Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 738

Wu Yi left from the carriage, responded to their welcome with a warm attitude, matched with Taoist friends, strongly praised the beautiful scenery here, and praised their achievements in guarding Southern Xinjiang.

Wu Yi\'s statement is not only curious by outsiders such as Zhang e demon Zun and the God King of Southern Xinjiang, but also surprised by Yue Liuli. But whatever he does, Wu Yi doesn\'t mean to be angry. It\'s better than having a fight.

But their idea soon burst.

"It\'s really nice to come to my humble house! If you don\'t think it\'s poor and the wine is ready, please move your jade toes!" the chapter Zee demon Zun said some words with difficulty.

Boasting all the way, Wu Yi followed the demon lords to the place where they had dined before. Everything that should not have appeared has been treated. Fruit wine is placed on the table. Although it has a fragrant aroma, it is not mellow. Obviously, it is not a first-class product.

There are also some flesh and blood of spirit beasts. It\'s just that the grade is not high. The roast is only half cooked. It\'s dripping with blood and full of fishy smell. Wu Yi is disgusted.

"No more than Shangzhen, who was born in a rich and powerful family. In southern Xinjiang, the herds are not popular recently. I can\'t give you anything decent to entertain Shangzhen. Don\'t blame me!"

Zhang e demon Zun said with a smile and swallowed it himself. He didn\'t pay any attention to Wu Yi, but the rest of his eyes was always on Wu Yi, waiting for Wu Yi to go wild.

What is this? Is it a threat? Moon Liuli frowned and couldn\'t help looking at Wu Yi. She wanted to know how Wu Yi chose? If she wants to fight, she may not be able to defeat any demon statue, but she is still confident after delaying a few moves.

After Wu Yi saw the wine and meat on the table, he smiled, waved his robe sleeve, and the meat and blood plate in front of him flew into front of Zhang e demon Zun, filling his front.

The fruit wine turned into a water snake and rushed to the wine jar in front of Zhang e demon Zun. After it was filled, it overflowed with the sputtered wine, covering Zhang e demon Zun\'s black face. Because the fruit wine was just yellow, Wu Yi\'s move was like sprinkling urine on Zhang e demon Zun\'s face.

After such humiliation, Wu Yi also deliberately said, "since Zhang e\'s Taoist friends like it so much, they give it all to them."

Zhang e demon was so angry that he had to rush his hair and crown. His thick palm patted on the stone table, regardless of his flesh and blood, or fruit wine, all turned into powder. It was this stone table, which had been instilled by the essence of heaven and earth and was as strong as Taoist instruments, that also cracked a huge gap.

Otherwise, this stone may one day turn into a living creature and give birth to wisdom. At this moment, even if it is still possible, it will be thousands or even tens of thousands of years later.

The demon girl waiting behind wanted to come up and wipe Zhang e demon Zun\'s face. She was patted by him and directly turned into a ball of minced meat, not even a bone residue.

Wu Yi quietly watched Zhang e demon Zun\'s performance. When the strong momentum swept over, it was like an ancient sacred mountain and did not move at all. Not only that, but also he spared no effort to take care of the moon glass and the God King of Southern Xinjiang.

After taking a deep look at Wu Yi, Zhang e demon Zun gave up his mind to fight now. Generally speaking, people at the Dongtian level are people who coincide with the heaven and earth Avenue. All different ways will be expelled outside of himself.

Junior friars don\'t have to look at him. Even if they look at him, they will feel their soul shaking. Wu Yi doesn\'t respond at all. Even if he is secretly protected by Shinto, he doesn\'t have any divine power. It\'s also his ability.

In fact, the reason why Wu Yi can be so insipid, on the one hand, is naturally his strength, which has touched the realm of the cave. On the other hand, it is also because there are beads to protect himself. Beads exist at the same level as the Sky Patrol sundial. It is only handy to block the momentum of Zhang e demon respect.

His eyes are about to burst open. Wu Yi is still nothing. He is not affected by the killing intention in his eyes. Zhang e demon Zun is afraid of three points in his heart and still gives up his mind to tear his face now.

Under the cover of the previous tyrannical posture of wanting to kill, Zhang e demon Zun squeezed out a smile and said, "I\'m really here to recruit disciples!"

"I\'ve heard that there are eight cities outside the inner gate of Yiqi gate. There are millions of people in each. There are no shortage of good talents and jade. I really don\'t go there to recruit disciples. Come to me thousands of miles away -"

Wu Yi listens and frowns. Does he mean that there is a talent fault in the mountain gate? Don\'t say no, even if there is, Wu Yi, as a high-level official, can\'t say it.

For fear that their words didn\'t agree, they had a big fight. The God King of Southern Xinjiang hurriedly said, "this has nothing to do with you. Just push out the children who can be seen. If you get into the true magic eye, you will naturally be rewarded."

When did I say there was a reward? Wu Yi glances at the God King of Southern Xinjiang. Although he is dissatisfied, there is no need to refute. Otherwise, he looks narrow-minded and shallow.

It is due to be here to receive disciples and give rewards. Wu Yi is dissatisfied with the fact that the God King of Southern Xinjiang has overstepped his authority and spoken beyond himself.

Zhang e demon Zun smiled, "there are talents here."

"What are you waiting for? Take it out and have a look!" Nanjiang God Jun said eagerly. At the moment, he just wanted to deal with this bad thing as soon as possible.

"However, my younger generation, who have lived in the mountains and forests for a long time, have a bad temper, and --" Zhang e demon respect sneered, and then continued: "the rules of our demon family are to respect the strong. If you really don\'t show some skills today, the younger generation won\'t agree so easily."

The southern God king shouted, "short-sighted! The younger generation don\'t know. Don\'t you know when you live this age?"

Zhang e demon Zun coughed softly, and the divine power talisman of the southern Xinjiang God King seemed to break. He knew he had collided with each other before, so he started to compensate.

"I believe it, but I really have to show my hand. Otherwise, how can I win people\'s trust? When the master chooses the apprentice, it\'s not the apprentice who chooses the master." Zhang e demon Zun looked at Wu Yi and sneered in his heart. Now it depends on how you hide.

"I don\'t know how to show my hand. I\'m a little puzzled. Please explain it to Taoist friends." this question is not easy for others to ask. Although Wu Yi knows it\'s a set, he also asks. It\'s a big deal to see the move and hide it.

"It\'s not difficult. I will send children with different accomplishments. Shangzhen only needs to suppress his accomplishments to be as good as them. If he can win, he is really qualified." Zhang e demon Zun looks at him with hate. Anyway, it seems to be the intention of deliberately letting Wu Yi take the lead.