Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 625

Two days later, the peach girl really reported to an Yirong for an interview, which was just as Wu Yi expected.

"Ask her to come in!" Wu Yi slowly opens his eyes and converges his mana. All the visions outside his body lie dormant. His momentum is like an abyss and a prison. You can\'t think about it.

"Dare you ask the real person, did you invite Anyi Rong to Yanhai?" peach girl saw Wu Yian sitting in the middle, there was no sign of departure, and she was a little uncertain.

Yanxuan Tianchi is a huge lake. It can be regarded as a mountain lake in yanxuan mountain. It is a relic after volcanic eruption. Because the underground inflammatory pulse is surging, yanxuan Tianchi is boiling, but the temperature is not low.

In the yanxuantian pool, Heilong island is the largest island. There are caves in it, which lead directly to the depths of the earth\'s heart and connect the inflammatory pulse. The deepest place is the Yanhai. It was originally the place for the cultivation of old Yanlong. The treasures along the way are listed and confuse people\'s hearts.

A few days ago, Wu Yi met Li Gu and others in the front hall of the cave. In other words, Li Gu and others did not see the treasures in the rear.

If you are entertaining guests in Yanhai, Anyi Rong is bound to pass through many treasure rooms. Isn\'t she exposing her treasures to others. So peach girl has this question.

"What I want is to let her know my wealth, which is not inferior to the truth in the easy cave." Wu Yi responded, showing off his wealth.

However, the peach girl who has been with Wu Yi for several months can\'t really think so. Although she doesn\'t want to understand the profound meaning of Wu Yi\'s doing so, she just needs to do it. With a promise, she leaves and leads an Yirong.

An Yirong in the outer room was allowed to clean her clothes, carefully follow behind the peach girl and try not to look askance, but the thousands of treasure tools seen along the way were shining brightly. Some miraculous drugs were smart and lively, which still dazzled her. She was very envious, but she didn\'t dare to have any jealousy, because the gap was too big.

The Taoist instrument is really smart to be a boy. Even if it is true in the cave, there are few such big strokes. In the past, I just heard that the yanxuan Tianchi is rich. Today, when I see it, it really deserves its reputation and is really coveted.

An Yirong tidied up his mood and entered the burning sea. In front of a real person, he had a nose and thin lips, a face like a crown of jade, and a cold state. His behavior gave people a sense of calm and calm. However, a pair of eyes were like electricity. It was frightening when opening and closing, as if something unknown had happened.

If it wasn\'t verified in many ways, Anyi Rong would never believe that the real person in front of her is only half a hundred years old, and her accomplishments have reached her. When it comes to birth, it seems that she is no better than you. It is really time and life.

At the first sight of Wu Yi, an Yirong was stunned for a moment, but he saluted quickly and said, "an Yirong, the Lord of Tiande temple, visited no real person."

"Is the internal election over?"

"Report back to the immortal. It\'s over. In three days, the ranking will be established. At that time, I hope the immortal will go to watch the ceremony."

"What was the result?"

"Many excellent young people have emerged in this election, all for the first time in several years. In addition to real people, several real people also said they would come to choose disciples!" an Yirong inadvertently revealed an important news, but Wu Yi expected that there was no change in his face.

"Who else will watch the ceremony together?"

"There are also three immortal Yuanying, one is xuanzhenzi of Lingyuan sect in Zhenyang cave, one is Yan Ziling immortal of Yan family, one is Guichen immortal, the real eldest disciple on Lingya, and there are some other golden elixirs. I don\'t bother the ears of the immortal."

Hearing the words "Zhen" on Lingya, Wu Yi couldn\'t help asking, "what do you mean, immortal Guichen?"

"It\'s immortal Wang chuchen. Five years ago, immortal Wang broke pills and became a baby. Immortal Wang was really given to return to dust on Lingya. It seems that he is also opening a mansion outside. The purpose of this time is the same as that of a real person, in order to inherit Taoism." an Yirong carefully explained to Wu Yi.

"Come out of the dust, return to the dust, and open a house outside." Wu Yi muttered to himself and smiled. This is an interesting method of true believers on Lingya.

At the beginning, I looked up to the people who could decide my destiny. Now I can stand on an equal footing, and even look down on them. It\'s really strange.

Compared with Yuanxi, what Wu Yi wants to see at the moment may be Wang chuanchen, but what will happen after meeting? Everything is unknown.

"You have other homes to notify! I won\'t waste your time. Go quickly!"

"Yes, I\'m the first person to tell you!" an Yirong is quite flattering. Although she can look down on other mud legs, she can only look up to mud legs like Wu Yi.

Wu Yi smiled. These words were spoken by those who spoke and listened to by those who listened. The meaning was that he ordered peach girl to send her some treasures and send her away.

When an Yirong left, Wu Yi ordered peach girl to call Shan Hui.

When Shan Hui arrived, Wu Yi came straight to the point and said, "three days later, you will come with me when we watch the internal election."

"This -" Shan Hui hesitated a little, but still worried about her identity. The shadow of the past few days still lingered.

"If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, whip it back with a whip. It\'s a big relationship. I\'ll bear it. Don\'t look for me if you lose." Wu Yi\'s tone is plain and authentic, but the meaning behind the words can\'t be clearer.

At this moment, only by being strong, can we implement the master\'s plan and prove to the master that we have this ability. Only in this way can we maintain our power in the Qi gate.

Including the reason for showing off wealth before is also here.

At the true level of the cave, the leader is expected to solve it for him. Although Wu Yi, who is in parallel with the three, can refine Xinggang at present, Wu Yi is not afraid of any battle in the same realm.

It\'s a gesture to bring Shan Hui to the stage. Even if I have the blood of the witch family, I can accommodate all rivers in one breath.

For the first time, Shan Hui felt that Wu Yi\'s plain tone was so comfortable that she didn\'t have that kind of lofty attitude. When she smiled, she showed some shame that only her little daughter had, and said, "thank you, master."

"Don\'t thank me. Don\'t look for me if you lose."


"Go and get ready."

Shan Hui left.

From the treasure room left by Lao Yanlong, Wu Yi found a flying boat with dragon and phoenix patterns. The law is strictly forbidden. It is hundreds of feet wide. It definitely deserves Wu Yi\'s identity.

When it comes to the take-off boat, Wu Yi once asked a great craftsman to build it. Originally, he wanted to use it for escape, but because his cultivation grew too fast, the flying boat was not as fast as his own growth, so it was gradually abandoned.

Besides, Wu Yi doesn\'t have to bother about the flying boat business himself. Report it. Tiangong pavilion has been built for Wu Yi by a great craftsman. It\'s true that flying boats can only be used as a substitute for walking, not for running for life.