Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 714

Taking advantage of Shi Ming\'s ghost master, Wu Yi set up a god of the prime minister in addition to the God of the seven Yao, which is similar to the quasi gold God. However, the God of the prime minister on the side of the other six Yao is not as powerful as the quasi gold God.

When the foreign invasion comes, it is still such a powerful opponent. The Gods work together. In the bright moon world, most of the enemies that have not been cleared before are actually the gods of the temple who feed the tiger. At the moment, they are all cleaned up.

The so-called hard bone that is difficult to chew. The ChiYan Saint woman who lives in the purple green cave is also forced to leave the bright moon world and flee to the sky. She doesn\'t know whether she can survive in the end.

Wu Yi has no time to think about the matter of ChiYan shengpo. Wu Yi doesn\'t care whether several gods secretly let go and escaped her life.

Before, as the head of the holy woman of the human race, she didn\'t set foot in the territory of the cave. Now, fleeing outside the sky is almost vacuum, and there is no chance at all. How can she grow up? Can it be compared with Wu Yi, who has a big world?

The only thing to worry about is that when the holy woman ChiYan goes out, she may collude with outsiders and bring foreign aggression. However, the probability of that is very small and close to nothing. In other words, the mind demon body itself is not an outsider for the bright moon world.

After a moment of worry, Wu Yi immediately stepped up the integration of yin and Yang, and planned to put his divine palace beyond Yin and Yang, not into the five elements and beyond the light and darkness. This time, Wu Yi\'s move received the full support of the gods, and Wu Yi\'s power expanded unprecedentedly.

In fact, sometimes, you can\'t blame some politicians who are keen to introduce external contradictions in the face of domestic contradictions, because in this way, they can not only enhance their power and temporarily suppress domestic contradictions. If they win, they can also get the reputation of expanding land and opening up Xinjiang. As for the main contradiction, it is the incompetence of future generations, which has nothing to do with me.

Therefore, when GUI Yi led yiqimen people to the outside of the holy palace, what he saw was the coexistence of dark patterns and Jinhui. Obviously, the transformation was not completed, and 10% of them were not even completed.

Not to mention the two Yin dragons, the ghost master of the nether fortress and the ghost master of the Shura, hovering around. They have infinite power and are difficult to handle. Not to mention that the divine army of the Tuyao department is powerful and complete, regardless of men and women. It is different from the main roads of the first-class warriors in the vast world. Although the customs of the bright moon world have changed in recent years, the female masters are still the mainstream in the dynasty. In fact, men are generally not as tall and powerful as women.

As they marched along, they only felt that they were behind them. At all times, a pair of eyes stared at themselves, making their backs cold. When they turned to look, they were nothingness again, making people sweat.

Finally, after entering the main hall, it was like entering the divine court. The breath was not weaker than that of Yuanying. There were many gods with different postures. Nearly ten gods with golden brilliance were surrounded by the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. There were also scenes of creatures worshipping the sun and moon. There were also chains pulling, ghosts crying and howling, as if they were in hell, everything, All such treasures are solemn and inviolable.

After a lot of pressure, several people came to the heart devil. They were sensible and called the Lord of reincarnation, not nothing.

After the salute, although they knew that the superior God was really the same as the cave sky, and there was great power outside, so it was difficult to see the true face, they were still curious. They wanted to see the face of the Qingxin devil, but they saw an incomparably deep abyss, as if their souls would be taken away in the next moment.

For a moment, mingweiyan and other three Yuanying real people woke up first and said forgiveness. Only when they looked up again, they were surprised to find that the Lord of reincarnation in front of them had been able to see clearly. It was no longer an abyss and hard to see, but it seemed that their breath was also weak.

"I\'ve heard that there is no real Shinto body, the Lord of reincarnation, has all kinds of looks. I think this is the image of the Taoist king in the rumors? I just don\'t know what I saw before?" mingweiyan thought in his heart, but in front of the heart demon body born of the heart ghost, mingweiyan\'s thoughts were presented in front of him, let alone in his own temple.

What Ming Weiyan saw before them was actually the ghost emperor image of Wu Yi\'s demon body. The ghost emperor image has no entity. If you want to see the ghost emperor image, it is equivalent to seeing the divine power source of Wu Yi\'s demon body. How can it be possible with their strength?

Not long after, they woke up one by one and said in their hearts: nothing is true. It is really a good means. Everyone had this idea. Even if they knew it was a threat, they could only swallow it alive.

Of course, Wu Yi secretly has another means. He plans to host the seeds of DEMONIA on these Taoists. However, there are magic weapons on them, that is, one or two disciples succeeded.

Wu Yi can be regarded as driving nails and eyes and ears inside them.

"You have come all the way. Don\'t blame me for my poor hospitality." Wu Yi said calmly.

Between the words, Shenji held all kinds of delicacies, greeted them and entertained them to take their seats.

The banquet was calm, but Wu Yi asked ghost Yi to continue to follow them. It was said that ghost Yi often came to the moon circle and was familiar with the situation here. Of course, this was the Imperial Envoys and spies in the Ming Dynasty. Ming Weiyan was not satisfied with this, but he had nothing to do. There was nothing else to say.

Finally, two huge maps hang behind Wu Yi, one is the situation of the bright moon world, the Yang world, and the other is the situation of the Yin world.

The two maps are not completely separated, just corresponding to the current situation that the Yin and Yang boundaries are not completely separated.

This situation will cause the living creatures in the Yang world to enter the Yin world accidentally, or the living creatures in the Yin world to enter the Yang world by mistake, but in fact, even if the two worlds are really separated, such a situation will exist, but it will be greatly reduced.

There are earthy yellow circles in the map of the Yang world, which is the coverage of the humane Dynasty. It can be clearly seen that there is a dynasty that has occupied half the Yang world, and some corners are still expanding, which is amazing.

Inside and outside the aperture, there are golden spots, large or small. No one dares to offend in this three-thirds of an acre. When passing by, we have to worship.

This is where the temple of the Lord of reincarnation is located. In any case, the Lord of reincarnation must exist. The larger the golden dot, the more gods are enshrined in it, and the more noble and dignified the statues are. The largest golden dot is in the center of the largest aperture.

Golden dots do not exist forever, but also rise and fall with the ups and downs of the Qi. There is no so-called absolute protection.

The map of the Yang world is like this. In the map of the Yin world, there are dark blue light spots. This is the land of reincarnation. There are a large number, dense and vast as stars. There is no temple in the Yin world. Wu Yi is in the Yin world and does not need a temple to maintain system governance.