Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 632

Not to mention, a few years ago, Lingya really achieved the true position in the heaven of the cave. Many disciples wanted to worship under the Shangzhen sect of Lingya, including many gifted disciples.

Yuan Xi, in the eyes of Wang chuanchen, can only be counted in the middle.

In fact, none of the four real people present, including Wu Yi, has the talent no less than that of Yuan Xi. Otherwise, do you really think that cultivation is easy and natural?

Xuanzhenzi\'s face seemed to be smiling and his beard trembled from time to time. Today, he made a great show!

Xuanzhenzi only wanted Yuan Xi to be his disciple, but after the previous event, he decided to make an exception and directly accept Yuan Xi, who was still in the realm of building the foundation, as his disciple.

Xuanzhenzi thought that when Yuanxi heard the news, he would kowtow and worship. At that time, he would stage a good play of teachers\' kindness, disciples\' filial piety, and he could earn a reputation.

At the moment, Yuan Xi, who should have been very happy, lowered her head and frowned. She didn\'t know what she was thinking. No one noticed that when everyone cheered before, a woman left quietly, except Yuan Xi.

She was like a beam of light. There was no way forward in Yuanxi, and her future was dark. When she was almost abandoned by Zhenyang dongtianmen, she gave him light. Although she could not guide him, she made him understand that there was still hope ahead, that someone was caring for him, and started moving forward again.

She is like a shower, dense and silent, gentle and moist all things. She is not the most beautiful, the richest or the most important around her, but she is the most considerate, the warmest and considerate. No one can shake her position in Yuanxi\'s heart.

However, she is also humble, with the name of a big family background, but not as good as an ordinary disciple. She suffered all kinds of difficulties and did what she didn\'t want to do. And herself is the only way for her to break the shackles, but the price is unknown.

The past turned into today\'s melancholy. Should I insist on my promise to her?

Yuan Xi clenched his fists as big as a sandbag. His feet seemed to stand on the ground. He was pushed up by the people behind him. He was completely unlike other people who held their heads high, for fear that several real people could not see his disciples.

To tell the truth, the method of accepting disciples in one line is really rough. It shows more power than leniency. It\'s like raising Gu. Select several candidates and let them compete with each other.

The winner is promoted. Although the loser does not have nothing, the damage to their body caused by Ultra-intensity training is immeasurable. If there is no superior magic ointment in the future, I\'m afraid it will be like that for a lifetime and it\'s difficult to move a step.

Such a rough way naturally gives the aristocratic family a chance to penetrate. Most of the collateral children don\'t have to succeed. As long as there is one, it\'s enough to disgust the teachers and disciples.

There are definitely many examples of Yuan Xi. Yuan Xi is not the first and will never be the last. As long as the struggle between the master and apprentice family continues, the matter will be endless.

"You are all outstanding disciples of this election. It is your blessing that several real people come here to accept disciples. Do a good job!"

An Yirong said this, but his eyes were looking at Yuan Xi. If Yuan Xi performed well this time, he would be sure to enter the Tiancheng Presbyterian courtyard. However, seeing Yuan Xi\'s drooping head, he was angry and didn\'t fight at all. Just because of the public, it was hard to speak clearly, so he only increased his tone and gnashed his teeth.

Since xuanzhenzi had seen zhongyuanxi, he pretended to be generous and said, "let\'s choose a disciple first!"

Finally, Wang chuanchen was the first to push around, but saw him say to a group of disciples: "then I will sacrifice my incarnation outside my body and play a song for the sound, and play it again for the noise. If any of you can hear the difference, I will take him as an apprentice."

Monks are basically good at singing and dancing. They are versatile and have learned a lot, but most of them do not represent refinement. Like Wang chuanchen, he enters the Tao with rhythm, and is even higher than ordinary profound people. The noise in his mouth may be better than the sound that many people have practiced for many years.

If you want to hear it, you either have a strong enough spiritual awareness to capture the rhythm changes, or you study the rhythm very deeply.

The disciples rubbed their hands and listened. At the moment, even the sound of the wind blowing the leaves seemed so upset.

Wang chuchen turned into a light on the Tianmen gate. After a burst of light and shadow changes, it turned into a human shape. It was almost the same as Wang chuchen, but his eyes were clearer and looked younger.

The incarnation carries a zither, sits cross legged, and puts the zither on his lap. His fingers are slender and white as bamboo shoots, just like women. No, they are enough to make women envy. His fingertips move the strings slightly to test the timbre and adjust the rhythm.

After that, the avatar officially began to play.

I saw his right ring finger rubbing the string, and the sound of the piano was like gurgling water, butterflies and cranes dancing, happy and harmonious.

Suddenly, the light rain continued, the rain hit plantains, the sound was very good, and the sound of the piano decreased.

Gradually at night, the piano sounds like enchanting clouds in the mountains. Between the flowing clouds, a carriage passed by, and the singing of birds seemed lonely and empty.

After a song, the sound of the piano still reverberates and continues.

Many people have been brought into the artistic conception by Wang chuchen\'s song. They can\'t wake up for a long time. It seems that they are sleeping. If an Yirong didn\'t wake up earlier and cough a little, I\'m afraid some people won\'t wake up in a few days.

This is just a small test for Wang chuangchen. Of course, such means are nothing to Wang chuangchen.

"What\'s the name of this song? It has a long meaning and evokes aftertaste. Immortal Guichen should not hide himself, but share good things." Yan Ziling was born in an aristocratic family and knew a lot about these things on weekdays. Therefore, after listening to this song, he asked Wang chuchen for it.

"This song is called" return ", which is what I learned during my travels in the world of mortals. It\'s difficult to ascend the hall of elegance. It makes Taoist friends laugh."

"I don\'t care. If you don\'t give me the piano score, I won\'t go back today. I must go to your house and live for ten days and a half months."

Yan Ziling pretended to be a scoundrel and shouted. Whether he is really curious about this or intends to get closer to Wang chuchen is unknown. Wu Yi hopes the former, but the latter is more likely.

"Well, if Taoist friends go, they will sweep their beds to meet each other." Wang chuanchen and Yan Ziling seem to ignore everyone and talk to themselves, which makes Wu Yi quite speechless. They can\'t help but say a word to remind them. They realized and restrained a little.

As for others, they can only listen. They must not dare to speak.