Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination (All-field Godly Wish System)

Chapter 2452: The law of greed

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After solving this group of people, there was only Yang Ling in the audience. He looked at the light in front of him, but he slammed it out!


With a blast, the light curtain was completely shattered, and it was no longer possible to prevent Yang Ling from entering the Qiong Building.

It was just that before he opened the door, the door opened by itself, and a cold light flew out, piercing Yang Ling's throat.


The cold light was resisted by Yang Ling's body guard Zhenyuan, and it shattered on the spot, but it was a small dagger.

In the next moment, as if some switch was activated, dense daggers shot out, rushing towards Yang Ling.


After a series of explosions, all the daggers were shattered by Yang Ling's protective body. Yang Ling waved his hand, and the space in front of him shattered. The Void Sutra was launched, but it shattered the space along the trajectory of the dagger shot. .


A gem was shattered and the mechanism was destroyed.

With a faint smile, Yang Ling walked slowly into Qionglou.

The first thing that catches the eye is the rows of shelves with colorful gems. Yang Ling looked at it really, but these were spirit stones!

The best spirit stone, the energy contained in a best spirit stone is equivalent to a thousand ordinary spirit stones!

And the best spirit stones are very useful for arranging formations and so on.

With a big wave of his hand, the light curtain on the shelf that wrapped the top-grade spirit stones was directly shattered. The thousands of top-grade spirit stones here were collected by Yang Ling in an instant.

He did not turn in the system, there are many ways to upgrade the system, but the best spirit stone is a priceless thing, of course, you have to keep it for your own use!

Even as a gift as a gem, it is also very good!

After doing all this, Yang Ling looked at the shelves deeper in the hall, with jade boxes placed on them, not knowing what good things were in the jade boxes.

Suddenly, the shelves that had been swept away before moved, and began to transform into form, but in the blink of an eye, the dozen or so shelves in front of them turned into puppets, slowly pushing towards Yang Ling.

There is such a thing.

A look of surprise appeared in Yang Ling's eyes, but this method was ingenious and innovative.

Once the items on the shelf are taken away, the shelf itself will attack the target, and if you just hold the angle of appreciation, these puppets will not activate.

Under the induction, the realm of these puppets is mostly in the semi-holy realm, and their bodies are very strong.

It seems to contain the same energy core as the making of palace ladies, which is a bit powerful.


The puppets opened their mouths to Yang Ling at the same time, but they sprayed out a series of different colors. The elemental riots in the entire hall seemed to be repelling Yang Ling, the outsider.

"The five elements of puppets complement each other, and their power is greatly increased."

Yang Ling nodded his head again and again, this design is really clever.

Of course, ingeniously and ingeniously, Yang Ling's strength has reached the level of crushing everything. In the face of absolute strength, all bells and whistles are floating clouds.


The sound of thunder sounded, and the surrounding void suddenly generated dense thunderballs, which exploded at the same time, and the five-element attack beams ejected by these puppets, together with them, were directly annihilated.

auzw.com Immediately, these thunderballs that popped out of thin air dissipated again, as if nothing had happened.

This is the Void Thunderball born from Thunder's control and Void Sutra. It comes and goes without a trace. It may appear anywhere at any time, and it is impossible to guard against.

After Yang Ling reached the Primordial Light Realm, some unclear parts in the Void Sutra suddenly became clear, and he was able to use it handily.

He quickly solved these puppets, and collected the energy cores left behind after they were destroyed, and he slowly walked out toward the depths of the hall.

"Ding, you turn in the energy core and get system upgrade progress points: 600,000 points."

In the huge Qionglou, only his footsteps sounded strange.

Walking to the row of shelves inside, Yang Ling pointed his fingertips, and a jade box floated over and opened slowly, and the fragrance was immediately overflowing around him.

This is a vermilion dragon fruit, which can instantly increase the cultivation base after serving it. The energy contained in it is enough to promote the first-order people of the innate peak to the second-order.

And it is also helpful to the holy realm, and it is a rare treasure of heaven and earth for the heavens.

At the same time, Yang Ling discovered that the jade box in his hand was also a rare treasure. Zhu Longguo didn't know how many tens of thousands of years he had been lying in the jade box, but the medicinal properties were completely sealed, and it was really a thing.

The Zhu Long Guo was put into the wish space in a delightful manner, and Yang Ling waved a big hand, and all the jade boxes on the surrounding shelves swept over.

Shouyuan fruit, Tianhe flower, colorful lotus, nine-aperture exquisite flower, and all kinds of exotic flowers and exotic fruits that are extremely rare in the heavens can be found here.

After Yang Ling put all the jade boxes away, the shelves really began to slowly move. The difference is that they were not turned into puppets, but were arranged and combined, and the inherent power of the law was unexpected. Release except.

They were condensed in mid-air and turned into a vague font, which seemed to be Taikoo characters, but Yang Ling also knew something about Taikoo characters, but he basically recognized them.

This is one word: Greed.

Immediately, the font changed in mid-air, but it turned into a tilapia with a huge mouth, opening its mouth to bite Yang Ling.

"The law of greed?"

"That's it."

A faint smile appeared in Yang Ling's eyes when he looked at the tilapia pounced.

Emperor Tianyue has hidden the power of this law in all the shelves. If you take only one treasure of heaven and earth, it will be fine. However, if you are not greedy and collect all of it, then the law of greed will be triggered and turned into The greedy behemoth swallowed everything in front of him.

The power of this behemoth has also reached the elementary light realm, and it is not the kind that first entered the elementary light realm, it is the pinnacle of the elementary light realm, and it is higher than Yang Ling's realm.

When it pounced, boundless suction burst out of his big mouth. This suction was only aimed at Yang Ling, and its power reached a terrifying one thousand dragon power!

With a thousand dragon power, I was afraid that ordinary Yuanguang Realm could no longer resist it, but it was a pity that under this tremendous power, Yang Ling stood still and did not even turn a corner.

The law of greed is also a law. As long as Yang Ling, who has the general destiny of the heavens, is willing, all the laws will be invalid for him.

Therefore, let alone one thousand dragon power, as long as it is the power driven by the law of greed, you are ten thousand dragon power and it is also invalid for Yang Ling.

Looking at the giant beast that swooped in, Yang Ling pointed it like a knife and swiped it in mid-air.


A sword aura surged out. This sword aura contained a avenue of swords, which broke through the layers of space and directly cut the tilapia in half.

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