Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2028: You want to win me with gold 4

Weird guy: I\'m not that I didn\'t, I\'m wronged! I really want to catch you!

Then this person saw the little milk dragon rubbing his aching back with his little paws.

Angrily whimpered at him.

A very strong momentum is oncoming.

He forced the man back a few steps.

His uncertain gaze was finally confirmed, with a little seriousness, he looked at the little milk dragon in front of him seriously.

"Really a dragon?"

But isn\'t this kind of race extinct and extinct hundreds of years ago?

How could there be such a small dragon?

But Chu Ci\'s identity is not questionable.

After all, it is only the coercion of the dragon clan that can cause him to produce such a large psychological pressure.

The man tried to make his expression softer.

Watching the little milk dragon slowly get up.

The little wings flapped twice, trying to fly backward.

He stepped forward anxiously.

"Hello, kid, my name is Lin Lang, I am the Herald in front of you, not a bad person."

The little milk dragon shook his tail, which was also hurt by the fall.

There was a whimper of milk again.

Don\'t believe it, it\'s the bad guy, the bad guy who caused the dragon to fall, get out!

And kids? Who are the kids?

All her lifespan years add up to scare you to death.

I was shocked again, seeing the little milk dragon turning around to fly away without buying it.

This suddenly discovered such an extinct species, Lin Lang naturally refused to leave.

Maintaining the stability of various races in the mainland is also one of his missions.

It\'s just that the dragons haven\'t been for many years.

He looked at the little milk dragon hesitantly.

Then Baba followed.

"I really don\'t lie to you, it\'s too desolate here, it\'s not good for Chang\'s health, and you just wanted to fly out, right? I can take you out."


No, she just wants to go out by herself.

Seeing the little milk dragon flicking his tail, he stumbled and flew towards him.

This is not the kind of ordinary he thinks of flying over to find him, simply hitting it, it seems more appropriate.

And he was just a herald. Although he had some real power, he was just a golden bird.

Even if a young little milk dragon ran into it, it was unbearable.

It can be seen from the fact that Xiao Nilong just wailed twice and almost fell down.

What a powerful race the dragon is.

The little girl was hurt by the fall just now, and she didn\'t hold back at all.

So bumped past.

Lin Lang was taken aback.

It turned into the weird thing just now on the spot, and it rushed out of the deep trench and flew toward the sky.

Seeing scared people away.

Chu Ci dangled his chubby body and slowly stopped.

I put a shiny piece in my mouth.

Holding his little tail, he chewed the brightly in his mouth depressedly.

Finally, the little milk dragon got into the spar pile and went to sleep.

And Lin Lang, who was startled over there, wouldn\'t actually be frightened so far.

I just feel that I really can\'t deal with such a small thing, but watching such a small dragon clan live in the abyss with a dragon is really out of place.

So he quickly returned to the top of this plane, where Ji Chen, the ruler of the entire plane, lived.

Landed and transformed into a human appearance.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

What kind of ancestor is that?

While thinking, he raised his foot and walked into this palace-like house.