Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 509: Autistic bamboo horse he said to hug 56

Turning to leave, he waited for Chu Ci to walk to the door, then got up and carried Chu Ci back.

The one who came and went was not letting go. In the end, it was this person\'s stubbornness and willful victory, and Shen\'s assistant was sent to solve the problem.

Su Qiao was determined to have a mental problem and was sent to a mental hospital. Until she was admitted to the mental hospital, she was still mumbling about what she knew in her previous life.

Another year has passed.

Shen Yibai has become more and more mature in handling matters, and he has gradually become more adept with the astringent methods that were originally seventeen or eighteen, and has almost mastered the power of the Shen family.

Although he was originally unwilling to take care of people\'s temperament, it had no effect. Shen\'s status did not require Shen Yibai to do interpersonal relationship building.

The only thing that bothered Shen\'s father and Shen\'s mother was that the two children were hugging each other, but as a childhood sweetheart, Shen Yibai was 20 years old and had not yet turned Chu Ci into a girlfriend.

But sometimes the two get along more warmly than their old couple.

In the living room of Shen\'s house, Shen Yibai and Shen Fu have a shareholder meeting today, but they are not at home.

In the past two years, Chu Ci, who has become increasingly unwilling to take care of company affairs, stays at home with Shen\'s mother.

In more than a year, the little hairy ball that was originally only two slaps has turned into a fat cat.

I was sterilized some time ago, and I became fatter and lazy.

At this moment, I was lying lazily on Chu Ci\'s knees, bowing like a shrimp without bones, and enjoying Chu Ci\'s caress.

Mother Shen, who was watching this scene with a cup of tea next to him, laughed and scolded this little unscrupulous. After feeding it for more than a year, she had never seen it like this. She knew that she was stuck to Chu Ci, and she was the same as her unknowing son appearance.

You say it’s really amazing. Raise a son. When I was six or seven years old, I became a follower behind Chu Ci’s ass. Now I’m even more sticky and don’t let go. Raise a cat. I can’t get cold. You have to get permission before you can touch it, and when Chu Ci comes, you can throw it into Chu Ci\'s arms.

Even if Chu Ci is big on her own, Shen\'s mother can\'t help but feel a little depressed.

Raising his hand to touch Chu Ci\'s head like his own son.

The little girl\'s black hair was soft and beautiful, soft, and very comfortable. She looked over with a pair of big eyes, tilted her head unconsciously, and asked her what\'s wrong, and acted like others in various small movements.

Mother Shen held her cheeks unconsciously, and answered a few words, still not letting go, thinking after thinking about it, it is better to raise this little girl.

Basically raising her, the others just stick to themselves without taking care of them.

Mother Shen felt funny thinking about Shen Yibai\'s expressionless face rubbing against Chu Ci\'s neck.

At this moment, there was the sound of unlocking the door. Mother Shen raised her eyebrows and looked at her hand on Chu Ci\'s head. After thinking about it, she put her hand back, so as not to stimulate her unconscious son.

Just as soon as he put his hand down, Shen Yibai opened the door of the living room and walked in first.

The general meeting of shareholders must be dressed in formal attire. His iron-gray suit jacket was draped over his arm, and his black shirt was torn apart by a button, and it looked messy.

Those dark brown eyes swept toward Chu Ci without error. When he saw the tumbled orange cat on Chu Ci\'s knee, his brows wrinkled and the corners of his lips were torn coldly.