Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort

Chapter 86

Damn it, she didn't plant the upper left face. After half a night's hard work, she specially ordered the blood shadow guard to call for a thief to catch the thief today. It was so aboveboard that it was destroyed by Dugu ye, and he had to help her.

It seems that she can't count on it here. She can only count on xuanyuanche there.

He nodded coldly. Dugu yezong didn't say much right now. He didn't have a proud expression. He was quite indifferent.

Only that eye, fixed to lock Ryukyu, black and blue eyes in the sun through the treetops, streamer brilliant, the United States is incredible.

When Ryukyu saw this, he raised his eyebrows. Forget it, forget it. This is a good night for Dugu. Although the good intention is inexplicable, it's OK today.

"Tell the eighth prince that he did not catch up with the assassin." The generals and bodyguards returning from the dense forest stood in front of the eighth Prince and the moon with embarrassed faces.

"Your group of rice..."

"Forget it, their skill, you catch up is just a death." Eight Prince's drink scolds not to finish, Ryukyu suddenly light wave hand way.

I'm kidding. It's all her shadow guards. These generals and bodyguards can catch up with her. Then she doesn't have to mix.

After hearing this, Qi Qi looked at Ryukyu gratefully.

At this time, the three bodyguards who were the first to chase Dugu ye came back from three directions and shook their heads at Dugu Ye.

Seeing this, Dugu Ye lowered his eyes slightly, then raised his eyes and glanced at Ryukyu. His eyes seemed to understand, and he seemed to understand nothing.

"Dong, Dong..." At this time, the drums of encouragement suddenly cut through the dense forest and came from afar.

Hearing this, the eighth Prince's face suddenly changed and said in a loud voice, "father and Emperor are assassinated."

The surrounding generals and bodyguards also changed their colors.

Ryukyu looks at the direction of xuanyuanyi. Xuanyuanche and xuanyuanyi are all together. Now xuanyuanyi is assassinated. That is to say, do it.

His face was anxious, but his heart was clear. The crime of assassinating xuanyuanche was not too big, but it was enough to overthrow Zuo Xiang and empress Liu.

However, since xuanyuanche and xuanyuanyi are all together, the crime of assassinating emperor Tianchen is more serious than that of assassinating xuanyuanche. In the meantime, we will feign a move and throw two arrows to xuanyuanyi at will. Then we will attack xuanyuanche. If we drop a trace of evidence, we will make him never turn over.