Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 747

After that, this kind of fine sound like a mosquito came from time to time, which had no significant effect on the mentally firm Wu Yi. However, the wisps of sound plunged into the sea of knowledge, devoured the spiritual knowledge, and launched the battle of spiritual knowledge.

Wu Yi sees the ferocious beast gradually taking shape in the sea. His eyes are indifferent. Even if his spiritual consciousness is gnawed, it is a sharp pain to the bone marrow, but he still doesn\'t say a word, as if he has isolated the pain.

Originally, Zhang e demon Zun was always on guard against Wu Yi\'s Shinto body to break the war situation. However, in such a situation, he still didn\'t see the Shinto body in the rumor, which could not help but make Zhang e demon Zun have a different mind. Can\'t the Shinto body make a move? Otherwise, normal people should fight at this moment.

Is it difficult for Wu Yi\'s Shinto body to be trapped somewhere or entangled by others?

The more you think so, the more convinced Zhang e demon Zun is. The original retained three-point strength is no longer retained. When attacking in an all-round way, the sharp voice is raised by several orders of magnitude in an instant, reaching an unimaginable level.

The escaping sound directly destroys the quickstones in a radius of thousands of miles. Even if the sky barrier is touched by this sound, it fluctuates endlessly, like a stone thrown into a calm water surface, and the ripples disperse in all directions.

The Yin Qi that forms the nether Dharma body suddenly collapses and can\'t even continue to reorganize. It can only gather together reluctantly and won\'t be destroyed.

The ferocious beast entrenched in the sea of knowledge also took the opportunity to devour the spiritual knowledge, and its body shape continued to expand. In contrast, Wu Yi\'s sea of knowledge gradually narrowed.

Under the guidance of greed, Zhang e demon Zun supplemented by sound attack. This ferocious beast that devours all spiritual knowledge is the real killer. He wants to devour the soul and get Wu Yi\'s secret.

Wu Yi\'s soul, in front of the huge ferocious beast Dharma, is like a young child born today, which can be swallowed up in one bite.

Zhang e demon Zun laughed wantonly, echoing endlessly on the four walls of the sea, chasing the soul endlessly.

Regardless of the loss of spiritual knowledge, even the body of spiritual knowledge ignited a raging fire. Zhang e demon Zun vowed to devour Wu Yi\'s soul as fast as lightning, leaving a blood red shadow. He quickly chased over, opened his huge mouth and bit it hard.

At the moment, Wu Yi\'s eyes are still extremely cold. Don\'t say to kill or defeat Zhang e demon Zun. Even if it is an unbeaten result with Zhang e demon Zun, Wu Yi can be said to be a victory, but Zhang e demon Zun\'s greed is difficult to fill, but it gives Wu Yi a chance.

In Wu Yi\'s soul eyebrows, there is something flashing with Ye\'s light. I don\'t know whether it is a living thing or a dead thing. In short, as soon as it appears, it carries a huge ghost death, just like a small ghost world, which is coveted.

This is nothing else. It is the root of Wu Yifa\'s Tao and the source of death from the bright moon world.

Is this the secret that Wu Yi has persisted to the present? Zhang e demon Zun was not wary of it. He swallowed it. Anyway, this is Wu Yi\'s knowledge of the sea. Even if there is a problem, it doesn\'t hinder him. It\'s a big deal to give up this idea.

This bite, however, became a nightmare for Zhang e demon Zun. It was like eating a hot potato. Although it tasted delicious, it was full of danger. Not to mention anything else, the constant death of this thing was constantly killing his vitality and longevity.

However, the cultivation growth brought by swallowing this thing is also true. Therefore, Zhang e demon Zun made a difficulty for a while. Is it the thing that spits in and out of his mouth, or is he determined to swallow it?

"If I swallow this thing, I may be able to have the immortal\'s capital, no longer be affected by the Taoist Birdman\'s Qi, and reproduce the heroism of my demon family."

Originally, it was just a subtle sound. After arriving, the sound became louder and louder, and even shrouded in Zhang e demon Zunzhen. The huge temptation was in front of him. Besides, he had been swallowed by himself. Do you really want to give up?

All the way from the bottom, Zhang e demon Zun, who was used to fighting with each other, didn\'t want to do so. In this way, his mind gradually became firm, abandoned his distractions and concentrated on refining this thing, not for complete control, but for peace.

However, he seems to have forgotten Wu Yi\'s existence. Conceited, he seems not to be aware of the influence of the heart demon body. The heart demon body born of the heart ghost has the power to confuse all sentient beings. Now, this means is even more perfect.

The huge ferocious beast\'s spiritual body is suspended in Wu Yi\'s sea of knowledge. It is not only the spiritual body of Zhang e demon respect, but also the real body in the outside world.

The endless roar came to an end. Wu Yi\'s ears were finally clean. It was very rare. The nether Dharma body was also rebuilt.

"Unexpectedly, in the end, we still have to use the power of the devil\'s body, but it\'s worth it." Wu Yi, who is still in the mouth of Zhang e demon Zun, looked up at the four directions. The sticky and smelly mouth is really not a good place. We identified the location and drilled into the purple house of Zhang e demon Zun.

Zhang e demon Zun wants Wu Yi\'s baby. Wu Yi wants Zhang e demon Zun himself, the soul of a cave demon Zun. If it is swallowed up by the nether Dharma eye, relying solely on this majestic power is enough to promote his Dharma into the level of cave heaven.

The premise of all this is that Zhang e demon Zun is distracted from his care and will not be aware of the loss of spiritual consciousness. The key to completing this move is to cook the frog in warm water and can\'t wake him up until it is weakened to a certain extent.

And these two points, relying on the power of the demon body, are not hopeless.

At this moment, those outside the war situation, looking at the scene in front of them, feel a little surprised. What are they doing? Are you trapped in magic or array?

There were demons yelling that Wu Yi had been swallowed by Zhang e demon before. There was no movement, that is, there was no longer resistance. Now it was clear that the victory or defeat had been decided, and Wu Yi would lose if he didn\'t die.

These words of the demon family are just subjective conjectures. They think completely from their own point of view. Within the great barrier, it is only yueliuli who really stands on Wu Yi\'s side.

As the mother of the stone tablet world, she is not bothered by these rumors. If Wu Yi changes, the stone tablet world must be turned upside down at the moment. At the moment, such a thing has not happened, and Wu Yi\'s safety should be no problem.

I know this in my heart, but compared with the previous fierce confrontation, this silent confrontation is the most difficult thing for the moon glass, and the unknown is the greatest terror.

In this way, this state, in a flash, is a month.

Those who can\'t see the mystery among them have been impatient for a long time. Even the three dangerous demons and zuns have doubts about the situation and frown deeply.