Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 644

Xuanzhenzi made such a big oath. It\'s not easy to hold him with his guilt. Lin Shangzhen opened his words and took them back, but he finally turned his eyes to Han Tong and Han Shangzhen. This time, Han Shangzhen should be the protagonist.

Han Tong is more than 5000 years old. He is covered with hair and snow. However, his skin is still like a baby, round and smooth, with continuous vitality, like a trickle and endless.

In terms of momentum, Han Shangzhen is very different from Lingyuan Shangzhen. If he doesn\'t pay attention to it, he will even ignore this person. He has brought into full play his means of protecting himself from disasters and endured the death of most of his peers in that year. It can\'t be called success.

The look in Lin Shangzhen\'s eyes also reminded everyone present. Of course, it refers to the truth in one\'s work. Wu Yi doesn\'t know that these small moves are just more mouth than yuan Xi, and they are of little use at the moment.

Yuan Xi\'s admirer is the daughter of the Han family, and it is also because of the daughter of the Han family that there is a "defection". If Han Shangzhen doesn\'t speak a word or two at the moment, they are afraid that they won\'t speak much.

Everyone\'s eyes converged, which seemed to break Han Shangzhen\'s "stealth method". He opened his bleary eyes, shook his head, and finally appeared to be a little sober.

Han Shangzhen said slowly: "this son used to be a suckling baby. Why did he sneak in? Would I be scared to death by a baby? Since he is a good seedling, he has to be cultivated."

Han Shangzhen spoke very slowly, but no one dared to interrupt, and no one sent out a tone such as hum. He listened quietly and patiently. What is status? This is status. It\'s a very important word.

It\'s really hard for Lingyuan to continue to speak after such a run on hanshang Zhenyan language. Otherwise, a reputation scared to death by children will not be far away, but his face looks unwilling and is obviously far from convinced.

"Han Shangzhen\'s words are solid in reason. However, this son knew he had a different blood, but he kept hiding and didn\'t report it. He can\'t run away from an evil crime." Han Shangzhen said to the audience, Qingyang Dongtian Lingming. He is the second of the six sons of chenzhu and the actual leader of the line of teachers and disciples.

As soon as Lingming really said this, the situation changed again. Wu Yi was confused, xuanzhenzi was confused, and Yuanxi himself was also confused. Why is such a secret thing, Lingming really seems like a treasure.

"The disciple was afraid of being expelled by the sect, so he didn\'t dare to report it truthfully. He begged the leader to spare his life and begged the leader to spare his life!..." Yuan Xi couldn\'t help but fear in his heart, grabbed the ground with his head, and his forehead was full of blood marks.

"Alas!" Xuan Xingsi sighed long and did not see how to move. Yuan Xi disappeared in the Qingxu hall. Before Yuan Xi did air, he could ignore it. Now he is good for nothing except increasing noise.

The problem now is not what he does, but what others think of him. This is the focus. The truth is not important to a certain extent. The problem of Yuanxi is not his own problem, but related to the overall situation.

The aristocratic family, teachers and disciples both expressed their views. Next, there were others. Xuan Xingsi asked Shangzhen on Lingya and said, "Lingya son, what do you think this son should do?"

This matter has nothing to do with Lingya. He has a good relationship with the aristocratic family\'s teachers and disciples. There is no need to flow through this muddy water. He said a lot. Finally, he summarized it in three words, peace and mud. The solution has no practical significance.

Of course, these words themselves are the expression of a gesture, and this is also the focus.

Xuanxingsi looked at the last Shangzhen, that is, Xu Yinming and Xu Shangzhen, who returned from the sea. Although his standing in line could not change the pattern of confrontation between teachers and disciples of the aristocratic family, it was also a force.

"If you don\'t let this son enter our Yuanyang palace, I will give no real person a position to worship, and let this son worship no real person as a teacher. Whether it\'s evil or not, I can see. Such a dilemma can be solved by myself."

The leader Xuan Xingsi\'s eyes were still plain, gentle as water. People couldn\'t see the will contained in it, but he nodded and said, "this is a good way!"

However, as a result of this, don\'t you need to have the identity of a disciple of Yuanyang palace? What\'s the difference between Wu Yi\'s eyes and those before? It\'s incredible.

The silence on both sides makes Wu Yi feel that this proposal is the most likely way to carry out it. Who says that the leader must have a word and no one doubts it. If it is a word, why gather people to discuss matters and directly issue orders? That is, the art of compromise may be the skill of every superior.

The master\'s plan is stranded again. This is Wu Yi\'s first idea.

"What about the skills he had cultivated before?" finally, Lingyuan suddenly said that everyone had different eyes. This is to kill all and make an example of the others!

However, there was no reason for people to refute, because this requirement was reasonable. Xu Yinming\'s proposal actually erased everything that Yuan Xi had when he was outside the door and started again. In this way, cultivation was naturally erased.

However, there was no need to talk about it, and Lingyuan really said more at this time, which inevitably made people feel narrow-minded and cruel, which would damage his reputation.

The lesser of the two evils is the right. It\'s better to completely cut off their thoughts today than that a large number of disciples may turn against the water in the future.

From the perspective of Lingyuan, everything seems so reasonable.

Wu Yi\'s eyes dropped. In the depressed atmosphere at present, without saying a word, he tried his best to do his "air". Han Shangzhen, who is right ahead, studied and hoped to reach his realm as soon as possible.

This result is the biggest common divisor that people can accept. The family makes money anyway. The difference is whether it makes more or less. The teacher and apprentice must think about reducing their losses.

In this case, Xu Yinming formed an alliance with Wu Yi to consolidate his position in Yuanyang palace.

The only victim is Yuan Xi, but he doesn\'t even have the qualification to speak for himself. How can he decide his own destiny?

Weak is the original sin, the same thing in ancient and modern times. Wu Yi can\'t help but feel sad for Yuan Xi for a moment. It\'s not so much about Yuan Xi as about himself.

At the same time, Wu Yi also strengthened his idea of excluding yiqimen forces from entering the bright moon world. This is a group of wolves. Wolves who want to eat meat and drink blood will only occupy the magpie\'s nest in the end unless they grow strong enough or there is a real cave in the bright moon world.

At the next moment, Yuan Xi reappeared in front of Wu Yi, but this time he was unconscious and pale.