Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2191: They are all obsessed with me! 30

In the shadows a little further away, a few people in maid costumes can vaguely be seen standing there.

The atmosphere is a bit solemn and strange.

In fact, just looking at these places is quite weird.

After all, these bright roses are as if they were just picked in the morning.

They retain their freshest and most delicate appearance.

But now it\'s raining heavily outside, still in the evening, this rose is not like a normal rose.

Oh, no, this is not a normal castle.

Looking at the maids standing in the shadows.

Everyone\'s expressions were slightly flinching involuntarily.

After all, there was obviously no one here before, so all the people here are ghosts.

And the sudden appearance of so many ghosts naturally made them feel scared.

See a few people motionless.

Steward Wei still looks kind and kind. After measuring his head, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he laughed, "Why, don\'t the guests just sit down? Do you think I\'m not being entertained?"

When saying these last four words, his voice had a slow and tidy taste.

It doesn\'t sound like a friendly inquiry, but more like a threat.

"Sit down first."

Chu Ci blinked his eyes.

Just found a place to sit down.

Several people quickly followed, and they wanted to sit aside.

Seeing Chu Ci casually found a place to sit down, butler Wei frowned slightly, then walked to Chu Ci\'s side in small steps.

As soon as those people saw Steward Wei frowning, they walked over.

Except for the breeze of the moon.

The other three people were busy avoiding Chu Ci and sat a little further away.

But Steward Wei paid no attention to those people.

Slightly bent over when he spoke kindly.

"Can you please get up a little bit?"

Chu Ci raised his eyes, looked at him, then nodded, and stood up.

Then the stool under him was taken away.

The maid over there is quite insightful.

Just walk over quickly.

Carrying the largest and most comfortable stool at the head of the dining table, walked over.

Then respectfully placed behind Chu Ci.

While putting it on, the maid looked up at Chu Ci with bright eyes.

Chu Ci recognized it all at once. Isn\'t this the maid with a broken neck who fell from the stairs before?

Chu Ci looked at the overly luxurious stool behind him.

He blinked, nodded, and said, "Thank you."

The maid straightened her shoulders instantly, and the whole ghost looked energetic.

I don\'t know if her compliment is really so attractive. The maids who didn\'t get the chance over there all looked angrily at the maid who was a little brave.

What are you proud of? When the master comes, don\'t you still have to stand aside? Pooh!

With this action, the eyes of those around you almost stared out.

That chair is huge.

It is estimated that if it weren\'t for becoming a ghost, the maid wouldn\'t have enough strength to move this stool.

And Chu Ci is a small one.

It just got stuck in the soft chair.

The chair with the red backrest carries an indescribable luxury.

Plus the little girl is white.

It looked like a little princess sitting on the throne and being held up high.

Yuefengqing was also dumbfounded.

She originally thought that the other party might be a little girl who likes this look better.

After all, didn\'t Steward Wei said that his granddaughter is very similar to Chu Ci?