Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 731

After pacifying Liuli, they set off again. Naturally, Wu Yi didn\'t give up asking about some important questions, especially about Shiniang. Wu Yi was still very curious and wanted to make some efforts for Shizun.

"Have you ever asked the master about Shiniang?" Wu Yi asked.

"No, I don\'t think even if I asked, the master wouldn\'t answer." Yue Liuli replied.

Wu Yi was silent. Even if his disciple asked this question, it was the same result, so Wu Yi was not surprised.

"Have you ever asked why master wants to teach you these skills?" Wu Yi hesitated and changed his way of asking questions.

Yue Liuli definitely nodded once this time and said, "at that time, the master hesitated for a long time and said he didn\'t want us to be a pity like him."

"Is it a pity? Is it difficult? The master is single lovesickness. Without time to ask for affection, the prospective teacher\'s mother went with others?" Wu Yi thought with malice.

In return for Wu Yi, the sharp teeth of moon glass and two rows of teeth left deep traces on his shoulders. This one likes to do this since he saw Wu Yi, but before, he was helpless and rebellious, and had no other effect.

This time, it\'s more cruel. It seems to revenge Wu Yi\'s suspicion of her. The tooth marks are embedded in flesh and blood.

When Wu Yi wanted to turn the tooth seal away, Yue Liuli fiercely threatened, "don\'t erase it. You must leave it. You have my traces on you. You will be my man in the future. No one is allowed to rob me."

Wu Yi catered to her heart, pretended to be annoyed and helpless, and left the row of tooth marks, which made her feel better.

Girls like a similar sense of ceremony. Although it may not be anything to boys, it\'s just a small matter in detail, but it\'s no good without reason. Refutation is wrong and harsh.

Seeing that Wu Yi really left the row of tooth marks, yueliuli was not at ease and left his ideas on it. Once broken, he felt even thousands of miles away.

Everything was complete. Yueliuli said happily, "that\'s what you pig hoof would think. In my opinion, the master must have a teacher\'s mother and be like glue."

"What you think may not be right. After living so long, I don\'t seem to have heard of it. Do you have the experience of marriage?" Wu Yi glanced and said ironically.

Yue Liuli snorted discontentedly and waved his teeth and claws. Wu Yi thought he was going to bite. He waved his sleeve to avoid ten miles away. Yue Liuli chased him. They played tricks for a while and then rested.

Moon Liuli gasped, nestled in Wu Yi\'s arms and insisted, "I must be right about this."

Wu Yi also said positively, "if so, why is the master so sad? So that his eyebrows are so depressed and tears flow. In my memory, this is because there are many girls in the liberal arts class. Therefore, there are still a lot of experience in dealing with girls.

As for why I don\'t have a girlfriend, well, let\'s put this topic aside and tell you when I have a silver League.

Finally, I\'d like to ask your food and clothing parents if they want to read the article. If they want to read it, I\'ll meet with Mr. Cang these days to increase experience and meet your requirements within the scope allowed by the rules. If they don\'t want to read it, I\'ll take it with me.

In this way, with a positive face, I am for the great requirements of readers, absolutely not for other reasons.

In those days, I was also a pure child. Just because the teacher arranged a composition describing the spring on campus, baidu checked it, the world changed, and it was funny.)