Di Wang Gong Lue

Chapter 82

[Beihai is the largest armament port in the southern tip of Chu state. Since Chu Yuan ascended the throne, although there has never been a naval battle, the number of navy has increased year by year. From the East China Sea to the South China Sea, when the wind blows, the black flag covers the sky and the sun is endless. The loud and clear trumpet sound sounded every morning can almost reach the other end of the world. It is for this reason that in recent years, more and more businessmen go to Nanyang to do business. With such strong national support behind them, they are naturally not afraid to be bullied by foreign countries. They can make money by making friends with each other.

Guanhai City, which is subordinate to Beihai, has become the most important trading port. The merchant ships loaded with porcelain and silk set sail and gradually disappeared in the morning sun. Chu Yuan, dressed in casual clothes, sat on the stall beside the wharf and ate a bowl of fish ball soup. The stall owner was a young boy with a doll on his back. He was doing business and joking with his daughter-in-law. Chu Yuan listened to the interesting, and sat for a while longer, until four Xi came to find it, just put down a ingot of silver and got up.

"Young master." Four Xi took an umbrella in his hand, "it looks like rain is going to rain, go back earlier."

"Where's the elder?" Chu Yuan asked.

"Right ahead." Four Xi said, "the southwest government has opened a shop in this Guanhai city to collect pearls from deep-sea fishing. These days, someone from the mansion happened to come to collect the goods. Nanshifu said that he would stop by and have a look."

"Pearl shop?" Chu Yuan said, "come on, let's go and have a look."

Not far from the wharf is a busy street. The shops on both sides wished they could not be crowded together. Most of them were engaged in aquatic products and seafood business, which had a fishy smell. However, Chu Yuan was not averse to it. He walked and stopped all the way, chatted with various owners, and finally stopped in front of a shop: "here?"

"Yes." Four Xi said, "master Nan should still be there."

Five year old Chus are sitting in the door. There are six children sitting at the door. He looked up curiously when he heard something.

Chu Yuan see him pink and lovely, then smile and stretch out his hand: "come here."

"Who are you looking for?" asked the baby

"We're looking for master Nan." Chu Yuan squatted down, "what's your name?"

"Xue Xiaoman." Answer, little doll.

"Xiaoman?" Chu Yuan nodded, "the name is good."

"Master Nan is in the back." The little doll stretched out her fingers. "When it comes to eating, my mother is also behind."

Chu Yuan said, "I'll take you to your mother?"

"Good." Waiting for the baby to walk.

Chu Yuan picked him up. Just after he went to the backyard, he heard nanmoxie's loud voice. Then, a woman came from the other end. It was Jin Niang who was rescued by Zhao Wu from the back mountain. She had been busy working in the southwest government a few days ago. Aunt Jin was distressed. She asked her to collect pearls with the caravan. On the one hand, she let her relax, and on the other hand, she hid herself.

"Mother." Xiaoman reached for her.

Chu Yuan suddenly stopped, four Xi father-in-law look also some surprised.

"The emperor." After seeing who the visitor was, Jin Niang's face turned white in an instant, and her legs softened and she knelt down.

Nanmo Xie stepped into the courtyard door with one foot. Seeing this behind the scenes, he was surprised and said, "what's the matter?"

"Take the child down first." Chuyuan hands Xiaoman to Sixi.

"Emperor, the child is innocent." Jin Niang worried, kneeling forward two steps.

Four Xi covers Xiaoman's eyes and coax him to the front.

Seeing this, Jin Niang stood up and wanted to go after her, but was stopped by Chu Yuan. She turned her head and saw Nanmo evil. She immediately felt as if she had seen a savior. She jumped forward and knelt down, "master Nan."

"You get up first, you get up first, and then you know what's going on." Nanmoxie was confused and pulled her up.

"Naturally, I will not feel sorry for a child, no matter who his father is." Chu Yuan said coldly, "what about Chu Xiang?"

Nanmo Xie is a little surprised when he hears the speech, Chuxiang?

Jin Niang even lost her blood color on her lips. After a long time, she said the truth intermittently.

Jin Niang, originally named Xue ting'er, was originally a dancer in the Liu family. Although she was plain, her dancing posture was very graceful. Chu Xiang and Liu Jinde were very intimate. After several banquets, they took people back to the palace. Xue tinger was born in a humble family, so she was not qualified to be a side concubine. A few years later, Chu Xiang was exiled to Hainan. According to her status, she could have been excused, but she was still infatuated, so she followed all the way to Hainan.

"If so, why come back again?" Chu Yuan asked.

Jin Niang said, "when he first arrived in Hainan, he was really grateful to me. He even took me with him when he fled to sea. But when he got to a new place, his life was better, but he became more and more violent. He had to fight and scold all day, and even... "

"Even what?" Chu Yuan asked.

"I even want to get back on my feet." Jin Niang's voice was hoarse, "I know that he is beyond his ability, but he can't see the current situation clearly. He is flattered by people day by day. How can he have a half heart to live a good life. Seeing that he is more and more crazy, he has no medicine to save. After giving birth to Xiaoman, I ran away. I am not afraid of death, but I do not want my son to be taught to be paranoid and cruel by him, let alone let Xiaoman be implicated in the future. "Chu Yuan said, "where did you go after you left Hainan?"

Jin Niang shook her head: "I don't know. The boat only travels through the vast white fog for many days, sometimes even day and night are indistinguishable. When I got to the island, he didn't allow me to walk around. The people there dressed strangely and there were many witches in black cloaks

When Nanmo Xie heard the words, his heart suddenly moved.

The vast white fog, black robed wizard, everything seems to be consistent with the rumored country of Burma.

Chu Yuan raised his mouth and did not speak.

With tears in his eyes, nanmoxie wanted to slap the forehead hard, or to pat it twice. After looking for Tianchen sand for so many years, he didn't expect that there would be a person from the jadeite Burmese state in the southwest mansion. Why didn't he ask more questions at the beginning.

In this way, I don't know whether we should say that nature is playing tricks on people, or should blame the apprentice's life.

South China Sea from mirror country, Duan Baiyue is wiping the xuanming cold iron in the inn, and sees Sikong Rui push the door in, holding a pile of washboards in his hand.

Duan Baiyue joked: "take it back to kneel?"

Sikong Rui disdained: "how can I kneel this thing?"

Duan Yao then said, "yes, it's all kneeling and nailing."

Duan Baiyue smiles. A mouth can't say two people, Sikong Rui had no choice but to take a teapot to drink tea: "since it's the name of doing business, you can't do nothing. This is the most light and handy one, which is produced by Lijing national specialty, including all kinds of wooden tools, bathtubs, buckets and washboards."

Duan Baiyue said, "Yao'er and I have also heard something."

"Tell me." Sikong Rui is interested.

"No one can tell where the people on Xingzhou island came from, but there are also some faint voices." Duan Baiyue said, "it is said that the ship comes from the north and has to go through the vast white fog. If there is wind and waves on the voyage and the dry food on the ship is not enough to eat, some herbs will be used to trade with the merchant ship for some living needs."

"In the north, there is white fog, herbal medicine, and the place is big." Sikong Rui tut said, "I can't think of a second one except for the state of jadeite Burma. It seems that you are lucky, and even God wants to help. Otherwise, why don't you stay in other places and choose this one? "

Duan Yao said, "how can you get in? The second elder brother led people to float on the sea for more than half a year, but did not find the specific location of the country. If it's a day or two, you can hide at the bottom of the ship and get ashore. But it will take months to get to the state of Burma from here. It's not good just to hide. "

Sikong Rui said: "find a fair way to mix up."

Duan Yao is puzzled.

Sikong Rui said: "there is a place in this city. It is said that the master has some relations with Xingzhou."

Duan Baiyue asked, "where?"

"You may not believe it, but there is such a coincidence in the world. I just heard about it." Sikong Rui said, "there is a place in this city called xiaofeiluan."

Duan Baiyue was dumbfounded and laughed: "is the scenery flowing back?"

"It's self delivered." "Sikong Rui said," before tying him back to Jing LiuTian, maybe there are other uses. "

Duan Baiyue nodded: "very good."

All the buildings in Lijing state have the characteristics of South China. Only xiaofeiluan, with green walls, grey tiles and carved wood windows, has the charm of the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that the master of xiaofeiluan is the younger brother of feiluan. Naturally, the business is no worse.

Jing Liuhui reclined on the couch and looked at the dancers in front of him. He was very happy. This is a hundred thousand miles away from big Chu. Naturally, he would not worry about being found by his brother. Therefore, he did not shy away from playing the signboard of feiluan building. Every day, a large amount of money was paid in, and no one was in charge of the east or the West. They were happy to compete with the gods.

The boy pedaled upstairs and said that there was another guest asking for a meeting.

Jing Liuhui sits up and waves to the dancer to step down.

Sikong Rui pushed the door in, followed by a man wearing a silver mask.

"Two guests." Jing Liuhui stood up, "but what information do you want to inquire about?"

"Exactly." Sikong Rui respectfully, "excuse me."

"Good to say." Jing Liuhui smiles and calls his servant to offer tea. "I don't know what to ask for?"

"To be honest, it's not me, but my brother." Sikong Rui said, "now that he is away from home, he wants to find a job that can earn money. He hears that there are many ways for the king to come here and ask."

"It's too general to go to earn more money." Jing Liuhui shook his head, "at least say what you want to do, and I'll tell you if it's OK, so it's convenient for everyone."

Sikong Rui said: "we have also inquired about some days. The small business is too slow for us to pay attention to. However, many large merchant ships have been carrying logs to Xingzhou Island recently. It seems like a good business to make a living. I wonder if we can get a share of it? "

"Do you want to do Star Island Business?" Jing Liuhui said, "no way."

Duan Baiyue asked, "why?"

"The master of Xingzhou island does not accept the business of strangers, let alone the business of Chu people." Jing Liuhui replied.

Sikong Rui said: "the strength of the big Chu business group is so strong, why don't you want to do business with it?"Jing Liuhui shook his head: "this can't be detailed."

"Is there really no room for accommodation?" Sikong Rui said, "the master of Xingzhou Island doesn't like big Chu. My brother is forced by big Chu to have a family and can't go back. However, he has a bit of backbone and refuses to rely on me to steal a life. Therefore, he doesn't have to work hard to go to the South Ocean and want to rely on himself to revive himself. I have as much capital as I want to do business. Besides, he is very good at Kung Fu. He is also a first-class master in the Wulin of the Central Plains. He doesn't have to be afraid of pirates. "

"Good Kung Fu?" Jing Liuhui came to be interested, "how good is it?"

Duan Baiyue said: "one enemy hundred."

Jing Liuhui doubts: "but there is no gentleman in the rank of the river and lake."

Duan Baiyue said: "the level of Kung Fu is always more convincing than a piece of paper."

Jing Liuhui asked again, "why do you wear a mask?"

Sikong Rui in the side way: "framed by people, appearance destroyed, sad past events do not mention, do not mention it."

Jing Liuhui thought for a moment and then said, "I'm afraid it's impossible to do business, but I have another job here, which is also related to Xingzhou island. And if it's done well, silver is no less than timber business. "

"Seriously?" Sikong Rui Xi asked, "I don't know how to make a living?"

Jing Liuhui said, "coach."

"Good coach." Sikong Rui clapped his hands and asked, "but my brother doesn't have a heavy hand. What should I do if he kills someone?"

"If you can be killed in military training, it's a waste. How about a few dead wastes?" "Just before that, I'll try your Kung Fu first."

Duan Baiyue nodded: "good."

Jing Liuhui said again: "after chatting so much, I don't know how to address them?"

"Good to say." Sikong Rui said, "I'm Simao Rui, who is the young leader of wangxijiao. This is my brother-in-law. I don't want to mention the previous name. Now that I want to be reborn again, I naturally want to take a new name. The landlord can call Wang Fugui."

Jing Liuhui choked for a moment and then said, "brother Wang."

Duan Baiyue was calm and incomparable: "good to say."

Sikong Rui is holding hands beside him, and his smile is extremely sincere.

Three days later, when Duan Baiyue and Sikong Rui left for the appointment, Jing Liuhui had already arrived one step ahead. Beside him stood a man, Chu Xiang.

"You are the master of Xingzhou?" Sikong Rui praised, "if you are really dignified and distinguished, my brother will follow you in the future, and I hope you can help me a lot."

"You are welcome, brother." Chu Xiang said, "as long as it is a capable person, it is difficult to follow me and want to suffer losses."

Duan Baiyue asked, "who do you want to compete with?"

"No comparison." Chu Xiang pressed a big stone on his side, and the ground was slowly cracking a gap.

Sikong Rui asked Jing Liuhui in a low voice: "compare with ghosts?" Why do you have to go underground.

"Go and see." Jing Liuhui smiles, unfathomable.

Duan Baiyue jumped down and touched the ground for a moment. It was not high.

The rest of them also jumped into the darkroom. The walls were illuminated with bright pearls. The light was very dark, but they could see clearly that there were dozens of nine foot copper men in a row in front of them.

It's the eight barren formation.

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