without being a tortoise."

There was a sneer at the corner of Yang Ling's mouth, with a little fingertips, after the sky full of ice crystals hovered, they rushed away from all directions, and slammed towards the Jinjia General.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

General Jin Jia is indeed a master, but while swinging the halberd, all the ice crystals that attacked him were smashed. Between the snow and ice, he was like a **** of war.

However, what he didn't notice was that some of the icy crumbs stuck to the legs wearing the golden armor unknowingly.

But this scene was discovered by the concubine Changfa.

"Love man, your feet..."

General Jin Jia was stunned obviously, looked at his feet, and immediately realized that he wanted to use Sheng Yuan to disperse the ice crystals stuck to his feet, but it was too late.


With a blast, the icy debris exploded directly, blowing his entire leg away!


General Jin Jia screamed again and again, and a large amount of Saint Yuan rushed into the wound. The leg that had been blown into blood mist was quickly repaired, but his face was faintly pale.

Even if the monks of the Yuanguang Realm have the ability to regenerate after severed limbs, they still consume a lot of original power.

On this one, Yang Ling pointed like a knife and swiped lightly.


An extremely fierce sword aura shot out from his fingertips and slashed directly at the head of General Jin Jia!


The three imperial concubines almost screamed and lost their voices at the same time. The long-haired imperial concubine wanted to use the imaginary space method again, but suddenly discovered that this space was completely confined.

To allow them to switch between reality and reality again, it takes a little time to break through the constraints of space.

However, life and death are often at this moment.

Seeing that the sharp sword aura was about to cut off the head of General Jin Jia, at this moment, a sonorous dragon chant suddenly sounded.

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