Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 603

The Taoist school\'s view of dissimilarity can also be traced back to the Taoist school\'s debate on interpretation and interception in the medieval period. The intercepting side advocated that there should be no classes. In addition to the human race, it also absorbed demons and beasts into the Taoist tradition, while the elucidation advocated the supremacy of the human race.

At that time, due to the vigorous and upward luck of the human race and conforming to the operation of heaven, monsters and monsters wanted to maintain the old principles.

This battle has won and lost, but the battle of ideas has continued. After all, there are also different kinds of existence inside, and they can also make their own voice.

Daomen\'s civil strife, which has a far-reaching impact on today, naturally can not be explained in a word. If you really want to elaborate, you may not be able to explain it clearly for three days and three nights. Let\'s start here and leave it for future writing.

As the leader of the conservative school, Xuan Xingsi emphasizes doing nothing but doing everything, and takes attacking the heart as the top priority. During his tenure, the vast world was very stable, that is, the internal turmoil of the aquarium in recent years.

Attached to one valve, one valve is not strongly constrained. Take treasures arbitrarily in the Yulong mountains and enjoy the superior heaven and earth. This is the image of the old Yan dragon that one valve wants to show to the world.

The purpose, of course, is to attract other aquarium friars to come here. They don\'t ask them to join a valve, but to leave the aquarium. Such a strong and weak trend is naturally different.

Therefore, the old Yanlong must be rich. Therefore, after the death of the old Yanlong, this mountain and sea like treasure cannot be handed over to others, but to the head of xuanxingsi.

After understanding this layer, Wu Yi looked safe. Why shouldn\'t he have these things? He walked into the cave in front of him without being disturbed by foreign things.

The cave obviously leads to the magma under the ground, but the fire under his feet soars into the sky, and the flame rises from the gap and burns people. The whole cave is bright and dazzling. Naturally, these flames can\'t hurt Wu Yi.

In the cave, there are countless holes, and each hole is very different. There are a list of magic tools. The lowest level inside is also the first-class Xuanqi, which is like Chinese cabbage. It is directly placed on the counter with glittering Baoguang and thousands of Xiaguang.

The halo of Taoist instruments is more obvious, which is quite tempting. Especially in these holes, it is written that those who are destined to get it. Who comes here doesn\'t think he is a predestined person. In this way, it is a pity that he will inevitably fall into the Tao.

In addition to these holes where magic tools are placed, there are also spiritual materials, such as tianwai meteorite, a treasure for refining tools, and Wannian grass Ganoderma lucidum for refining pills. They smell fragrant and have a dense aura. If they are not suppressed by magic symbols, they can be born with intelligence and escape from here.

As for the talisman room, the medicine room and the pill storage room, there are countless treasures in them. In short, anyway, as long as you are greedy, there is always one for you.

Now that Wu Yi has known that the real owner of these treasures is a valve leader, he will not have any unreasonable thoughts in his heart.

I want to live two more years!

It\'s because Wu Yi is afraid to do it. It\'s because of the flaw in Wu Yi\'s heart. This place is very strange. He even spies out Wu Yi\'s flaw. From time to time, he whispers in his ear that there are many treasures here. Take some by yourself and won\'t be found by the leader.

What\'s more, directly speaking, I took more to wander around the world and join the aquarium. Since then, even the leader can\'t help himself.

These words are like flies flying. They are extremely annoying, but they can\'t be expelled. Wu Yi\'s mind is full of this buzzing sound.

Speaking of it, flies don\'t bite seamless eggs. If Wu Yi hadn\'t had a loophole in his own defense, he wouldn\'t have been in a dilemma. These voices that echo in his mind may not be the thoughts that once flashed in his heart.

However, once these ideas came into being, they were strangled in the bud by Wu Yi. Now, under the influence of the local environment, they have revived and troubled themselves again.

It is impossible to say that he is really pure and has no desire at all, but Wu Yi clearly understands what to do.

And a little soberness is enough. Wu Yi thought about the beautiful scenery of the moon world, and the voice coiled in his mind suddenly weakened a lot.

Joke, I\'m also a person with a world. I\'ll see your three melons and two dates. Some are treasures. Wu Yi can\'t eat grapes in his heart. He says grapes are sour. He has walked through this long and narrow cave smoothly.

In some places, you need to walk through the treasure on purpose. It\'s like putting a lot of delicious food in front of a very hungry person. It\'s greedy and not worth your life. Lao Yanlong\'s design is very evil.

At the end of the cave is a huge piece of magma, which is hotter than before. Even Wu Yi feels a little hot. His hair curls up and seems to be scorched.

"Hmm -" Wu Yi suddenly uttered a sound of doubt. He looked at the magma in front of him. It was like a dragon shadow. Then he looked at it. Where was the magma in front of him? It was just the body of the old Yan dragon. It was curled up like this. In addition, the body was red and hot. It was really like magma.

"Ang, ang, ang," Wu Yi\'s arrival seemed to trigger something. At first, it was just a dragon chant. Later, it seemed that there were tens of millions of dragons roaring. The whole cave trembled. The "magma" under it began to change and fluctuate, but its behavior seemed a little astringent.

After Wu Yi\'s death, countless empty fire dragon shadows flew out of the treasure room of countless holes he had passed before. These empty shadows were thrown into the body of the old burning dragon below.

The demonization of the disciple\'s body should be related to the fire dragon virtual shadow.

The original lifeless body of the old Yanlong was suddenly full of vitality and blood. It was like magma gushing and the sound of heart stirring. It was like thunder shaking. If it was this scene when Wu Yi first saw it, he would not believe that the old Yanlong was dead.

But the scenes that have happened now are more like the reflection of the old Yanlong. Now it seems how angry it is and how it will be defeated later.

"So you are the heir chosen by Lingyuan?"

Lingyuan, the Taoist name of xuanxingsi, the leader of a valve, is called Lingyuan son.

In front of Wu Yi\'s body, a huge head appeared. A pair of eyes were much larger than Wu Yi\'s body. They were bright and full of fire.

"Yiqi sect disciple Wu Yi, meet you."

Lao Yanlong didn\'t respond. Obviously, he didn\'t know Wu Yi before. Although Wu Yi was in the limelight at the pindan conference, it was only among Yuanying and Jindan friars. It didn\'t reach Lao Yanlong\'s ears.

"You have the ability to pass the test. I just want to ask you, don\'t you really want these treasures?"