Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 641

This sudden voice is not from others, it is Bai Ze. At the moment, only the people at the level of Dong Tianzhen can stop Wu Yi from fighting with xuanzhenzi. Among them, Bai Ze, a "idle" person who walks around, is naturally the most likely.

Wu Yi himself is just waiting for an opportunity. At the moment, Bai Ze comes forward and goes down the slope. He really killed xuanzhenzi. It will be a problem at that time.

"Meet Baize Shangzhen." when an outsider was present, Wu Yi showed great deference. Baize couldn\'t help glancing at him and showing disdainful eyes, one in front of others and one behind others.

Xuanzhenzi had worshipped Baize before. Now he hung his head like a child who made mistakes. He wanted to find a gap to drill in.

It\'s just a private fight. The key problem is that I still lost. If I win, my teacher Lingyuan is really a master who wants face. Maybe he will protect himself, but in fact, if Bai Ze comes at a few minutes in the evening, he may come to collect his body.

Thinking of the previous critical moment, xuanzhenzi was sweating. Before, he really "led wolves into the house", did something he shouldn\'t do, and almost compensated himself.

Wu Yi, as a winner, and knowing what he has done now, is actually promoting the master\'s plan. The master will protect himself. Afterwards, it is only some mild punishment. Therefore, he is calm and complacent, calm and calm.

Seeing that there were almost other emotions and attitudes on both sides, Bai Ze coughed gently and said, "you two are either the head of a house or the head of a courtyard. It\'s not a shame to start in front of the disciples."

Wu Yi has a thick skin and is like a breeze on the ear. When he passes his ear, he will disperse. Xuanzhenzi is red in the face and hot in the ear. He is shy and dry. He is also polarized.

Bai Ze was too lazy to say much. I\'m afraid both of them knew that the board would not be too heavy. They didn\'t take it to heart. They were arrogant and discouraged, so they did.

"Explain your business to the leader by yourself!"

"As like as two peas do or think the same without prior consulation2, Wu Yi and Hyun Zi together make a surprised interrogative tone," the master wants to see us. "Then, the same tone and sentence are exactly the same.

Wu Yi and xuanzhenzi couldn\'t help looking at each other, each hummed, and then glanced over their heads. They looked very much like each other.

However, Wu Yi was really surprised at this. Does the leader need to come forward in person? Just give a little verbal warning. What\'s the meaning behind this? Do you want to use this thing as a model to open the door of dissimilarity? Or——

Wu Yi\'s mood was so varied that he even began to think wildly. On the other side, xuanzhenzi was trying to figure out the leader\'s mind.

"Take the disciple who has pretty bear blood with you. It\'s good to talk at that time." Bai Ze reminded again.

Wu Yi nodded silently and thought: it\'s really related to this matter, so how will the leader deal with it? Who at the top is against it?

I\'m afraid all these questions can be explained only in the Qingxu hall, but on the way, Wu Yi still thought about the method of answering.

Qingxu hall, the highest place for discussion, is certainly not the most private place for discussion. The most private place should be the polar hall over the Yulong mountains. Wu Yi is now Yuanying\'s cultivation. He still doesn\'t know the barrier of the vast world. It can be seen that it is secret.

At this moment, at the request of the leader xuanxingsi, all the Dongtian Shangzhen in Yiqi gate gather together. Xuanxingsi sits right above and in the middle for balance scheduling.

There are five teachers and disciples in one line, located on the left side. From top to bottom, they are Qingyang Dongtian\'s Lingming Shangzhen, Dongyuan Dongtian\'s lingche Shangzhen, Shenxu Dongtian\'s Lingyang Shangzhen, Zhenyang Dongtian\'s Lingyuan Shangzhen, and finally xuanming Dongtian\'s Huixuan Shangzhen.

Xuanxingsi is the eldest martial brother among the six sons of chenzhu. Lingming Shangzhen ranks second, lingche Shangzhen ranks third, Lingyang Shangzhen ranks fourth and Lingyuan Shangzhen ranks sixth.

There is a missing person in the middle, that is, the fifth of the six sons of chenzhu. The story will be mentioned in the future. Because there is really a missing person in the sky in the cave of master and apprentice, xuanxingsi promoted Huixuan Shangzhen to join the master and apprentice vein, but Huixuan Shangzhen\'s wife family is the Zhi family of the twenty-four famous families, which can not be regarded as a pure master and apprentice vein.

In the past, xuanxingsi originally wanted to use huixuanshangzhen as a wedge to promote the reasonable flow between the two veins, but the final result was not good.

It was precisely because of the bad results of various attempts that the two veins of the Shitu aristocratic family were too heavy to return, and xuanxingsi began to introduce foreign families.

On the left, there is a master apprentice relationship, and on the right, there are five aristocratic families. Dongtian Shangzhen, these five have not changed. In fact, it also shows that the mobility between aristocratic families is not good to a certain extent.

From top to bottom, first came Han tonghan Shangzhen of the Han family, who lived for 5000 years. He can be described as a person of honor. He is the person of the same period of the tenth leader. His qualifications are at best middle and lower, or even lower, as far as his peers are concerned.

However, with his current status, Han Tong is not known as a model in the eyes of many poorly qualified disciples. However, for 10000 years, he has been the only one, and no one else can copy his success.

The longevity of the cave friar is generally between 8000 and 10000 years. Like the descendants of gods and beasts, he is far superior to others. Even the leader xuanxingsi has to see three thin faces.

Next is the Yan Family\'s strict observance of the festival, Yan Shangzhen, who is the most strict in maintaining the family and breaking things according to law. Last time, it was Yan Shangzhen who came to the aquarium pindan conference.

Then there are Lin Shu Hua Lin Shangzhen of the Lin family, Yuan Zhizheng yuan Shangzhen of the yuan family, and Wang Bing of the Wang family.

It is worth mentioning that although the name of yuanshangzhen of the yuan family sounds like a man, it is actually a kundao and the only kundao Dongtian Shangzhen in the Qi gate.

Because of the problem of family inheritance, women are not allowed to choose a big position. When they were young, they always appeared in the eyes of people as men. They didn\'t show their real gender until broken pills became babies. Maybe they saw too much danger. This real Xiumei of the Yuan Dynasty has never been gentle and has always been upright.

These ten leaders Xuan Xingsi, a total of 11, are the foundation of one valve. It is also the upper power structure built by the eleven leaders Chen Zhuzi with painstaking efforts. Now it has lasted for thousands of years, and naturally has its excellence.

We cannot negate this system in one sentence just because problems have been exposed.

Of course, there are two other Dongtian Shangzhen. However, these two are not the mainstream. They have no right to speak in the one gas gate. They mostly sit in as observers and don\'t express their opinions during the proceedings.