Divine Doctor Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1170

what the fuck! The white ze that hides in the dark is shocked, difficult this two goods know state unexpectedly have the ability to discover him? Why is this direction where he is hiding? So sure?

He was stunned in the same place, thinking that it was better to take the initiative to show up or to run away, or to hijack the Zhizhou. Thinking, see that Zhizhou left big put down the luggage in his hand and walked towards him, just in Baize dumbfounded, left big a hand, unexpectedly pulled out a little girl from behind the rockery.

Baize was so angry that he rolled his eyes. Damn it, I didn't catch him for a long time!

"I didn't tell you that I'm very busy these days. I'll see you later." Zuo Da took the girl and said, "I can't help it. There are people on the top. I can't devote myself to the reception! The whole house is busy with it, and I'm too busy with it. "

That servant girl is very a little not willing to wring him, Jiao Di Di way: "ask you to say busy, every time also didn't see you busy what serious matter.". How many days have you not been to see me? If you don't have me in your heart, just say it, and I'll stop thinking about it. "

"How could it not?" Zuo Da patted his chest and promised: "I have you in my mind! If you don't believe me, ask the people in this house, which concubine's room have I entered these days? No one went to the house, thinking of you! Well behaved, obedient, when I leave Duanmu Anguo, I will go to comfort you, ah

The left big is not easy to coax a wench to go, white Ze hide in the dark, eyes watching the other party hold those luggage bedding and go forward, around a garden, wearing two corridors, and then into a small yard. Behind a painting and calligraphy in the main room of the small courtyard is the mechanism. When the mechanism moves, half of the walls are opened. Zuo Da enters the room humming a little song, then takes his foot back to hook it, and the walls close again.

It turns out that the so-called secret room is here. Baise smiles. It seems that he is wise to follow Duanmu Anguo to the prefecture magistrate. At least it will be easier to find the old thief in the future. He thought that when the princess came, he would let the princess visit the prefecture magistrate at night and cut the head of Duanmu old thief down, and the battle would be over. Without Duanmu Anguo to get in the way, it's strange that he can win by virtue of the intelligence of Zhizhou.

He carefully wrote down the location of the secret room and quietly retreated.

Duanmu Anguo moved into the chamber of secrets that afternoon. Zuo Da enthusiastically sent the man to the door of the chamber of secrets. Originally, he wanted to send more. As a result, the door was closed and he was directly shut out. Left big pie pie mouth, to also didn't say anything, just toward inside shout a voice: "adult, you have what need, at any time Hello small ah!" It's like the little twenty legged one in the pub. Unfortunately, there was no reply from him.

As a matter of fact, Duanmu Anguo did enter the left family's secret room, but Zuo Da didn't know that there were two other secret rooms in his secret room. A man in the clothes of an official of the prefecture magistrate came out from a small room. When he saw Duanmu Anguo, he bowed and said, "master, I don't know about this compartment. You can rest assured."

Duanmu Anguo nodded. He was a cautious man. When he decided to live in the Sui Dynasty, he made comprehensive preparations. Especially for Bincheng and Jiancheng, which are closest to Dashun, they have their own people. Unfortunately, Bincheng has not been prevented and xuantianhua has calculated to go. The Jiancheng can never be lost again. Of course, the most important thing is to ensure their own safety, that rumor haunted Ji'an princess, he did not believe, hiding in such a place can also say to go.

At that time, one of his subordinates reported: "there are 701 wells in Jiancheng City, and there are 200000 troops in the Sui Dynasty. It will take us three days to get together. What's the next arrangement, my lord?"

Duanmu Anguo squinted and was playing with a night pearl in the left chamber of secrets. After hearing this, he immediately said, "start tonight and put things into all the wells. Don't overdo them at a time. Take three days and increase the dosage a little bit to ensure that the whole city can't get rid of the blissful Xiaoyao Powder in three days."

He nodded and asked, "what about the prefecture magistrate?"

"The same." Duanmu Anguo waved his hand and said, "what I want is that all the people who built the city should be used by me. What I want is all the people, including yellow mouthed children and octogenarian women. Of course, it also includes the prefecture magistrate. They should be most proud of being able to serve Zongsui and contribute to protecting their country. As for our people, the antidote should be distributed to ensure safety. "

Duanmu Anguo's deployment brought a devastating disaster to the city. But he didn't care. In order to realize his great career, to satisfy his unrealistic fantasies, and for the future of his so-called Duanmu family, he never cared how many people would lose their lives under his crazy actions. For him, the people who built the city were not as good as grass and mustard. They were just tools he planned to use. Once they were used up, they could discard them at will.

Xuantianming found out the state mansion that night, touched it according to the secret room location given by Baize during the day, and stayed outside for most of the night, but he didn't find any movement in the dark wall, even there was no guard at the door. He almost thought Baize was wrong. In desperation, he searched around the prefecture magistrate's office again, and found a place to guard against death. He finally sneaked in. As a result, the person sleeping inside was actually the prefecture magistrate's Zuoda. He also found a secret cave and went into it. He found that zuodai's son was having a private meeting with zuodai's concubine.Xuantianming was a little impatient. Just as he wanted to leave, he heard Zuo Dasheng, the son of Zuo Da, say: "today, the new Duanmu old man is really strange. After he came in, he didn't know where to hide, just like a mouse. Ask my father, my father does not say, really do not know is to lead the war or want to come to our left home to eat and drink

Xuantianming shook his head and retreated. It seems that Duanmu Anguo is very well hidden. The secret room is probably a blind place, but his actual hiding place is definitely not there. He can twist the mechanism to go inside to have a look, but if there is someone in it, it will be easy to expose himself. Now is not the time to expose himself. He has to wait for ah Heng. When the girl comes, he can go in and explore it unconsciously.

Under the eyes of countless dark guards, xuantianming retreated. When he got out of the prefecture magistrate's office, he was laughing bitterly. He had been practicing martial arts since he was a child. On the day of his graduation, Shifu became his defeated general. Even so, but still lost to xuantianhua in Bincheng. However, that hand not only failed to destroy the brotherhood between them, but also made the relationship closer. A brother who can risk his life for him, what's the reason for him to let it go?

On the way back to his residence, xuantianming found a very strange phenomenon. It seems that the construction of the city tonight is not peaceful. There are too many dark guards walking through the night. He just walked around two streets and found at least 20 people. At first, I thought it was because of the war, but I also thought it was Duanmu Anguo who was careful just in case. But the more he walked, the more he felt that something was wrong, because he found that the dark guards seemed to have a goal in action, and the object of the goal was all the wells in the city.

Almost every family in the mansion has its own secret guards who sneak in and then go straight to the next one. The wells of Xiaomen and xiaohukou will be deep in the alley and shared by everyone. Naturally, some people will go to those wells. When they arrive, they will take a small paper bag from their arms and pour all the white powder inside.

Xuantianming followed the two dark guards for a few blocks, and found that their actions were very consistent, that is, to find a well, and then to make powder. In the process, there was no communication or hesitation. After one well was put in, we immediately went to the next one, which was very orderly.

Puzzled, he found a well and tried it with his own resolver. He found that there was no poison. But he also remembers that Feng Yuheng said that whether there is poison or not can not be tested by silver. There are too many kinds of poisonous silver in the world, but they can still kill people.

Is it poisoning? He was staring at the deep well in front of him, a little confused. If it's poisoning, who on earth is poisoning on such a large scale? According to his estimation, this kind of white powder will be put into the wells of the whole city after the night. The well water is for the common people to eat. That is to say, it is very likely that all the common people in this city will be poisoned to death tomorrow morning, and the construction of the city will become a dead city.

At the thought of this, he moved and ran back to the prefecture magistrate. The prefecture magistrate's office is not small, and there are several wells in it. When the dark sky comes, a dark guard just throws a packet of white powder into the last well, and then flashes out of the house.

He was even more puzzled. Even the prefecture magistrate didn't let it go. It's obvious that he shouldn't be Zongsui's own people. Now the opposite side of Zongsui is Dashun. Dashun has even won a city of Zongsui. Is it his own people who made it?

This idea was immediately denied by him as soon as it rose. It's impossible. Seven elder brother has a heart for the world, and it's impossible to do this kind of harm to the people. But if it wasn't made by our own people, who would it be? Who hates the Sui Dynasty to poison the whole city?

Xuantianming was not idle that night. They explored the prefectural government, followed the mysterious secret guards in the city, and watched them poison the wells. Finally, they even followed the soldiers stationed in Jiancheng camp, and found that all the wells there had been poisoned.

He was shocked at the size of his opponent's handwriting. He was also anxious about what to do when the whole city woke up early tomorrow morning? But he can't save the whole city. Even if he doesn't consider going door-to-door to tell whether it will attract the attention of the poisoners, he doesn't have time to save so many people. Seeing the East turning white and meditating in the dark sky, maybe this is the fate of the City builders? Did Duanmu Anguo, who came here yesterday, follow this path?

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