Demon King Dad

~: Fourth Year Story 037, Sleeping Song


Women's screams further confuse the chaotic scene. The original order became difficult to restore with the appearance of this corpse! The crowd began to commotion. These customers began to rush to the few entrances and exits. When there were too many people at the entrances and exits, more people began to flock to other passages in the store. Among them, there are many people flocking to Pingpusi and others!

"Be careful! The other party deliberately messed up the crowd! They all brought me up!"

Pingpus stood behind the thugs holding the force gun, and fell into extreme tension. Those thugs also raised their weapons one after another, drinking to stop the crowd who dared to run over. They panicked and acted awkwardly, and a few people could not stop the crowds who were frightened. That is when the line of defense they formed was hit one after another...

"Huh? Where's the bug cry?"

A fighter turned his head in his busy schedule...

But what caught his eyes were two companions who slowly rose up like slow motion. One person's heart is slowly spraying blood, and the other person's neck has just opened a blood-red hole, and the red liquid has not had time to eject. And in the middle of the two of them, a black shadow raised a jet-black long blade, with a fine line of blood at the end of the sword tip, which outlined a perfect arc in the air...


Exclaimed, came to his throat. In the slow dynamic vision of this thug, the shadow slowly raised his head... He didn't see the opponent's appearance clearly, because that was beyond the speed of the image that his vision could capture. He only knew that when a red eye came into his mind...


He also felt the coldness of death in his throat.



The sound of the three pillars of blood finally caused the thugs to turn their heads, and the blood that almost splashed to the ceiling fell, turning into a patch of red rain and falling on everyone's face. Those guests who were still waiting to rush over screamed again, turned around, and left the group of 15 people far away. After seeing the slowly falling companions beside them, these 15 people rely on humans. His instinct also turned around at the same time, spread out, and nervously pinched his weapon to face the three corpses of the convulsed thugs.

"Huh? No! Don't spread out! Get everything together!"

After all, Pingpus has been very experienced for so many years. He reacted within five seconds after the thugs dispersed, shouting loudly to get everyone together again. However, he reacted fast enough, and the shadow lurking in the dark reacted faster. A thug who retreated the farthest did not wait for the retreating footsteps to stop, a chill came from the vest. He was stunned for a moment, and looked down, only to see a black blade "grown" out of his chest at some point.

No pain.

Because he doesn't even have the right to feel pain.

Black Blade drew out, the thugs missed his hand and dropped the sword in his hand, clutching his opened chest and walking forward a few steps. When the slow blood finally burst out from the shattered heart, he finally fell and fell into eternal sleep in the pool of blood.

(14 people)

The blood-red flowers blooming from the disappearance of life bloom in this **** space. It was another result of the sudden death of one person, which was the complete breakdown of the fighting spirit of those thugs. The first is that one cannot help running away. After the first person takes the lead, there will be a second and a third. More and more people left their weapons to escape. After waiting for the fifth person to escape, Pingpus finally raised the guided gun to aim at the opponent and fired a shot.

"No one is allowed to escape! Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you kill!"

The guided bullet penetrates into the muscles, crushes bones and internal organs, comes out through the chest, and then disappears in the air. The fallen thugs opened their eyes, and this terrifying death shocked those who wanted to escape and those who were escaping.

(13 people)

That's right, this kind of effect can really stop these people from rebelling. But has Pingpus ever thought about it? Is it the best chance to kill these runaways during their short hesitation?

A black shadow tore the air away, and once again rushed from behind the hidden sofa to an escaper who was still hesitating. With sharp eyes, Pingpus finally saw a black shadow passing by! He hurriedly raised the guided force gun and fired repeatedly, and the bullets left bullet holes on the hard rock wall! The opponent's speed is too fast, so Pingpus has no time to think! The consequence of this is that when the black shadow got behind the escaper, the force gun in his hand still did not stop.

The bright red blood splashed with the increase of bullet holes. Pingpus, who had made the wrong hand, simply did nothing, and the force gun in his hand spit out bullets more quickly. And that shadow seemed to be pushing the corpse behind the corpse as a shield and rushing towards here quickly, so that the bullets of the guided force gun were sprayed out even more unscrupulously.

(12 people)

"Go! Go on!"

Finally found the target, the remaining 11 thugs once again plucked up their courage under the orders of Pingpus, and swarmed forward with swords or daggers. The "shield" just stood, and the black shadow behind it seemed to start to hesitate because the deity was exposed. His pause like this immediately made the thugs in front of him happy, and his pace quickened. In an instant, the six swords had been inserted into the body of the "shield" at the same moment, and they were out of reach. I believe that the dark shadow behind must have been assassinated at the same moment, right?

"Good job! Damn, finally solved..."

"Shield" fell down.

But behind him, there is no one person's shadow. Yes, there was only one wooden table leg that had been shaved off, pierced through his spine. In other words, the reason why the "shield" stood just now was not because someone was supporting him behind, but...this wooden table leg...?

"No! Come back to me! Come back to me all!!! Back..................!"

In this seemingly good opportunity to kill the enemy, the black shadow did not emerge again. However, this does not mean that the other party will not take any action.

Pingpusi's "come" hadn't even exited yet, and in an instant, the light in front of him all turned dim!

That's right, taking advantage of the gap between these thugs' retreat, that shadow has already cut off the conductive switch that had been noticed long ago. He just took advantage of these people when they were completely accustomed to the light and were flustered...

Change this place back to the territory he is most familiar with.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--------!!!"

The screams finally came out from the mouths of those thugs. Darkness has become the best fig leaf to cover up all cruelty. The screams of the thugs who couldn't adapt to the darkness for a while passed through the darkness to Pingpusi's ears, causing his nerves to tighten tightly, holding the force gun in his hand, shaking all over.

(11 people)

What must he do...what must he do to keep himself alive!

(10 people)

This kind of ending shouldn't exist at all. I just want to make some extra money by relying on this thing. How can it end up like this in the end? !

(9 people)

He is afraid of death... As long as it is a human, no one is not afraid of death.

(8 people)

If a person wants to live, he must struggle, and he must find ways to stand under the sun! Because as long as it is under the sun, he can take a deep breath and relax without fear of someone assassinating him in the dark!

(7 people)

He knows that he can't die, and everyone who wants to live knows that he can't die.

(6 people)

In his ears, the screams of the thugs in the dark gradually became faint, and it was precisely because of the little time they bought for himself that his eyes could finally see some dim outlines.


He started to move and ran frantically to the switch that controlled the guiding light. The screams behind him became weaker and weaker, and he was getting closer and closer to the switch!

(4 people)

Yeah, he smiled.

(3 people)

Because he was about to touch those switches, and then he could pull them all up in an instant. In this way, the entire bar will once again become bright, dispelling this dark fear!

(2 people)

In the center of the ballroom, the eleventh scream came. This also means that the only person still breathing in the entire bar is Pingpus. But it doesn't matter, because he has already touched the force switch at this moment, and touched those cold objects. The shopkeeper can hardly describe how he feels at the moment! Perhaps, he has never felt like pressing the switch and welcoming the light like this moment, it turned out to be such a joyful thing!

He pressed the switch without hesitation, then turned around...


The lights are still flickering slowly...

In the darkness that was about to be driven away, Pingpus felt an indescribable coldness.

This feeling came from his chest, it was cold... the cold almost suffocated him.

He wanted to move, but he found that he couldn't move at all. On his chest, something penetrated his body and nailed him to the wall behind him.

who is it……?

The light, still like a lazy and naughty child, refused to turn on... Some salty things filled Pingpus’ mouth, and some overflowed, flowing from the corners of his mouth...

Who the **** is...?

The coldness of his chest made his breathing more and more difficult. The shopkeeper held the thing on his chest, raised his hand, and stretched it forward...

"who are you…………???"

The last question was not answered. Through this brief darkness, his eyes were bloodshot and wide, looking at the two eyes in front of him. The red and black pupils were deeply reflected in his mind and became the last memory of his life.

Hands, hanging down.

The lights finally came on.

In the bar, it is as quiet as a sleeping baby. By the wall near the switch, the owner of this hotel slumped on the ground with his eyes open. The chest is still flowing blood, it seems that it has become the last thing still moving here...
