Divine Doctor in City

C264 meetings

Tactics! He would never underestimate an opponent, especially one that was stronger than Wu Yun. Cold light shone down on his eyes. This was his strategy. Eyes and ears were often the key to determining victory or defeat in a battle.

He seemed to be unmoving as he slashed out. However, he had calculated the intensity of the light and the refraction of the light perfectly. This action was enough to blind Dong Yi for a second. And it would only take a second for him to cut Dong Yi's neck.

At this moment, in his eyes, it was not a person, but a work of art. He would cut out a smooth surface with his scimitar, and then he would bring his spoils of war back to the organization for all to see.

The moment Dong Yi was hit, he knew that the journey was going to be easy. So the person who was called an expert was actually such a scumbag. Even if he was very strong, without any combat experience, wasn't he still an idiot?

But, but he didn't feel like his blade was cutting through flesh. His blade became more and more deformed, and then with a cracking sound, it indicated that his scythe, which was used to kill, was broken. The blade was split in half from the middle, and the other half was in Dong Yi's hand.

"How did you do it?" Pluto cried out in alarm.

His heart was bleeding. He had spent a lot of effort to obtain this blade, and he had also used the blood of over a hundred people to soak it. This blade was his second life.

He had reaped lives all day, but now his blade had been destroyed.

At the same time, he was also shocked that Dong Yi could make the most accurate judgement in such a short amount of time.

Even if it was him, it would be hard for him to do it.

Wu Yun, who was at the side, opened her mouth wide. Everything that he had done far exceeded her expectations, and she looked at Dong Yi in shock. Not long ago, Dong Yi could only passively defend in front of her.

"Dong Yi, how did you do it? It has only been a second, how is that possible! " Pluto angrily asked again.

"Do you believe me if I say your instincts?"

Dong Yi blinked his eyes and said slowly.

Indeed, this was instinct, the instinct of a life or death situation. He reacted in the shortest time possible. He grabbed the scimitar with his hand and broke it.

Looking at the knife in his hand, he saw that it was made of platinum and made by a famous master. Not to mention how luxurious this saber was. Just by looking at the thickness and fineness of the workmanship, it was obvious that it was worth a lot. This blade was as thin as a cicada's wing. Not only was it thin like a cicada's wing, but it could also slice through iron like mud. It was sufficient to behead any animal.

In addition, this blade had a small amount of other minerals added into it, making the blade soften and hard to break easily. Another drop of blood essence was mixed in. This blade was like a weapon that could kill. Compared to the legendary Sickle of the God of Death, it was not much different.

"Hmph, Dong Yi, you have destroyed my blade. I want to use your bones as a bridge to connect my blade to mine. Your life is mine. " Pluto gritted his teeth, his heart bleeding.

"But what if I don't give it to you? Do you want to consider my suggestion just now? How about we play a game? " Dong Yi gently caressed the blade.

He could feel the desire of the blade. It thirsted for blood. It thirsted to cut off a person's flesh and bones. This blade already had a spirit.

"Game? Did you think that this massacre was just a game? " Pluto snorted.

"Of course, isn't this a killing game? You can think about it. The two of us will stand here and not dodge. We will stab at each other to see who will fall first between the two of us. How about it? I think you'll like the game. "

He could feel that when he said those words, the blade in his hand was exuding a happy feeling. Of course, this was not true emotion. It was this blade that could affect one's emotions.

Pluto stared at Dong Yi for a long while, but he still couldn't figure out what Dong Yi was thinking.

"Dong Yi, he is very strong. You are not his match. Pluto, if this was a game, you would have already lost. Your knife is broken, so you'd better leave quickly and not interfere in my affairs again. I'll take care of it myself. I don't need you to overstep your boundaries. "

She did not want to let two people continue fighting, she was worried about Dong Yi. In her heart, even if Dong Yi became stronger, he would still not be a match for Pluto.

"Don't worry, baby, he won't hurt me. "You haven't even passed the gate yet. How can I let you be a widow?"

Dong Yi was still very concerned about himself, and that was enough.

Both of them rolled their eyes. Wu Yun did not want to admit that she was concerned about Dong Yi and Pluto was furious, it was the woman he liked.

Therefore, the moment Dong Yi finished speaking, Pluto started moving, and waved the blade in his hand again. He made it clear with his actions that he accepted the game. Wu Yun was treated as the spoils of victory.

Clang! Another crisp sound rang out as the two halves of the blade collided with each other, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

The two of them struck out consecutively with their sabers, colliding with each other over and over again. It was hard for others to defend against them.

In less than a minute, after dozens of slashes, the two blades finally met their end and broke apart once again.

Pluto's mouth twitched. He actually fell into a trap.

It was just that the fracture was not impossible to repair. However, after turning into a few pieces, there was no way to repair it. This blade was heading towards its end, and it would be as difficult as ascending to the heavens if he wanted to find another weapon that was so easy to use.

"Kid, you're so vicious."

"It's just a game, what's the point in being serious?"

Dong Yi wanted to cripple this blade so much that it could affect people's emotions and turn it into a dangerous weapon. This thing was a treasure, but its killing intent was too strong. It was the complete opposite of the doctor's, so it should be taken care of.

"You've angered me. "No matter how many times you cut my blade, I will cut you into half."

Pluto was really angry. With a roar, he threw away the weapon in his hand and threw a heavy punch.

An aura similar to the collapse of the heavens and earth blew over. This fist was at least a thousand jin in weight. This was the strength of an ancient martial artist.

If the previous competition had been speed, then now was the true beginning of the battle.

Facing this kind of attack, the best thing to do was to dodge. However, this was his first time fighting an ancient martial artist. He just wanted to experience the power of an ancient martial artist.

Therefore, Dong Yi also mobilized a bit of the Essence in his body, he held his fingers together and clenched them into a fist, to fight with brute force.

When the two fists met, a huge wave of air spread out in a circle.

In an instant, the dust flew into the air, and the farmlands in the mountains crumbled.

Wu Yun also dodged for a few dozen meters, avoiding the tip of the iceberg. But she did not look away, only staring at the two of them, or more accurately speaking, she was staring at Dong Yi.