Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 548

The way of heaven has changed.

The qi movement becomes disordered and the Qi number is obscure.

In the bright moon world, all the ghost masters and saints feel as if the world is far away. They can\'t understand the world. The world changes too fast and there are no chapters to speak of. They are all in a panic.

Who is the biggest winner? It\'s not Wu Yi, but the world itself, but Wu Yi can be said to be the second winner.

Crisis leads to change. When the leader of Anle city introduces a foreign enemy, and it is a foreign enemy that the current strength of the bright moon world can\'t deal with at all, heaven and earth will naturally support a usable person.

Wu Yi, stepping on the Universiade of heaven and earth, has become a trend through Qi. At this moment, and in the foreseeable future, Wu Yi will exist in the world of the bright moon as the son of Qi.

Just like eating the nine turn merit pill, to be frank, in this position, even a pig can become an immortal pig.

For ordinary people, the most difficult thing is not to accept the burden of heaven and earth, but how to choose a position and stand on the air outlet. After all, they have dreamed back in countless midnight dreams and regret the missed opportunities in the past.

However, missing is missing. Survivor deviation. Wu Yi\'s success doesn\'t know how many people fail. It will rise in the wind one day and go straight up to the blue sky to wash the blue sky.

Wu Yi in this position, needless to say, jumped to the superior God and accomplished what others could not do for a century or even a millennium.

The disadvantage is that the mind demon body is completely bound in the boundary of the bright moon world, which is causally involved. If the bright moon world is invaded and occupied by foreign enemies, the mind demon body has no reason to survive. We must stick to the boundary and beat back the invaders.

Wu Yi doesn\'t want to be in charge of the reincarnation of the bright moon world for two days, but in the past, where dare to think of success in one fell swoop? What he thinks is that drops of water and stones wear through. A little accumulation makes it easier to reincarnate step by step.

It was a flash of light to make a vow before. It went so smoothly and had such a great impact, which was beyond Wu Yi\'s expectation. In retrospect, it can only be explained by the words "karma and coincidence".

The will of the moon world is so generous that there must be a lot of disasters behind it. Wu Yi knows this well, but he has understood one thing since he practiced Taoism, that is, danger is accompanied by opportunity.

Peace of mind cultivation is no disaster, but it will go through some years without Jiazi in the mountain. Finally, there may still be no savings, so I have to go down the mountain and enter the world of mortals for experience.

The doom lies in people. It won\'t disappear because you deliberately stay away. It will only accumulate a little, and finally erupt together, which will make you scared and turn thousands of years of hard training into ashes.

Wu Yi doesn\'t know the strength of the enemy behind him at this time. He thinks that if he helps the bright moon world get rid of this robbery and sit firmly in the position of God, the personal difficulty will no longer be difficult. Even himself, he will no longer be a chess piece that can be easily moved by the leaders in the Qi gate and become a chess player.

However, when Wu Yi realized the immortality brought by the Lord of Anle, Wu Yi realized that Ji Ying was not worth mentioning. However, these are later words. At present, it is still early. Sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

Wu Yi\'s luck is like a rainbow, and his wishes come true. This is Wu Yi\'s current state. Jiuyi shengpo and Shengling ghost master pleaded guilty and asked to leave. Wu Yi nodded slightly. They didn\'t dare to stay here. They ran away without a shadow.

To say the two, there is no eyesight. Since I saw Wu Yi\'s transformation with my own eyes, I should understand Wu Yi\'s future status.

At the moment, it\'s true to bow your hands to your subordinates early in order to get a higher position under Wu Yi. It\'s not so simple to leave like this and want to see Wu Yi in the future.

When outsiders leave, Wu Yi\'s divine eyes scan the muddy sky. No soul can escape his eyes. Even if he looks at the life spirit, he can know how much life he still has.

The mind demon body has become the true Lord of reincarnation. Supported by the power of heaven and earth, the devil thought seed has also undergone transformation. It no longer exists in the bright moon world in an abnormal number. Driven by the power of heaven and earth, it is directly integrated into the soul of every living creature. From birth to death, Wu Yi has a move in his mind and has a clear insight.

Wu Yi has touched the core of the world.

Every minute and second, the spiritual consciousness gathered is calculated by mountains and seas. In order to reconcile these spiritual consciousness, coupled with the fact that there is no complete divine power to refine, Wu Yi only feels that his mind is getting more and more tired and has to enter the retreat.

Before closing the customs, Wu Yi did not forget to arrange the business. He said with an air of mercy: "where to go, where to go, carry forward the true dharma, educate all the people, everything is waiting."

After saying that, almost every immortal maid was sent by the divine light to their respective temples, that is, the reincarnation hall. What should be done and what should not be done, everything has a fixed number. Meritorious deeds will be rewarded and wrongs will be punished. It is the duty of the envoy to reward good and punish evil.

The remaining people in the kingdom of God, less than one thousandth, are deserted and countless, just acting as a facade. With the gathering of the dead, the holy palace suspended over the sea of chaos seemed overwhelmed and sank slowly. It was going to sink into the sea of chaos.

It should be noted that the chaotic soul sea is a dead water, and the Hongmao does not float. Once people and ghosts encounter it, they will lose their vitality, and other inanimate things will also be eroded.

In the holy palace, no one exclaimed, which is also a natural appearance. In their consciousness, they have determined that the chaotic soul sea is the cave of the Lord of reincarnation. What should they worry about if they are going home?

The holy palace sank into the chaos soul sea without raising any waves. The strange fish unique to the chaos soul sea, that is, the fish whose body is half rotten meat and half white bone, poured in one after another, like welcoming the master, with incomparable intimacy.

Outside the holy palace, there are countless souls cruising. At this time, they also enter the sea of chaotic souls with the holy palace.

In the past, if they came to the chaotic soul sea like this, they must have been corroded into scum. Now they are nothing different, as if they had found their destination and cheered each other.

The chaotic soul sea, the sea water is full of ink, and the dead spirit is deeper. It is a death lake. It is an inaccessible place for living creatures, but it has become a paradise for the dead.

The chaotic soul sea is the hell selected by Wu Yi. It\'s a natural hell. There\'s nothing more suitable than here.

Then, the power of reincarnation spread out. Wu Yi began to close the door and refine his divine power. The chaotic soul sea became illusory. Now, he is not a dead person, and he is not even qualified to come to the chaotic soul sea.

The former reincarnation alliance is no longer necessary.

The theory of millennium and Centennial soul coins no longer exists.

The pattern of the moon boundary has undergone earth shaking changes.