Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 623

Although the assessment contents of the internal election have not been disclosed, the matter that Wu Yi, a real person, will recruit disciples in this assessment has been widely spread.

Anyone who has some channels will understand the benefits of worshiping under Wu Yi\'s door. At present, Wu Yi\'s door is not popular. Even if he has low qualification and enters it, he can pay attention to it, so as not to be reduced to nobody\'s attention.

Because Wu Yi came out with this news, there were fewer Taoists around yanxuan Tianchi recently, but the market formed by gathering did not decline and still survived tenaciously.

Wu Yi\'s attitude towards these markets is that as long as he does not enter the core area, he will let them control the underground inflammatory pulse. In short, he is not afraid of these people turning out flowers.

As Wu Yi\'s fame gradually flourished in the sect, some former friends, even though they had few contacts, also came to yanxuan Tianchi, presented famous spikes and asked to see them. People such as Li Gu and others also came to see him.

But decades later, Wu Yi even crossed the double barrier of Jindan Yuanying, and he was still stuck in the realm of building the foundation. I\'m afraid this is the case in his life.

After Wu Yi enters the inner gate, he is a true disciple. There are natural materials and earth treasures. There is no shortage of cultivation methods. He can concentrate on cultivation without disturbing foreign affairs. Like Li Gu and other lower level disciples of the inner gate, he can earn resources and improve his cultivation. The outsider\'s eyes are bright and bright, and he knows that the center is sour.

The barrier from the outer gate to the inner gate is indeed the most important turning point in the lives of many disciples. However, some people soar to the sky, but some people sink and disappear.

Li Gu struggled and realized that he had such a talent. Now he and Yikun are Taoist lovers. He opened branches and leaves and met again. The other party\'s face is full of vicissitudes, gullies and roads on his face, full of traces of years, and his Taoist robe is brand-new. I don\'t know whether he deliberately changed it because of this.

To tell you the truth, although Li Gu initially had a famous thorn, he still didn\'t have much hope about whether Wu Yi would meet him. Originally, he and Wu Yi also used each other. It\'s not very intimate. Without the foundation of wealth and don\'t forget, it\'s common for Wu Yi not to see him.

When he met Wu Yi, Li Gu was very excited. He just talked and laughed. Because decades of smiling and flattering had consumed Li Gu\'s blood. He was so cautious and careful. Wu Yi was unhappy and Li Gu was uncomfortable, so it ended soon.

When Wu Yi arrives, Wu Yi offers to give Li Gu some natural and local treasures, but Li Gu politely declines, but puts forward a new request to ask Wu Yi to accept his son. However, Li Gu also knows the measure, but only asks for a registered seat. It doesn\'t take much thought whether you want a golden egg or a goose laying golden eggs.

Even seeing Wu Yi frown, Li Gu proposed to act as a factotum, which was extremely humble.

Wu Yi didn\'t hurry to promise. He asked Li Gu, "did your son bring it together today?"

Li Gu hurriedly said, "bring it, bring it, it\'s outside."

Wu Yi smiled and happened to be with Shan Hui. He said to Shan Hui: "go outside and bring the boy in."

Shan Hui took orders and went out with Li Gu without mentioning it.

Not long after, a seven or eight year old child timidly entered some dark caves, hid behind Li Gu and carefully observed Wu Yi.

Li Gu pulled the boy out from behind him and said with a smile to Wu Yi, "this is the dog Li Xuanyuan." then he looked at his son and said in a harsh voice, "come and see your Uncle Wu soon. No, there is no real person."

Wu Yiding saw that the boy was full of aura and first-class qualification. He was a piece of jade. At present, although he was only angry and cultivated, he was not in a hurry to lay the foundation. At this time, the foundation was stable and naturally advanced by leaps and bounds in the future.

I don\'t know how much better this son is than when Wu Yi started in the past, but many of his auras are not born, but the day after tomorrow. It can be seen that Li Gu spends a lot of money to cultivate this son!

"I\'ve taken the child, but I don\'t guarantee how far it can be cultivated." Wu Yi\'s ugly words are ahead, which seems very cold, regardless of the feelings of his old friends. In fact, Wu Yi\'s ability to take the child is based on Li Gu\'s face.

Li Gu knew that he was lucky to have this result. Holding the child, he would kneel down and kowtow to Wu Yi.

Wu Yi stopped them and said, "I don\'t have the idea of accepting him as a disciple for the time being. Just call me guru for the time being!"

Under the guidance of Li Gu, the boy saluted Wu Yi respectfully and called him a guru.

After a short stay, Li Gu felt that he was in the way of his eyes. He left early and left the boy alone.

Wu Yi looked at the boy and said calmly, "have you read Xuanwen before?"

Li Xuanyuan shook his head and his braids of sparse hair shook around.

Wu Yi said, "the path of cultivating Taoism is planned for thousands of years. There is no need to rush for a moment. Even if you lag behind others in the morning, if you have a solid foundation, you will do everything in the future. Even if others are fast for a while, you don\'t know why you are fast. In the future, you can only stop at the bottleneck and don\'t advance inch."

"Like my father?" Li Xuanyuan seemed to understand Wu Yi, but he seemed more confused. He doesn\'t know anything else, but he knows that the reason why he came to Wu Yi today is that the Taoist in front of him is better than his father.

Wu Yi smiled and nodded.

Li Xuanyuan knelt long, saluted Wu Yi as before and said, "ask the guru to point out the maze."

Wu Yi said two words faintly, "Xuanwen."

It can be said that Wu Yi\'s road of cultivation is so smooth now, which has a lot to do with zhitianxuan forcing himself to copy historical books.

The metaphysical text is the text recording the mystery of heaven and earth. It is a natural text. It often has thousands of meanings in one word. If the strokes change slightly, the meaning will be beyond recognition and the difficulty is extremely high.

Because Xuanwen is difficult to understand, if it is inherited completely by this text, it will inevitably decline. Later, with the rise of major races and Taoism, the demon family has its own demon text, the witch family has its own witch text, and the Taoism and Buddhism also have their own text formation. Even the humane Dynasty has made its own text according to local conditions, enriching Xuanwen.

These words are collectively referred to as Chang Wen.

Xuanwen is a word with thousands of meanings. These words are cross thousands of meanings, hundreds of words thousands of meanings, thousands of words thousands of meanings, and even thousands of words thousands of meanings. However, it is easy for future generations to understand. The purpose is simple and simple. It is just to inherit two words. Xuanwen is so obscure that who can read it is not conducive to popularization.