Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 749

Both Baofang boy and peach girl are not good at frontal combat. They often take people with trapped people. They don\'t have a deep sense of killing.

Both of them are first-class Taoists. However, among Taoists, they can only be said to be ordinary without their own control. Wu Yi does not ask how long he can persist, but only to delay a little time and buy some time for himself.

I\'m afraid not only the people present, but also the people watching secretly did not expect the situation to develop to this stage.

It is obvious that Wu Yi fought against the huge demon clan in southern Xinjiang with his own strength!

However, judging from the current situation, I\'m afraid Wu Yi still has a slight advantage. It depends on whether he can swallow Zhang e demon\'s soul.

A group of demons from the three danger demon Zun also wanted to help. A roll of moon glass clothes turned into a curtain of heaven and pulled away the stone tablet world, also fighting.

After all, Zhang e demon Zun is an old demon Zun. Even if he is confused by the heart demon body and most of his blood has passed, he is also a thin camel. With Wu Yi\'s current strength, he still can\'t catch his strength. A pair of eyes shed bright red blood and looked at him.

As a last resort, Wu Yi had to continue to use the power of the devil\'s body. The image of Dao Jun showed up. The huge jade Ruyi was under pressure and knocked on the soul of Zhang e demon respect. The soul of Zhang e demon respect was almost lax and tense, so he couldn\'t help falling thousands of miles.

Zhang e demon Zun lost his ability to resist, like a huge corpse, which was dragged by Wu Yi, compressed and entered the deep pupil.

No one came to stop it? No, there are still some. Although Zhang e demon respect is nothing in the sky of a dry hole in the vast world, Wu Yi\'s move has broken the balance of power in southern Xinjiang!

A red gold talisman of unknown origin came from the sky. As soon as Guanghua Ye appeared, he turned into a divine sword and shot at it at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Zhang e demon Zun showed a little vitality in his eyes and struggled desperately. He would rather commit suicide than die in this way.

Tao Jun, holding Yu Ruyi in his hand, knocked down. A light curtain less than the thickness of his fingernail appeared, which seemed to be weak. However, when the divine sword shot on the light curtain, it only pierced a point. All the magic tricks of the four sides gathered at this point. The light curtain became thicker and thicker, one foot, one foot, until tens of hundreds of feet, which was comparable to solid land.

When the divine sword is not available and Wu Yi is not in a hurry, he continues to involve the soul of Zhang e demon respect. The faint light from the eyes of the nether Dharma is more and more deep. This time, the people behind him can jump out one by one.

Not long ago, a jade seal of Zhang rose from the East China Sea and flew into the air. It turned into a glass dragon. It was like ice crystals. Under the sunlight, it was dazzling. The rolled up water vapor turned into a gorgeous rainbow bridge. Shaking its head and tail, it had passed through the clouds and came to the outside of the sky.

The Taoist king turned to confront the glass dragon and his magic power. He was able to control the Taoist instrument to confront Wu Yi thousands of miles away. How terrible the strength of the person behind the scenes should be.

"It\'s the Lilong seal. Does the aquarium not hide its mind?" Wu Yi whispered when he noticed the attack.

"You can\'t kill me!" for a moment, Zhang e\'s waist stiffened again.

In the East China Sea, there are several lights rushing into the sky, and there are many attacks that even the demons feel threatened. Some of these attacks were blocked, but others remained castrated.

Looking at Zhang e demon Zun\'s proud appearance, Wu Yi said: almost here. If you continue, you may not be able to control the situation.

Wu Yi has made up his mind, and Wu Yi no longer retains it. The mouth of the Youming Dharma is like a pocket that suddenly opens, and the strong Yin Qi disperses. All the clever ideas and senses fail, as if he swallowed the sky. It\'s dark outside, as if he was involved in a void black hole. After a long time, he slowly recovers.

Inside, no one knows what happened. However, when the dark curtain disappeared, there was only Wu Yi and the soul and body of Zhang e demon Zun disappeared.

Zhang e demon Zun should have been taken by Wu Yi even if he didn\'t die. People are frightened. Obviously, they can use this move without deliberately delaying. Does this want to lure outsiders?

The nether Dharma body can be magical powers from top to bottom, but Wu Yi\'s development level is really not very good. Only the nether Dharma eye and nether Dharma mouth can be used as fighting methods, and some other small magical powers are just better than nothing.

In terms of power, the eye of the law and the mouth of the law are naturally more powerful, but they are only applied to a single enemy. Therefore, in terms of scene effects, the dark mouth of group warfare can be more frightening.

If Zhang e demon respect had not been weakened layer by layer before, Wu Yi might not have been able to win Zhang e demon respect even if he showed the nether Dharma mouth. Therefore, this time, he could swallow Zhang e demon respect at one fell swoop. There are a lot of elements of luck. The swallowed Zhang e demon respect is still fighting tenaciously and needs to be subdued when he goes back.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this long war is finally over.

Wu Yi\'s slightly cloudy eyes looked at the three dangerous demon Zun. He was so frightened that the latter didn\'t dare to fight and hurried away. Originally, he thought whether to stop Zhang e demon Zun when he wanted to kill Wu Yi, but he didn\'t expect that it was this result.

When the three dangerous demon Zun left, he was only alone. The people of the aquarium sent many Taoist instruments outside the sky. When Zhang e demon Zun was swallowed by Wu Yi, he turned back. Wu Yi didn\'t catch up with these "disabled and defeated generals". Anyway, it\'s OK to know the people behind the Taoist instruments.

Looking at the five green birds left behind, Dao Jun was like a roll of Robe sleeves. His divine power swept and spread, and the surging tide of mana rolled over. One green feather fell to the ground, half unconscious and half seriously injured. As for the other demon clan leaders, they were arrested one after another.

When I was wondering how to deal with these people, a aura wave in front of me triggered it, and a canopy of water vapor rose. After a few breath, it changed into a water mirror, which is the Taoist art of thousands of miles of water light mirror.

In the water mirror, Bai Ze\'s slightly foolish and cute appearance emerged, waved his claws and said, "don\'t kill these people indiscriminately, and bring them all back to the sect door."

Wu Yi nodded and agreed, but it was just as he expected.