Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 650

When the artifact is not yet formed, in addition to waiting, you also need to bear it and elevate yourself too much, just let yourself step into the abyss faster.

Wu Yi doesn\'t want to take part in Yuan Xi\'s affairs more. In addition to involving the Han family, it\'s also because of this kind of affairs. To solve the bell, it\'s also necessary to tie the bell and interfere in Yuan Xi\'s affairs. If there is a change later and he is coquettish, the disciples may not be grateful to him. Why draw a snake and add feet.

A few days later, Bai Ze seemed to know that Wu Yi had been idle. He divided his ideas and came to yanxuantian pool to "play" with Wu Yi.

Because of the need of cultivation, what Bai Ze understands is the secret road. Bai Ze himself is a top spy. There are not many things that Bai Ze doesn\'t know, even in the truth of the cave.

The curtain of Disha arranged by Wu Yi and Yue Liuli can\'t stop this one at all. There\'s still a lot to know.

Bai Ze and Wu Yi sit on each side of the burning sea. Bai Ze says he is sitting, but if he is half paralyzed, there are large plates of fruits beside him, all taken from the fruit tree of the medicine field. The years vary from millennium to century. They are rare treasures outside.

Bai Ze was good. He didn\'t care about Wu Yi\'s eyes. He deliberately "Baji" and ate very loudly. The fragrant juice flew around. The rest of the fruit core floated on the magma. It didn\'t sink for a moment and piled up a layer.

When there is nothing important, Bai Ze always looks like an old urchin. Wu Yi is also used to spending some fruit to have a good relationship with the old urchin, which is beneficial and harmless to himself. Therefore, although it costs a lot, Wu Yi is not reluctant to give up.

Bai Ze\'s appearance seems to deliberately test Wu Yi\'s mind, but it is obvious that Wu Yi\'s face does not show the slightest look of boredom. It seems that he is still saying how much you want, that is, how much you have.

After eating the last fruit, Baize smashed it, smashed its mouth, licked its tongue, and gave a heavy hiccup, which reduced the style of the elder.

Bai Ze patted his belly, quite satisfied and said, "you know how to respect your predecessors. Now the world is getting worse, it\'s rare to have a younger generation like you!"

Wu Yi and Yu Guang inadvertently glanced over the nuts around Bai Ze, smiled and didn\'t answer. The rest of the people have this respect. I\'m afraid they don\'t have this capital. Most of the people who have this capital don\'t have this need to curry favor with Baize.

Therefore, meeting Wu Yi is also Baize\'s blessing.

"For the sake of your filial piety, do you want to tell you a message?" Bai Ze thief smiled, but he didn\'t look like an elder.

"No, those fruits are my last batch of reserves. There\'s nothing for you." Wu Yi is a scoundrel.

"Don\'t introduce, the price is easy to discuss," Bai Ze hehe said with a smile. "You condense the moon gang with pure Yin Gang essence, which is a top-grade Heaven material and earth treasure. Don\'t you want to use the same Heaven material and earth treasure when condensing the Sun Gang?"

"What do you have in your hand?" Wu Yi said that immobility was false. Therefore, knowing Bai Ze\'s trap, he jumped in willingly.

"Hey, hey," Bai Ze seemed to expect the result, but then he was very straightforward, "No."

"Cut." Wu Yi expressed his contempt.

"Although I don\'t have it, I have news about it!" Baize continued.

"It must be a dangerous place, a forbidden area for living things, such as this. I can go to others and ask why I want you?" Wu Yi pressed the price.

Bai Ze snorted disdainfully and said, "if you ask the sky, in the vast boundary, those who can answer your question will not exceed the number of five fingers. Your friendship with them may exceed the value of this thing."

"Come on, what do you want?" Wu Yi said simply.

"Don\'t worry. Listen to me first about the origin of this thing."

"In the past, the Taoist sect fought with the aquarium. The Taoist sect really collected the sun\'s essence fire and built a thing to monitor the movement of the aquarium. When it was in full bloom, it was no different from the sky and the sun. It was more powerful than all Taoist weapons today. It was no different from immortal weapons, but if there was a figure of the aquarium, you could shoot it."

Speaking of this, Bai Ze seems to recall the scene of the sundial during the sky patrol and recall the past. He has deep emotion and left a long sigh. Only half of this is stuck here, which makes Wu Yi dissatisfied and suggests beheading a hundred times.

It is reasonable to say that such a major event can be found in the historical records. Unfortunately, as a person who copied all the historical records, Wu Yi is confident that he has not seen the description of the Sky Patrol sundial. Then what is the reason why future generations deliberately erase this memory?

Wu Yi asked, "what next? Did the aquarium destroy this thing?" it is estimated that this is not the reason. Otherwise, even if it is the dark history of daomen, there will not be half a text in the historical records.

"No, it\'s this sundial that has its own wisdom," said Bai Ze in an extremely heavy tone.

"If the heart turns to the Taoist door, it\'s not --" Wu Yi said here. When he got stuck, the utensils became spiritual, he had his own will, and his strength was higher than the Royal Lord. Are you really willing to follow the Royal Lord\'s orders?

Wu Yi would never want to be himself.

"At that time, the sky patrolling sundial was extremely powerful. Even the three major monks in the cave were just shot. Originally, the Taoist door was ready to invite immortal to subdue it -"

The items created by daomen almost destroyed daomen himself in the end. I have to say, this is really ironic. This damn desire fantasizes about controlling the items that he can never control.

After this damn pause, Wu Yi looked at Bai Ze with resentful eyes and killed him a hundred times.

After the tone was low to the extreme, Bai Ze suddenly rose and said, "however, the Sky Patrol sundial tried to find its own way to death. It unexpectedly gave birth to the idea of swallowing the sky and sun. Finally, it fell short and fell in a foreign land."

Such existence is falling, and it is not something that a pawn like Wu Yi can touch. After listening, Wu Yi immediately dispels the desire in his heart. His idea is good, but he has to have his life to take it.

If it\'s really a first-class good thing, doesn\'t Bai Ze say that besides him, there are people with five fingers who know? So why don\'t these people like it and don\'t take it? Do they really think they are idiots?

Bai Ze seemed to see what Wu Yi thought and said, "others really can\'t take it, but you might."

Wu Yi\'s eyes show hesitation. It\'s better to look at Bai Ze like an idiot.

Bai Ze was embarrassed by Wu Yi. He had to cough to hide his embarrassment. This boy can really pretend.