Desire Of The Call Girl

Chapter 55 - 55. Bad Character Of Violet

Anne had returned to the Douglas family\'s big Mansion. She had chosen to go home so that she could accompany Choon-hee. But just as she arrived in front of the Mansion Gate, she saw Choon-hee Left their mansion, which seemed to be in a hurry.

Anne didn\'t chase her at all, choosing to go inside the house instead. Her footsteps walked quite fast, when she arrived at the family room. Anne\'s eyes immediately widened in surprise, how could Edwards bring Violet into this mansion again?

Moreover, seeing Edwards who is now feeding Violet very sweetly, there is a strong sense of resentment and anger in a mother\'s heart. but Anne tried to look fine.

"Edwards, you\'re back. Why did Choon-hee leave?" One question that just escaped from Anne\'s lips, made the two people who were laughing. look directly at the same time.

"Mom, you\'re home. They said you were staying at the hospital with Daddy. Where\'s Daddy?" Edwards\' question was not something Anne wanted to know at this point.

Anne\'s eyes looked at violet who was smiling very cynically, and it was enough to make Anne take a deep breath. What other dramas does Medusa play in this one? Did she use some magic spell to subdue Edwards? ahhh.. Anne wants to grab Violet\'s hair, which is already injured.

"Daddy is doing some treatment with the doctor, your two siblings are there to take care of Daddy. That\'s why Mommy came home, because Mommy feels sorry for Choon-hee alone. But why is Violet here now? and why is Choon-hee going home instead?" Finally the question in Anne\'s mouth just slipped away, she wanted to hold it in but she couldn\'t.

"I\'ve chosen to make up with Violet Mom. Her name and also our family. There must be some differences and also Quarrels. But now we\'re okay Mom, About Choon-hee. We\'re jusr friends, Mom. she\'s go home Because her home is not far ." Edwards\' words were so casual, he didn\'t even feel guilty about what had happened.

Anne was also dizzy when she heard what Edwards said, how could she think Choon-hee was just a friend? Even though she had dared to bring Choon-hee to this house and introduced her to his parents. Anne wonders what Violet gave her, to make Edwards come back to her again. Even though it was clear before that Edwards was disgusted by this snake woman.

"Is that so? Are you sure you\'re just friends with her ? What if it turns out that you and her have a relationship that\'s more complicated than just friends?" Anne started asking very seriously, she didn\'t want to procrastinate anymore with all these questions.

Anne must know tonight how Edwards feels. It doesn\'t matter if Edwards is actually in love with Choon-hee. at least the woman can still be controlled well, her attitude is also polite. unlike Violet who is really unbelievably bad and very hard to manage.

"Edwards, I want some orange juice. Can you make it? I want you to make it." Violet\'s spoiled voice broke the question asked by Anne, Edwards who had wanted to answer her mother\'s question. finally focused on Violet again.

"just wait a minute, I\'ll go to the kitchen and make it for you. Are you okay here?" Edwards asked.

"No problem, Mommy is here. Let\'s make it quick." Violet had ordered Edwards like a maid, which was what Anne didn\'t like at all. Here Edwards is always made a errand dog.

Edwards nodded and started walking toward the kitchen, leaving Violet and Anne alone in the living room.

"You see Mrs. Douglas? Edwards is back in my arms, he will do anything for me. then what can you do? You can only look at him, Edwards in my arms, he will move at my request." Violet got up from her seat and walked over to Anne.

Her footsteps moved slowly, looking into Anne\'s eyes With a scorn that was truly insolent. but Anne remained where she was, looking straight at Violet. not afraid at all by what Violet said.

"It\'s that true? What can you do now, I\'m sure it won\'t last long. Don\'t forget that Choon-hee has taken one Edwards. Sooner or later everything will move backwards into the pit of destruction, you just enjoy the moment this time." Anne threatened back, she did not know why Can have a very evil daughter-in-law like this.

"Ahhh I forgot Something, unfortunately I\'ve slept with Edwards. I\'m about to get pregnant and give birth to the heir to the throne! What can you do if I actually give birth to Edwards\' first child? You can only see everything under my control. Your place, a Title what you have as Mrs Douglas. Soon will be mine! You will sit on the old bench and Enjoy everything from behind the table! I am quite sorry for giving up these three years to have fun. But not anymore, My obsession is to be Mrs Douglas ! Queen Mother Douglas. does that sound amazing? Of course. hahahahaha." violet said while clapping her hands happily.

Anne who heard that only squeaked softly, then looked at Violet with open scorn.

"That is if you can give birth to a son as well as the first child. What if it turns out that Edwards got a son from another woman? Born before your child? You will get nothing Violet. You may not become a Queen, but concubines! Only concubines!! and only made as a backup woman. Enjoy all the dreams you want, We\'ll see whose dream will come true. My dream that wants you to be destroyed and left behind! Or? Your dream of wanting to become a queen?. " Anne gently patted Violet\'s cheek, still smiling Anne blinked one eye.

Violet did not waver at what Mrs Douglas said. she leaned forward even more and looked very closely at Anne\'s face.

"You know? I will also do anything to kill all the women who stand in my way, I will kill your dreams! I will kill the children of Edwards who will be born from the womb of another woman! That woman named Choon-hee is the best target right? You want her like you want a diamond. Then I will make her like a piece of glass that will scratch every inch skin of yours!" violet was already showing her Evil face, her eyes were so fiery when she looked at Anne\'s face.

"Witch! You do have a bad mind and temper.. I hope that no child will be born in the womb of a bad woman like you! I hope only good women will become the successors of the Douglas family!" said Anne very very angry.