Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 105: 、105

Zong Qi was deeply disappointed.

He felt that his expression was not so obvious,? He just wanted to ask for a discount, 50% of the film salary was so expensive, even if he wanted to add a boyfriend from a related family to the film crew, it was still extremely painful.

So now they are all in this relationship,? Break a bone,? Not too much!

However, Yu Chenxue\'s words lightly shattered his delusion.

"Does Xiaoqi feel... that I\'m not worthy of 50% of the pay?"

He was obviously smiling, but Zong Qi swallowed subconsciously.

A straight man like him also knows that at such a time, he must not say that he is worthless.

In the face of love, Zong Qi lowered his noble capitalist head.

The professor of psychology looked at the black-haired young man and quickly deflated: "Axue is of course worth it, don\'t say 50%,? 100% is a matter of course."

Seeing him like this, Yu Chenxue was angry and funny.

Laughing,? It was Xiao Zongqi\'s unreserved, telling everything.

Angry,? Angry at myself for guessing so many conspiracy theories before, but in the end it was me who was the clown. I was also angry that things were out of control, and even more angry that I was playing around and found out that I was out of play.

No one would have thought that Director Q is such a simple and straightforward guy.

Who would have thought,? Before binding the director system,? He wasn\'t even an employee.

For the first time in his life, Yu Chenxue just wanted to be quiet.

He felt that in less than ten hours, he had endured too many shocks.

Whether it is huge information or this earth-shattering news, it will take time to digest it.

The man touched the young man\'s head: "Let\'s go, go to sleep."

They chatted here for a while, and the time has jumped to six o\'clock.

The darkness faded from the sky, and the place that should be white was completely white, and the morning glow was embedded on the horizon, illuminating the entire apartment dimly.

Zong Qi yawned, he had woken up halfway, he was all held up by the excitement just now, he couldn\'t help but feel sleepy at the moment, so he took Yu Chenxue\'s hand obediently: "Okay."


When Zong Qi was dragged to the master bedroom by Yu Chenxue and lying on the bed, he realized: "I have slept most of the night, and I will wake up earlier than Axue."

"But it\'s not necessarily true. I just finished editing the movie and worked behind closed doors for half a month...Although I eat and sleep well every day, I\'m really tired."

Zong Qi stretched, but was hugged by a man from behind.

The latter embedded the person in his arms, and said with a final word: "Then sleep with me."

Zong Qi struggled for a while, and found that Yu Chenxue was hugging him tightly. He had no choice but to fall asleep in this position.

A night without dreams.

Perhaps it was because of the magic power in Yu Chenxue\'s embrace, Zong Qi actually slept from morning to noon, and was still woken up by hunger.

After waking up, he found that he was still falling asleep, so he began to struggle.

"Don\'t move."

The man touched his head, and Zong Qi realized that there was something **** his waist.

As a homosexual, it is impossible not to know what this is.

So Zong Qi immediately obediently obeyed, he didn\'t know where to put his hands and feet, and his body was extremely stiff.

Seeing the black-haired young man like this, some people started to tease him.

Yu Chenxue stuck to his ear: "Hasn\'t Xiaoqi solved it by himself?"

Zong Qi blushed and stammered: "No, no."

Because I grew up with my grandma, and because I am very obedient, I usually don\'t have access to similar information. Zong Qi\'s physiological knowledge is very lacking. The only thing I heard was from the boys in the same dormitory during the closed training camp during the winter and summer vacation of the third year of high school.

Otherwise, Qi Ningzhou wouldn\'t say that he has strong yang energy.

Just when Zong Qi thought that Yu Chenxue wanted him to help solve it, the latter smiled softly.

"Then just wait a while." The man said lightly, "I\'ll let you go today."

So the two of them lay on the bed for another twenty minutes, and then slowly got up.

Fortunately, Yu Chenxue can remotely control the little robot to heat up lunch, otherwise Zong Qi felt that he might starve to death on this bed.

At noon, Zong Qi got his wish and ate the luxurious bento specially made by the chef.

The few times I ate at my boyfriend\'s house before, the other party called the chef remotely to cook. As a result, Zong Qi was extremely curious about the sealed bento in the refrigerator at Yu Chenxue\'s house, and his eyes were greedy for a long time.

According to Yu Chenxue, no matter whether he ate it or not, someone would come to replace these bento boxes with fresh ones every evening anyway, and the style was basically the same.

"Delicious! It doesn\'t look like a bento at all."


Yu Chenxue said indifferently: "On the contrary, I think Xiaoqi\'s cooking tastes better."

Zong Qi was even happier when he got the affirmation from his boyfriend.

But I don\'t know if it was his illusion, he always felt that since he blew himself up last night, Yu Chenxue seemed a little out of his mind, as if he hadn\'t recovered yet.

After all, based on Zong Qi\'s understanding of Yu Chenxue, this guy is so weak, if there is an opportunity to torment him, how could he let it go lightly.

While eating, Yu Chenxue continued the torture that hadn\'t ended in the morning: "Then the last time I ran into Xiao Qi in the Central Hospital, wasn\'t it an accident?"

Zong Qi nodded: "Yes, that time there happened to be a celebrity who entrusted my friend to help get rid of the practice."

"Oh? Then Xiaoqi was also responsible for the siege of the Daomen in Jiangzhou City by the ghosts?"

The black-haired young man choked suddenly, hurriedly picked up the water beside him, and coughed hastily.

When confessing, Zong Qi only wanted to cut off his worries, but he didn\'t expect Yu Chenxue to turn his mind so quickly, and when he came back to his senses, he connected all the previous doubts all at once.

His eyes wandered: "That... that\'s actually a misunderstanding."

Previously, only the employees knew Zong Qi\'s identity, not even Qi Ningzhou. So Zong Qi realized the pain of public execution at this moment.

Originally, the matter of the ghost baby was also kept secret, and the most important thing was to keep it from Qi Ningzhou. Otherwise, if he finds out, Zong Qi feels that their friendship will probably come to an end.

But since Yu Chenxue found out, Zong Qi still had no choice but to confess. After all, the bigger surprises have been explained, so what are these small details?

So Zong Qi briefly told Yu Chenxue about Xue Youqing and Guiying.

"If the baby figurines hadn\'t been taken away by Qi Ningzhou, we wouldn\'t have made such a bad move."

He scratched his head: "What bad thoughts can I have, in short... no casualties were caused, just a little fright, Ah Xue must keep it a secret for me!"

Yu Chenxue: "..."

A new day welcomes a new silence.

Now he can calmly accept the setting that Zong Qi is equal to director Q. It\'s not director Q who has many plots and schemes, but director Q who is really silly, white and sweet.

Even he was kept in the dark anyway.

Yu Chenxue even thought maliciously, except for Li Gui, the whole world probably doesn\'t know that director Q is such a guy.

Fortunately, the Ouroboros organization organizes regular meetings every month, and also invites various experts to analyze the intentions of Director Q\'s every step, and the archives behind it are piled up in a small half of the room. Of course, the Secret Mobile Team was not much better. The crow just gave him all the things he knew about Director Q a few days ago, and Yu Chenxue threw it into the shredder after reading it.

If one day in the future, the identity of director Q can be revealed to the world, Yu Chenxue is already ready to spend all her time watching the movie and watching other people so shocked that their jaws drop to the ground.

"Then that black-skinned man is also your employee?" Yu Chenxue remained calm.

Zong Qi: "Yes, he belongs to the kind of employees who are not easy to mess with."

"Oh, just stay away from him, the farther the better."

"..." I\'m jealous, right?

"By the way." Speaking of this, Zong Qi suddenly remembered something: "Axue, I have a question..."

He carefully looked at Yu Chenxue\'s face: "Are you a member of the Ouroboros organization?"

Ouroboros\' active mentor paused indiscernibly, without changing expression or beating his heart, "No, what\'s wrong?"

Yu Chenxue didn\'t lie, he really wasn\'t. The speakers of the three parties all had the mark of Jormungandr on their hands, but he did not.

Because in a broad sense, he is just the mentor of one of the speakers and does not directly intervene in organizational affairs, let alone a member.

As for whether there is any contact...Zong Qi didn\'t ask this again.

"It\'s fine if you don\'t have one." Zong Qi looked relieved, and poked the shrimps in his lunch box with chopsticks: "This organization is old and hateful, Axue, you don\'t know, if I\'m not smart and witty, now You\'ll probably have to visit me in prison."

So Yu Chenxue once again listened to a story about Zong Qi fighting wits with a perverted serial murderer in the toilet when he was first bound to the director system. Of course, it was an embellished version.

Zong Qi wanted to tell this story to others for a long time. It\'s a pity that all the employees under the banner have a good relationship with him and Araki\'s mother. If Araki finds out about this, he will probably be killed in the death row prison tonight, and give the murderer a good time in advance. I didn\'t say it, I held it in for a long time, but now I feel refreshed after saying it, and I can\'t spit it out.

After repeatedly confirming that Zong Qi was not injured at the time, Yu Chenxue changed the subject and grasped the point: "Re-shoot permission?"

Zong Qi: "..." Oops, speak too fast, forget about it!

I just want to talk about how I made a comeback, this is a point that I can\'t get around. So Zong Qi could only falter and explain a few words.

Yu Chenxue had a half-smile but not a smile: "You bypassed me in Ghost Tower and Changming Middle School in the same way?"

Zong Qi was shocked: "How do you know?!"

Yu Chenxue raised her eyebrows, but did not answer.

He just said, why did Yu Chenxue always feel that something was wrong when the filming of the ghost building was over, and even spent a whole night meditating, but apart from the strange familiarity, she couldn\'t find the source of the problem. The reason for this is waiting for him.

"In Changming Middle School, you were originally in the monitoring room." He said firmly.

Zong Qi: "..." His pupils shrank suddenly.

Help! He promised to keep it a secret, but why did he expose his old background all of a sudden!

He felt that his boyfriend was good at everything, but with this level of investigation, it was really overwhelming.

Fortunately, Yu Chenxue was considerate enough and did not need Zong Qi to answer. After getting the answer from the expression on the young man\'s face, he thoughtfully changed the subject.

"That\'s right." Yu Chenxue lowered her eyes: "There is a person who might want to see you. If I guess correctly, it should be your grandfather\'s friend."