Demon King Dad

~: Fourth year story 055, shocking change

At this moment...lights? !

The idiot turned around suddenly, and saw a flashlight coming from the corner! Seeing the light, the gradually "quiet" body under the palm began to struggle again! She stretched out a hand, weakly grasping the direction from the flashlight, and her face once again showed her desire for "life"!

The flashlight came... the light dissipated the darkness and shone on the idiot and the girl. With the help of the flashlight, the idiot could even see the person who came. She was wearing a violet pajamas, her long golden hair that had not been combed curvingly hanging behind her, and that beautiful suffocating face...

Xing Li smiled.

She just looked at the idiot and the girl under her, and smiled.

Facing the girl's hand for help, she didn't make any move. In the gap between darkness and light, she just used those beautiful eyes to watch everything that happened in front of her. It seemed that what appeared in front of her was not a killing scene, but an opera with a tense plot.

Xing Li did not respond. Then the idiot immediately turned his head, his hands, and applied force again.

Blood foam poured out from the corner of her mouth. Under the light of the flashlight, tears of despair flowed from the corners of Mi Li's eyes. Her cheeks began to swell due to congestion, but her chest, which had just been rising and falling desperately, was deflated at this moment and could no longer expand.

As the idiot's fingers pressed her trachea more tightly, her body finally slowly "come down".

Finally, grabbing the idiot's hand, let go...

With a click, her head tilted to one side, and in her hollow eyes, only the darkness of death remained, gradually spreading...




"Huh? What are you doing in front of my room?...Pears?!"

Suddenly, Dai Lao's door opened. The Bright Knight, who originally wanted to invite the girl in the next room, immediately saw this scene being staged in front of his door. Accompanied by his scream, the knight's sword in his waist was pulled out by him with a single sword, directly against the back of the idiot's head.

"Let go!"

The idiot did not respond, and his thumbs were still stuck in Mili's throat.

"I told you to let go, did you hear that!!!"

The bright knight sword pierced slightly into the back of the neck, and a blood line overflowed from the wound. As Dai Lao yelled, the doors of other rooms on the same floor opened one after another. The rest of the ten-person team raised their hands and surged over. Seeing what was happening in front of them, there were five or six more. The sword came out of its sheath and pointed directly at the idiot's body.

"Let go! Don't let go, I will kill you!!!"

Delao approached the hysterical yelling, and the idiot also felt the coldness from the blades against his back. After weighing the strengths of himself and everyone around him... his hand was finally released reluctantly.

"Honey pear! Honey pear!"

As soon as he let go, Dai Lao immediately threw down the sword, stepped forward and snatched Mi Li from the idiot's hand, holding him aside and slapped her face nervously. The idiots continued to be held by those swords, and as long as Dai Lao gave an order, they would not hesitate to pierce this bold servant.

"Master Dai Lao, let me see."

Elhoud looked at the idiot with a surprised look, and then quickly walked to Dai Lao. After Dai Lau saw him, he immediately shouted: "Let you see? What's the use of you? Why don't you call me a doctor soon?! Hurry!"

"But... Master Dai Lao! If you don't hurry, it may be too late! Just let me see, maybe it can be saved!"

"Who are you? Can you save?!"

"Have you forgotten? My heart's martial arts... but'sacrifice'!"

Dai Lao was taken aback, staring at the mushroom head in front of him for three seconds. After three seconds, he immediately put down the honey pear and ordered Elhoud to step forward to help. I saw that Elhoud took out a guiding stone from his arms and pinched it in his hand. At the same time, he pulled out the dagger around his waist and swiped **** his right wrist. The blood overflowed from the ruptured artery but did not fall. Instead, he floated in the air, forming a ball of blood mist around his palm.

When Elhoud’s complexion became paler and paler, and the spherical blood mist became more and more dense, and his palms were almost invisible, Elhoud slammed his palms and patted Mili very hard. Chest.


The blood mist spreads.

Elhoud, who was pale, almost like a piece of white paper, fell back tiredly, lying on the ground panting. But the honey pear over there coughed violently under this shot.

"Live! Live! Great, great!"

Dai Lao hugged the honey pear tightly, but did not take a look at Elhoud, who had just lost his blood and saved his life, and did not ask anyone to help him stop the bleeding. However, when everyone's attention was on Mi Li, Xing Li walked over to help him and used the ribbon she carried to help him bandage the wound.

Mi Li's complexion gradually became rosy, and her cough gradually began to be replaced by breathing. Seeing that she was finally safe, Dai Lao hugged the girl harder, and after thanking the gods, he immediately stared at the idiot who was resisted by the sword.

"What a daring trash! Kill him for me!"

Upon receiving the order, several people around immediately lifted the sword and were about to stab it down! The idiot gritted his teeth, and until now, he can only do his best to win a blog and try to get out of the hands of these bucks!


What prevented it was a soft voice. Xingli, who helped Elhoud bandage his wrist, rushed into the sword group with a few flashes, protecting the idiot who had secretly held the dagger.

Felt: "Xingli, are you still protecting this idiot now? He is a villain, a bastard! You don't know, he even went to Miss Mili's house during the day to steal things, and now, he is even more undressed. Cover the body (the idiot only wears a pair of underwear), wanting to behave like a beast against Miss Mili! So you still protect him?!"

"If Mr. Xiaobai really wants to **** Mili, I will kill him as soon as possible. But..." Xingli straightened up, looking at the girl in Dai Lao's arms with a serious expression, there was nothing in his eyes. With the gentleness and smile of the past, "If this woman is not what we thought, just now, she wanted to assassinate Master Dai Lao... Will you still kill Mr. Xiaobai?"

A word made everyone around him speechless. After hearing these words, even the few people who used their swords against the idiot's back couldn't help but move their swords back. Everyone turned their heads and looked at the girl. At this moment, even Dai Lao could see clearly that this girl was not wearing the usual plain clothes, but a black tights. A short dagger hung from her waist, and there were a pair of armbands on the back of her hands...

Obviously, this is armed combat armor.