Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2026: You want to win me with gold coins 2

Also failed to accept the facts.

Is this really jumping up and hitting your knee? ?

Chu Ci was angry.


Tea white: ...

Sure enough, it is her host, and the focus is always here.

The little wings behind him seemed useless.

Xiao Nilong shook his little tail, turned his head to look at his wings, and then tried to pat it.

Well, I\'m probably too fat to fly.

It\'s just a gust of wind.

Chu Ci groaned and sat on the ground with a snap.


The small paw of Barabara.

Embracing those shining beautiful things in his arms.

Well, holding various treasures, feeling wronged.

The kind of aggrieved person who wants to hit someone.

Want to go back to the previous plane and beat people carefree.

‘No, you don’t want to, finish porcelain, accept the message. ’

Chabai appeared in time and stopped Chu Ci\'s thoughts.

I felt like I was rebutting the host was awesome, and then ran away after dropping the information.

The province was scolded.

It runs very fast.

After calling twice, she didn\'t hear the voice of Chabai, Chu Ci thought in her heart.

The information is transferred.

This is a plane similar to Western fantasy.

It\'s just that there is no messy gods on this plane.

There is only one master.

That is her mission goal this time.

The name is Ji Chen.

And this plane has various races.

But in the development of the mainland, many races have become extinct.

It also includes the dragon clan that once dominated one side in ancient times.

The original owner is an egg left by those ancient dragons, and it has been dormant until now.

As for the guy Ji Chen, the prototype is actually a dragon, but there is no need for him to reveal his identity, so almost everyone who serves him as the Lord does not know.

The little milk dragon roughly sorted out the situation, and his fleshy body squeezed into the small pile of gems.

This is the place where those ancient dragons were finally destroyed.

After a long time of change, this place has become a deep trench, and it is here that she wakes up.

Because the dragons like shiny things, almost all of them are international consensus.

So she really allowed her to accumulate such shining things from these stones.

Hide it here.

But it didn\'t take long for her to break her shell.

The little wings have no strength and can\'t fly.

So I can\'t leave here for a while.

But the dragon is easy to feed.

Eat everything.

The eggshell was eaten at the beginning, and the eggshell was finished.

As long as it is of some value, these spar gems can be eaten.

But because I liked it so much, I was hungry every time, so I ate a piece carefully.

In the end there was only so much property left.

Chu Ci looked down carefully.

Then he held a spar in his mouth and bit.

Crunch and crisp.


good to eat.

But the flesh hurts.

I feel that I am not too hungry yet.

Chu Ci took out the half-bitten spar from his mouth.

A pair of round eyes looked for a long while.

Finally opened his mouth and threw it back.

He chuckled.

The little wings trembled.

Chu Ci raised his head and looked upward.

It\'s too deep here, she acts as a little milk dragon.

It won\'t go up for a while.

This time it was really not that she was sabotaged.

It is really not allowed.

Chu Ci, who tried to put all these things in her arms, thought so.