Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 647

After meeting with taonv in Tiande temple, Wu Yi rocked up to Bixiao sky, which led a aura into Yuanxi\'s body, temporarily subdued the running aura in his body and stabilized his mind.

After a while, Yuan Xi woke up and felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle. It was very painful. This was the result of the overflow of elixir Qi and strengthening the meridians in his body.

Yuan Xi was in competition all the time since he entered the first valve. It was not the first time he felt such pain. He subconsciously mobilized the aura in the Dantian, but the next moment, something that shocked him happened.

His elixir field was empty. There was no trace of aura. The original feeling of incomparable strength disappeared. He just felt incomparably lost and dark.

Many monks\' accomplishments have been abolished, but they don\'t have the opportunity to practice back. However, they have no fighting spirit in their hearts, and can only be reduced to the earth and the vicissitudes of life.

In fact, as far as Yuan Xi was concerned, he was strong and strong after all. Even if he went to the humanitarian Dynasty, he was also the head of the general among the ten thousand armies. Unlike some airway friars, his accomplishments were abandoned, which was worse than ordinary people.

"Cough!" Wu Yi coughed for a moment or two, like thunder, which blew in Yuanxi\'s ears, making him dizzy and dispelling all his distractions.

Yuan Xi opened his bleary eyes and looked at the person in front of him. He thought it would be xuanzhenzi. The result was not, but Wu Yi.

"See no real person, thank you for saving his life." Yuan Xi struggled to get up and kowtowed to Wu Yi directly. When he was rebuked by xuanxingsi, he had expected the result, but now it has become a reality.

Wu Yi didn\'t explain anything to Yuan Xi. It\'s useless to talk to him about some things now. He came straight to the point and said, "leader\'s edict, you are already a disciple of our school."

"The master is on the top, please be worshipped by the disciples." Yuan Xi\'s eyes showed incredible eyes. It was really a poor mountain and water. There was no way to doubt. Willows and flowers were bright in another village. He changed his mouth repeatedly to sweep away the previous decline.

Yuanxi respectfully paid homage to the teacher. Then Yuanxi paid another visit to Shan Hui. The etiquette was correct. There were still tea serving and dusting, but there were not so many appliances at the moment, so he had to simplify everything.

After Wu Yi received the gift, Shi ran said, "do you know what this place is?"

Yuan Xi looked around and saw that there was a vast cloud, which was above the polar sky. Not to mention that his accomplishments have been abolished now, his eyesight is far less than in the past, that is, when his accomplishments were at their peak in the past, he may not be able to see why without a significant sign.

Therefore, Yuan Xi shook his head honestly. He wanted to guess a yanxuan Tianchi. It was said that the immortal\'s cave was here, but if it was so easy to guess, Wu Yi wouldn\'t deliberately ask him, so it\'s better to be honest.

Wu Yi said, "this is the sky over Tiande temple."

Yuan Xi\'s eyes flashed a light, and then gradually dimmed. This is not only the place where he became famous, but also the place where he was sad. For a time, he had five tastes and sour in his heart.

"Do you know why I stopped here for a moment?" Wu Yi asked.

Since Wu Yi heard that he was going to recruit disciples in the inner gate election, all kinds of information about this immortal has spread among the outer gate disciples. Although Yuan Xi didn\'t pay much attention to this, he didn\'t know anything. At least, he knew that this immortal didn\'t seem to have much to do with Tiande temple.

In other words, Wu Yi didn\'t come here because of himself. So, what\'s worth this real person\'s special trip? Moreover, he specially told him a "loser".

"Thank you, master." the answer was already clear. Yuan Xi paid another homage and was quite moved.

"Deal with all your causes and effects clearly, and then return to the cave. I don\'t want anything to disturb your cultivation in the future."

"With due respect -"

Yuan Xi was about to promise, but was interrupted by Wu Yi in a stern tone and said, "don\'t expose your identity as my disciple to experience the warmth and coldness of human feelings. If the daughter of the collateral family of the Han family is a good person who can be entrusted and still looks at you with her original eyes, it is to fight against the truth, and I will get this daughter for you!"

The words are endless. Yuan Xi is already hot in his heart, but Wu Yi\'s next sentence poured cold water on him. "If this woman is a person who dislikes poverty and loves wealth, cut it off as soon as possible. If she is still tangled, don\'t blame me for driving you out of the wall."

"Disciple, don\'t worry." Yuan Xi\'s hesitation actually showed that he was not sure about it. Love is really a special luxury, not to mention that Yuan Xi and the daughter of the Han family are also mixed with the entanglement between teachers and disciples and aristocratic families.

Love is very attractive. It is a basket woven with seven colors. It is sweet and beautiful, but only suffering can try to find out the truth in it.

Wu Yi didn\'t have to make this decision, but in order for Yuan Xi to be more magnanimous and solve it earlier in the future, it\'s better than becoming a lifelong love robbery in the future. This so-called long pain is better than short pain.

Wu Yi blew his breath and sent Yuanxi back to Tiande temple. He sat down on his knees in the middle of the polar sky and waited for the result.

Shan Hui saw Yuanxi\'s leaving figure, looked at Wu Yi and wanted to ask for something, but she hesitated and hesitated.

"You don\'t have to go with him. Let Baofang boy go!" Wu Yi didn\'t open his eyes. He had seen through Shan Hui\'s mind and responded faintly.

Baofang boy promised and went straight down without much mention.

After waiting for about half an hour, Baofang boy and Yuanxi went up to the extreme heaven and said, "tell the real man that it\'s done."

Yuan Xi\'s face was a little angry. Needless to say, it must be a group of dog eyed and low-key guys. Seeing that Yuan Xi\'s cultivation was abolished, he severely humiliated Yuan Xi. He just didn\'t know whether the daughter of the Han family was one of them.

However, the good news is that Yuan Xi\'s face also has some desire, which is a desire for strength. This strong desire will promote Yuan Xi to study and practice hard and quickly recover to his former accomplishments, but it may also destroy him. It depends on how to guide him.

Wu Yi left with a group of people without asking anything. He was kind enough to help Yuan Xi worry about everything. Do you want him to worry about everything like a nanny?

Sorry, it\'s impossible. If Wu Yi can\'t get through this ridge, it\'s a big deal to change a disciple. Yuan Xi is not the only one. There are many people to choose from.

After a long time, Wu Yi knew that there was a ten-year agreement, just like the agreement between all suffering lovers.